5 research outputs found

    Stabilization and helicity control of hybrid magnetic skyrmion

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    The hybrid skyrmion, a type of magnetic skyrmion with intermediate helicity between Bloch and N\'eel skyrmion, has gained more attraction. It is tolerant toward the skyrmion Hall effect and a potential candidate for quantum bits. We investigated the stabilization and helicity control of the hybrid skyrmion in a two-dimensional magnetic system using an analytical model and micromagnetic simulation. We look at the interplaying factors of the bulk (DbD_b) and interfacial (DiD_i) Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions along with the dipolar interaction. We show that the hybrid skyrmion can stabilize through the interplay between interfacial DM and either bulk DM or dipolar interaction. We can also control the helicity of the hybrid skyrmion by tuning the ratio of Di/DbD_i/D_b when there is no dipolar interaction, or simply by adjusting the DiD_i when the DbD_b is absent. Our results suggest that hybrid skyrmions can exist within 0<Di<0.40 < |D_i| < 0.4 mJ/m2^2 for Co-based magnetic systems.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Modulation of coherent phonon amplitudes in low-dimensional materials by ultrafast laser pulse trains

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    We theoretically investigate how coherent phonon amplitudes in low dimensional materials can be modulated by ultrafast laser pulse trains. Important laser parameters for the modulation of coherent phonon amplitudes are the pulse width, repetition period, and number of pulses in the pulse train. We find that it is possible to switch on or switch off the radial breathing mode (RBM) and the G-band phonons in a single wall carbon nanotube (SWNT), as a typical model of low-dimensional materials. In particular, if the repetition period matches with integer multiple of the RBM phonon period, the RBM phonon could be switched on, while the other modes are switched off. On the other hand, for the G-band, which has a higher frequency (shorter period) than the RBM, the number of pulses in the pulse train also affects the switching process. The ratios of the G-band and RBM amplitudes are found to be significantly enhanced at certain integer multiples of pulse number as a function of SWNT diameter. Such a “magic number” phenomenon in ultrafast spectroscopy can be extended to other low-dimensional materials, in which we may realize a phonon switch in the future

    Thermoelectrics properties of two-dimensional materials with combination of linear and nonlinear band structures

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    We investigate thermoelectric (TE) properties of two-dimensional materials possessing two Dirac bands (a Dirac band) and a nonlinear band within the three-(two-)band model using linearized Boltzmann transport theory and relaxation time approximation. In the three-band model, we find that combinations of Dirac bands with a heavy nonlinear band, either a parabolic or a pudding-mold band, does not give much difference in their TE performance. The apparent difference only occurs in the position of the nonlinear band that leads to the maximum figure of merit (ZTZT). The optimum ZTZT of the three-band model consisting of a nonlinear band is found when the nonlinear band intersects the Dirac bands near the Fermi level. By removing the linear conduction band, or, in other words, transforming the three-band model to the two-band model, we find better TE performance in the two-band model than in the three-band model, i.e., in terms of higher ZTZT value

    Formation of ultra-thin Ge1−xSnx/Ge1−x−ySixSny quantum heterostructures and their electrical properties for realizing resonant tunneling diode

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    Huge thermal noise owing to the narrow energy bandgap is one of the critical issues for group IV-based photonics in the mid-infrared regime. With this motivation, we examined to form Ge1−xSnx/Ge1−x−ySixSny quantum heterostructures (QHs) by molecular beam epitaxy for realizing resonant tunneling diodes composed of group-IV materials. We confirmed the formation of approximately 2 nm-thick Ge1−xSnx/Ge1−x−ySixSny QHs with atomically flat interfaces by x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy methods. Moreover, by the current density–voltage (J–V) measurement at 10 K, we observed the occurrence of a non-linear distinct hump in the J–V characteristic, which is possibly originated from quantum transport of heavy holes. According to the tunneling transmission spectra simulation result, the hump property would be due to two possible scenarios: a resonant tunneling of heavy holes in the QH and/or a resonance phenomenon that heavy holes pass just above a potential barrier

    Spin-tunable thermoelectric performance in monolayer chromium pnictides

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    Historically, finding two-dimensional (2D) magnets is well known to be a difficult task due to instability against thermal spin fluctuations. Metals are also normally considered poor thermoelectric (TE) materials. Combining intrinsic magnetism in two dimensions with conducting properties, one may expect to get the worst for thermoelectrics. However, we will show this is not always the case. Here, we investigate spin-dependent TE properties of monolayer chromium pnictides (CrX, where X = P, As, Sb, and Bi) using first-principles calculations of electrons and phonons, along with Boltzmann transport formalism under energy-dependent relaxation time approximation. All the CrX monolayers are dynamically stable and they also exhibit half metallicity with ferromagnetic ordering. Using the spin-valve setup with antiparallel spin configuration, the half metallicity and ferromagnetism in monolayer CrX enable manipulation of spin degrees of freedom to tune the TE figure of merit (ZT). At optimized chemical potential and operating temperature of 500 K, the maximum ZT values (= 0.22, 0.12, and 0.09) with the antiparallel spin-valve setup in CrAs, CrSb, and CrBi improve up to almost twice the original values (ZT = 0.12, 0.08, and 0.05) without the spin-valve configuration. Only in CrP, which is the lightest species and less spin-polarized among CrX, the maximum ZT (= 0.34) without the spin-valve configuration is larger than that (= 0.19) with the spin-valve one. We also find that, at 500 K, all the CrX monolayers possess exceptional TE power factors of about 0.02-0.08 W/m.K2, which could be one of the best values among 2D conductors.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure