230 research outputs found
Implementasi Asas Equality Before the Law Dalam Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial Di Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial (Phi)
Negara Indonesia adalah Negara hukum. Salah satu prinsip Negara hukum adalah adanya jaminan penyelenggaraan kekuasaan lembaga peradilan yang merdeka, bebas dari segala campur tangan pihak kekusaan ekstra yudisial.. Kekuasaan kehakiman sendiri merupakan kekuasaan yang merdeka, yang salah satunya melalui Asas Objektivitas yang menghendaki bahwa penyelesaian sengketa akan baik dan dapat diterima oleh semua pihak, jika dilakukan secara imparsial (tidak memihak), objektif dan adil. Harapan- harapan di atas, muncul dari adanya Asas Equality Before The Law yang merupakan salah satu dari tiga arti dari Rule of Law (Negara Hukium). Asas Equality Before The Law timbul dari sistem hukum modern yang diilhami oleh paradigma Positivisme yang beranggapan bahwa hukum itu harus objektif dan steril dari pengaruh apapun di luar hukum. Implementasi Asas Equality Before The Law dalam penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial di PHI ini menarik untuk diteliti lebih lanjut, karena Pihak yang berselisih dalam hubungan industrial adalah pengusaha dan pekerja/buruh yang secara sosial maupun ekonomi jelaslah “tidak sederajat”. Metode Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan Sosio-legal (Socio-legal approach), yaitu metode penelitian hukum yang disamping menganalisa implementasi asas Equality Before The Law dalam hukum normative yang diberlakukan yaitu UU.No. 2 tahun 2004. Melalui penelitian ini dapat menemukan konsep peradilan hubungan industrial yang mampu menerapkan asas Equality Before The Law yang ideal
The development of catfish culture affects increasing waste in the waters. Aquaculture waste containing high nutrients has the potential to damage the cultivation environment. The Biofloc system in catfish farming can break down NH3 waste into flocks that can be consumed directly by fish. This study aims to analyze the growth and survival rate of catfish in biofloc systems with different C:N ratios. The research design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. Siamese catfish seeds were maintained in an aquarium container size 40 x 30 x 30 cm for 40 days with treatment media A (maintenance without biofloc), treatment B C:N ratio 15, treatment C C:N ratio 20, and treatment D C:N ratio 25. The results showed that the biofloc system with different C:N ratios had significant effect on the weight growth, daily growth rate, and feed convertion ratio of catfish. The best treatment for growth and viability of catfish is C:N ratio 25
Perairan Selat Lembeh (Sulawesi Utara) merupakan salah satu perairan di Indonesia yang memiliki ekosistem yang unik dan dikenal secara internasional terutama untuk wisata selam. Kombinasi habitat lamun di beberapa titik ekosistem terumbu karang dan rataan substrat yang merupakan campuran pasir, lumpur dan patahan karang memungkinkan banyak biota laut yang tinggal dan mencari makanan di perairan ini, termasuk kelompok ekhinodermata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi ekhinodermata di ekosistem terumbu karang berdasarkan tingkat kedalaman.Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Oktober 2013 dengan menggunakan metode transek sabuk (belt transect). Selama pengamatan tercatat 443 individu yang tergolong dalam 19 jenis ekhinodermata. Jumlah jenis terdiri dari 7 jenis kelompok bintang laut (Asteroidea), 4 jenis kelompok bulu babi (Echinoidea), 5 jenis kelompok bintang mengular (Ophiuroidea), 2 jenis kelompok timun laut (Holothuroidea) dan 1 jenis kelompok lili laut (Crinoidea). Tingkat keanekaragaman (H’= 1,83), kekayaan jenis (D= 2,53) dan kemerataan (J=0,95) di perairan ini tergolong tinggi dibandingkan perairan lain di Sulawesi Utara. Tingkat kedalaman yang memiliki jumlah jenis ekhinodermata paling tinggi adalah kedalaman 6 m hingga 9 m.INVENTORY OF ECHINODERM IN CORAL REEF ECOSYSTEM LEMBEH STRAIT WATERS. Lembeh Strait waters (North Sulawesi) is one of areas in Indonesia demonstrates marine ecosystem and is globally known, particularly for diving tourism. Combination of seagrass beds, coral reefs, and bottom substrates consisting of black sand, mud and rubbles provides habitat and feeding ground for wide range of marine biota, including echinoderm. The present study aims to identify echinoderm distribution in related to water depth. Data collection was conducted from March to October 2013 applying belt transect method. A total of 443 individual of echinoderms belong to 19 species were recorded. Of these, seven species were Asteroidea, four species Echinoidea, five species were Ophiuroidea, two species were Holothuroidea, and one species were Crinoidea. Diversity (H’=1.83), richness (D=2.53) and Evennes Index (J=0.95) were relatively high in comparison to other areas in North Sulawesi. According to this study, the highest species richness was found from six to nine metres
This study was aimed to examine the level of utilization of artemia frozen and decapsulated artemia feed for growth and survival of vaname shrimp postlarva. The experimental design used a completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments and three replications. The treatments tested were (A) Frozen Artemia, (B) Decapsulated Artemia, (C) Frozen Artemia + Decapsulated Artemia. Research carried out using 6300 PL2 vaname shrimp. Observed parameters include length growth rate and relative weight, feed utilization efficiency,protein efficiency ratio, survival rate and water quality. Feeding frozen artemia provides the best results with a growth in relative weight 128.06 g, feed utilization efficiency of 0.04%, protein efficiency ratio 48.21%, survival rate with a percentage of 56%, and for the relative length growth rate of artemia frozen + artemia decapsulation has the best results of 17.0%. Keywords : Artemia, tilapia, feed, growt
Analisis Layanan Administrasi Perpustakaan bagi Mahasiswa Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi
Akses internet yang semakin mudah dan murah mengakibatkan minat baca buku di perpustakaan rendah. Hal ini terlihat dengan rendahnya kunjungan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Universitas PGRI Banyuwangi ke perpustakaan. Baik kunjungan untuk membaca buku maupun untuk peminjaman buku. Pelayanan yang baik dan ketersediaan koleksi buku yang memadai tidak mempengaruhi minat baca mahasiswa di perpustakaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang rendah dan positif antara pelayanan dan ketersediaan buku dengan jumlah kunjungan. Hasil lain yang didapatkan dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pelayanan dan ketersediaan buku dengan jumlah kunjunga
The obstacle in vaname cultivation is the high death rate due to cannibalism. The effort that can be done is giving tryptophan. Tryptophan as serotonin synthesis in the brain so that it helps suppress the level of aggressiveness thereby reducing shrimp cannibalism. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of cannibalism, growth and survival of vaname shrimp fed tryptophan in feed, and to determine the optimal dose in the addition of tryptophan to comercial fed. Design in this research used a completely randomized design consisting of 3 treatments and 4 replications: (A) Control (without tryptophan), (B) 1,0% tryptophan/kg feed, (C) 1,5% tryptophan/kg feed. Parameters observed were cannibalism rate, absolute weight growth, survival rate, feed conversion ratio and water quality. The results showed that the addition of tryptophan to commercial feed had a significant effect (P?0.05) on each treatment. Treatment C, which is the addition of 1,5% tryptophan, is the most optimal treatment where the vannamei shrimp cannibalism rate has the lowest value of 2,50%, absolute weight growth of 0,38 grams, survival rate of 94%, and feed conversion ratio of 0,50. Water quality parameters are in a good range for vaname shrimp culture. Key words : canibalism, tryptophan, Vannamei shrim
The study aimed to determine how the growth and survival capabilities of vaname shrimp larvae (Litopenaeus vannamei) are affected by different feeding methods and thereby the most efficient method. The study was conducted at the PT. Citra Larva Cemerlang, South of Kalianda in Lampung Province. For the experiment Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was utilized with 3 feeding methods and each was replicated 3 times. The feeding methods tested were: fozen, liquid and powdered Artemia feed. The experiments were done with up to 5000 shrimps on Zoea 1 stadia per month, which were kept in rearing tanks for 17 days.The test parameters observed were absolute growth, specific growth rate, efficiency of feed utilization, survival rate and water quality. Based on the results of statistical analysis (Anova) feeding frozen Artemia gave the best results with absolute growth of 5,6 mg, daily growth rate of 0,33 mg/hari, efficiency of feed utilization of 0,27%, and survival rate of 72,9%. Water quality during maintenance temperatures obtained is 27,1-32oC, pH 7,73-8,26, dissolved oxygen 3,8-7,1 mg/l, salinity 30-34 ppt, ammonia 0,02-1,57 mg/l. Keywords: Litopenaeus vannamei, Artemia, growth, frozen, powder, liquid
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