161 research outputs found

    Four Basic Skills Proficiency Based on Students' Perception in Hospitality & Tourism Study Program, Bunda Mulia University

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    Wide open employment in the tourism industry leads to the urgent needs for ready to work manpower. In the tourism industry, the readiness of the workforce in addition to the operational skills of the work is the ability of foreign language that is widely used globally in the world, in this case is English. Tourism education institutions as tourism human resources factories not only must prepare operational skills, but also English skills which is important to avoid complaints from graduates’ saying that educational institutions do not provide sufficient English supplies. In order to provide sufficient English supplies, student’s English proficiency should be known at this time along with the reason, to know what can improve student’s spirit of learning, because English for Tourism Purposes (ETP) can not be measured only by tests such as TOEFL / TOEFL / IELTS. The results of this study is expected to be a improvement material to improve the quality of every tourism student’s English in order to prepare graduates who are ready to work in a Global environment.Keywords: English for Tourism Purposes, Proficiency, Four Basic Skill

    Pengetahuan Wisatawan Mancanegara atas Kehadiran Patung Garuda Wisnu Kencana sebagai Ikon Pariwisata Indonesia

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    In 2018, Indonesia has a new tourism icon, namely Garuda Wisnu Kencana Statue, which located in Bali, the most famous tourist destination in Indonesia. The presence of this tourism icon is certainly expected to support increasing numbers of tourists to Bali and Indonesia, especially for foreign tourists. One year has passed but there still no tourism improvement from the presence of this tourism icon, there are no major activities that can invite tourists to visit and there is no research on this tourism icon. Therefore, descriptive research was conducted by distributing questionnaires through online media to foreign tourists from five continents in the world to find out whether foreign tourists knew about the presence of the Indonesian tourism icon Garuda Wisnu Kencana Statue. The results of this study show that 87.5% of respondents from 28 countries in various parts of the world did not know about the presence of this new tourism icon, and of course, there was no significant impact resulting from the tourism icon. The low level of knowledge of the presence of tourism icons surely related to the marketing method both carried out by the local tourism government and the central tourism government. Discussion of marketing methods certainly requires further complete research but the results of questionnaires show that according to respondents one of the best marketing media to promote a new tourism icon is social media and the internet/website.

    Output Price and Markup Dispersion in Micro Data: The Roles of Producer Heterogeneity and Noise

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    This paper provides empirical evidence on the extent of producer heterogeneity in the output market by analyzing output price and price-marginal cost markups at the plant level for thirteen homogenous manufactured goods. It relies on micro data from the U.S. Census of Manufactures over the 1963-1987 period. The amount of price heterogeneity varies substantially across products. Over time, plant transition patterns indicate more persistence in the pricing of individual plants than would be generated by purely random movements. High-price and low-price plants remain in the same part of the price distribution with high frequency, suggesting that underlying time-invariant structural factors contribute to the price dispersion. For all but two products, large producers have lower output prices. Marginal cost and the markups are estimated for each plant. The markup remains unchanged or increases with plant size for all but four of the products and declining marginal costs play an important role in generating this pattern. The lower production costs for large producers are, at least partially, passed on to purchasers as lower output prices. Plants with the highest and lowest markups tend to remain so over time, although overall the persistence in markups is less than for output price, suggesting a larger role for idiosyncratic shocks in generating markup variation.


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi yang belum optimal ditunjuka dengan rata-rata hasil Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) genap tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 masih banyak yang kurang dari Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum (KKM) pada SMA Negeri di wilayah 2 Kabupaten Bandung. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat locus of control terhadap tingkat hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran ekonomi dengan perhatian orang tua sebagai variabel moderator. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei eksplanatori dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri di Wilayah 2 Kabupaten Bandung sebanyak 633 siswa. Dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling diperoleh sampel sebanyak 245 siswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Analisi Regresi Berganda dengan Moderat Regression Analysis (MRA). Hasil Penelitian menunjukan ; (i) Tingkat locus of control dan tingkat perhatian orang tua berada pada kategori tinggi, sedangkan hasil belajar siswa memperlihatkan bahwa masih banyak siswa yang berada di bawah kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM); (ii) Tingkat locus of control berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap tingkat hasil belajar; (iii) Tingkat perhatian orang tua memoderasi pengaruh tingkat locus of control terhadap tingkat hasil belajar, perhatian orang tua merupakan pure moderator. Implikasinya yaitu hasil belajar akan lebih baik karena didukung dengan perhatian orang tua yang baik, artinya hal tersebut akan memperkuat pengaruh tingkat locus of control terhadap tingkat hasil belajar. This research is motivated by student learning outcomes in economic subjects that have not been optimally supported by the average results of the Mid-Semester Assessment (PTS) even in the 2018/2019 academic year many are still less than the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM) in State High Schools in region 2 Bandung district. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the level of locus of control on the level of student learning outcomes in economic subjects with the attention of parents as moderator variables. The research method used was an explanatory survey using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The population in this study were 63 XI IPS students of SMA Negeri in Region 2 Bandung Regency as many as 633 students. By using a random sampling technique a sample of 245 students was obtained. The data analysis technique used is Multiple Regression Analysis with Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA). Research results show; (i) The level of locus of control and the level of parental attention are in the high category, while student learning outcomes show that there are still many students who are below the minimum completeness criteria (KKM); (ii) The level of locus of control has a positive and significant effect on the level of learning outcomes; (iii) The level of parental attention moderates the influence of the level of locus of control on the level of learning outcomes, parental attention is the pure moderator. The implication is that learning outcomes will be better because it is supported by good parental attention, meaning that it will strengthen the influence of the level of locus of control on the level of learning outcomes

    Tourism Object Benchmarking : Borobudur Temple And Historic City of Ayyuthaya

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    As the largest Buddhist temple, dating from the 8th and 9th centuries which is located in central Java, Borobudur Temple has been the heart of Indonesia’s Tourism. In order to improve the number of incoming tourists which can give economic benefits to local communities, researcher will do benchmarking. Benchmarking is recognized as an essential tool for continuous improvement of quality. Essentially, benchmarking provides a snapshot of the performance of your business and helps you understand where you are in relation to a particular standard. As the largest Buddhist Temple which located in ASEAN, a perfect benchmark to Borobudur Temple is Historic City of Ayyuthaya which famous as of the largest Hindu Temple located in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, Thailand. This research. The questionnaire includes information on a range of performance indicators based around economic indicators, satisfaction indicators, sustainability indicators, and organizational indicators. Researcher distributed closed questionnaires, for the total sampling was 100 Indonesian who live in Thailand, who have been visited both Borobudur Temple and Historic City of Ayyuthaya.  An accidental sampling was used to select the respondent surveyed for this study, and directly ask respondents to fill up the questionnaire through online media. Information obtained in this research has the ability to local authorities in better serving their visitors based on their economic, satisfaction, environmental, community and social background in order to be better in giving the needed service which may influence the number of incoming tourism to Borobudur Temple and Historic City of Ayyuthaya


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    AbstractA tourist destination must have an attraction so it keeps attracting visitors to visit. Kampung Budaya Setu Babakan is one of the cultural-based tourist destinations located in the area of South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta. Continous development being carried out at Kampung Budaya Setu Babakan, especially those located in Zone A. This development must be balanced with care of all aspects to ensure the sustainability of Kampung Budaya Setu Babakan among other tourist destination competition.This research is a follow-up study previously conducted by Supina (2018) to see the development of the Setu Babakan Cultural Village Zone A from year to year and provide recommendations for improvements needed by this tourist destinations. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with data collection through observation, interviews and other secondary data collection.The results showed improvements in terms of facility development and Human Resources development that were found in Supina's research (2018) but there are also some things that have not been improved even though undesirable things have not yet happened but the improvement effort certainly needs to be done in a manner continously.Keywords: tourism destination, betawi, culture  AbstrakDestinasi wisata harus memiliki daya tarik agar wisatawan mau berkunjung ke destinasi wisata tersebut. Kampung Budaya Setu Babakan adalah salah satu destinasi wisata berbasis budaya yang terletak di wilayah Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta. Pembangunan yang sudah sangat baik pada Kampung Budaya Betawi Setu Babakan terutama yang terletak pada Zona A haruslah diimbangi dengan perawatan dan penjagaan keseluruhan aspek yang baik, agar Kampung Budaya Setu Babakan terus dapat bertahan diantara persaingan destinasi wisata lainnya terutama destinasi wisata hiburan.  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan yang sebelumnya dilakukan oleh Supina (2018) untuk melihat perkembangan Zona A Kampung Budaya Setu Babakan dari tahun ke tahun dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan yang dibutuhkan oleh destinasi wisata tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan pengumpulan data sekunder lainnya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan perbaikan dari segi pengembangan fasilitas dan pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia yang menjadi temuan pada penelitian Supina (2018) tetapi terdapat juga beberapa hal yang masih belum ada perbaikan meskipun belum terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan tetapi upaya perbaikan tentunya perlu dilakukan secara terus menerus.Kata kunci: destinasi wisata, betawi, buday

    Exploration of Kejawen in "Visit Central Java" version of KukuBima Ener-G advertisement

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    Developments in the era of globalization are in the world's spotlight, not only on differences in mindset but also on many aspects. One of them is the impact on the existence of culture in Indonesia. This fact drives companies in Indonesia to reintroduce Indonesian culture through advertising. An example is the Visit Central Java version of the KukuBima Ener-G advertisement explored in this study, intending to take an essential role in contributing to presenting local content that specifically raises the cultural side of Central Java. This study also aims at seeing the cultural values embedded in Javanese society, namely the Kejawen, which is implied in the KukuBima Ener-G advertisement. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach and data collection techniques using John Fiske's Semiotics Method to analyze more deeply the content of advertisements based on the Social Code Theory initiated by Edward T. Hall. This study explores deeper in terms of the strategy of cultural visual but still displays the brand image. The results of this study lead to the emergence of a number of Kejawen from the aspect of Low Context Culture and High Context Culture in each advertising scene

    Open filters and measurable cardinals

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    In this paper we show that the existence of a space XX which possesses a free ω1\omega_1-complete open ultrafilter is equivalent to the existence of a measurable cardinal. This result gives an answer to an old question of Liu. Also, we investigate the poset OF(X)\mathbf{OF}(X) of free open filters on a space XX. In particular, we characterize spaces for which OF(X)\mathbf{OF}(X) is a lattice. For each nNn\in\mathbb{N} we construct a scattered space XX such that OF(X)\mathbf{OF}(X) is order isomorphic to the nn-element chain, which implies the affirmative answer to two questions of Mooney. Assuming CH we constructed a scattered space XX such that OF(X)\mathbf{OF}(X) is order isomorphic to (ω+1,)(\omega+1,\geq). To prove the latter fact we introduced and investigated a new stratification of ultrafilters which depends on scattered subspaces of β(ω)\beta(\omega). We show that for each cardinal κ\kappa there exists a space XX which possesses exactly κ\kappa-many free open filters. Assuming the existence of nn measurable cardinals, for every m0,,mnNm_0,\ldots,m_{n}\in\mathbb N we construct a space XX such that OF(X)\mathbf{OF}(X) is isomorphic to the direct product i=0nmi\prod_{i=0}^nm_i

    Micro and nanoscale microscopy and image processing

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    Proučavanje dvodimenzijskih materijala relativno je novo područje za koje se zanimanje naglo povećalo otkrićem grafena 2004. godine. Ubrzo je otkriveno i mnoštvo drugih dvodimenzijskih materijala, kao što su dihalkogenidi prijelaznih metala. Ovakvi materijali imaju svojstva koja su bitno drugačija, a često i zanimljivija od njihovih odgovarajućih trodimenzijskih alotropa. Zahvaljujući tim svojstvima, ti materijali pokazuju dobar potencijal za primjenu u elektronici i srodnim područjima. Da bi se omogućila primjena i značajnija proizvodnja uređaja načinjenih od dvodimenzijskih materijala, potrebno je poboljšati načine za njihovu sintezu i povećati kontrolu defekata i kvalitete materijala prilikom sinteze. U ovom radu, posebno se fokusiramo na dva najčešće proučavana materijala: grafen i MoS2, te prikazujemo njihova bitna svojstva i primjene. Prikazujemo sinteze metodom kemijskog naparavanja iz plinovite faze, koja pokazuje puno potencijala za kvalitetan rast dvodimenzijskih materijala, gdje je grafen rastao na bakrenom supstratu, a MoS2 na supstratu SiO2/Si. Kako bi se bolje modelirao rast, potrebno je razaznati rast uzoraka s defektima i nepravilnim oblicima; te imati dobre metode za analizu i procjenu kvalitete sintetiziranih uzorka. Optička mikroskopija pokazuje se kao brza i moćna inicijalna metoda za prikupljanje podataka o sintetiziranim uzorcima. Da bismo iz tih podataka izvukli korisne informacije, želimo također razviti statističke metode njihove obrade. U ovom radu razvijamo dvije metode, prilagođene iz područja dubinskog i strojnog učenja, za analizu slika dobivenih optičkim mikroskopom. Prva metoda pripada klasi dubokih nenadziranih autoenkodera. Ovom metodom dobivamo informacije o obliku grafenskih monokristalnih zrna direktno iz slika dobivenih optičkim mikroskopom. Druga metoda također je duboka neuralna mreža, ali bazirana na UNet arhitekturi. Ova neuralna mreža je uspješno istrenirana da na slici razaznaje i odvaja područja MoS2 od supstrata s visokom točnošću. Pokazali smo kako ovom metodom računalo može pratiti promjenu bitnih parametara u vremenu, kao što su veličina pojedinih zrna te njihov opseg. Svi uzorci korišteni u ovom radu sintetizirani su na Institutu za fiziku u Zagrebu. MoS2 je sniman optičkim mikroskopom prilikom rasta, dok su uzorci grafena snimani nakon završetka sinteze.The study of two-dimensional materials is a relatively new field of interest, which became rapidly popular with the discovery of graphene in 2004. Soon thereafter, a large number of other two-dimensional materials have been discovered, such as transition metal dichalcogenides. The properties of such materials are significantly different, as well as typically more interesting compared to their respective three-dimensional allotropes. Owing to such properties, these materials hold a good potential to be utilized in the field of electronics and similar areas. To enable the use and manufacturing of devices made of two-dimensional materials, it is necessary to improve their synthesis methods, as well as increase the control of defects and quality of materials during synthesis. In this work, we particularly focus on the two of the most commonly studied materials: graphene and MoS2, and we show their main properties and applications. We present the syntheses through the method of chemical vapor deposition, which shows a great potential for the quality growth of two-dimensional materials. Here, the graphene was grown on the copper foil, while the MoS2 was grown on the SiO2/Si substrate. To obtain a better growth model, it is necessary to utilize adequate methods for the analysis and assessment of quality of synthesized samples. Optical microscopy has proven to be an efficient and powerful initial tool for data collection. However, we need to develop statistical methods to process the collected data with the aim of further extracting useful information about the synthesized samples. In this work, we present and develop two methods for the analysis of images obtained from the optical microscope, both adapted from the field of deep and machine learning. The first method belongs to the class of deep unsupervised autoencoders. Using this approach, we obtain the information about the shape of the single grain graphenes by analysing the images obtained from the optical microscope directly. The second method is, likewise, a deep neural network, but based on the UNet architecture. This neural network has been successfully trained to detect and segment the areas of MoS2 from the substrate on the collected images with high accuracy. We show that with this method, the computer can efficiently track the changes of important parameters in time, such as the size of single grains and their circumference. All samples used throughout this work have been synthesized at the Institute of Physics in Zagreb. MoS2 has been recorded with the optical microscope during its growth, while the samples of graphene have been collected after the synthesis completion