1 research outputs found

    Populacioni atributi Apodemus Agrarius Pallas 1771 u fragmentiranim staništima

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    The aim of the study is to present the population attributes: population density, sex ratio and age groups in striped field mouse populations at small areas of fragmented habitats. During an one-year study, 108 individuals were captured: 58 females and 50 males. The highest population density was found in the spring in the agroecosystem, and the lowest in the summer in the meadow ecosystem. The highest value of the sex index was calculated for the forest ecosystem in the spring. The highest numbers in all ecosystems and in all periods of study have had specimens of the medium reproductive period, which could be explained by an active search for food, partner or shelter.Cilj rada je da prikaže populacione atribute: gustinu, odnos polova i starosne grupe u populacijama prugastog miša u fragmentiranim staništima na malim površinama. Tokom jednogodišnjeg istraživanja izlovljeno je 108 jedinki, 58 ženki i 50 mužjaka. Najveća gustina populacije konstatovana je tokom prolećnog aspektu u agroekosistemu, a najmanja tokom letnjeg u livadskom ekosistemu. Najviša vrednost seksualnog indeksa izračunata je za šumski ekosistem u prolećnom aspektu. Najveću brojnost u svim ekosistemima i svim periodima ispitivanja imale su jedinke srednjeg reproduktivnog perioda, što se može objasniti aktivnom potragom za hranom, partnerom ili skloništem