167 research outputs found

    The Attitude of Non- English Major Student in Learning English

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    This paper analyzed the results from a survey of 116 non English major students from four majors at State College for Islamic Studies, Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung. It focused on some causes that may have hindered English learning in the past for students participating in the survey, and the students’ perspectives about English learning in State College for Islamic Studies, Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung.In the study reported here, a ready-made questionnaire from Hsiu-Ju Lin dan A. Clyde Warden about The English Learning Questionnaire was exposed, Factors of English learning for this population were analyzed descriptively.Results showed that most of the students had not either fear or unpleasant feelings about their past English learning experiences, and those students of different majors had different perspectives about English learning. Several suggestions are provided for future application in teaching English to non-English majors at State College for Islamic Studies, Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung.

    Strategi Pengembangan Kompetensi Mahasantriwati

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    This study aims to investigate the efforts of Ma'had Al-Jami'ah of AIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo in exploring and developing mahasantriwati's competencies. This field research employed descriptive qualitative methods through primary and secondary data sources. The data collection techniques employed in this study were observation, interview, and documentation. The results of the study showed that the effort in developing mahasantriwati's competencies was manifested in such superior programs, namely curriculum and learning method development program; human resources, syllabus, and institutional development program; academic potential development program; language competency development program; and skills development program


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    Metode bercerita dipilih karena metode berbicara dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa dan juga dapatmeningkatkan konsentrasi anak saat pembelajaran berlangsung. Pada TK AN NUR kelompok A KecamatanSukomanunggal Surabaya memiliki permasalahan “apakah metode bercerita dapat meningkatkan kemampuanberbahasa anak” dari permasalahan tersebut penulis mengambil metode penelitian tindakan kelas untuk (PTK)untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa anak melalui metode bercerita gambar seri. Peneliti menggunakan 2siklus dimana aspek yang diobservasi adalah (1) kemampuan membuat kalimat tanya dan menjawab pertanyaansederhana, (2) kemampuan meneruskan kalimat sederhana yang sudah dimulai guru, (3) kemampuan dalam mencarilawan kata, (4) kemampuan untuk mengenal kata yang menunjukkan posisi benda. Dari hasil siklus I dan IIdiperoleh data yaitu rata-rata peningkatan kemampuan berbahasa anak kelompok A TK AN NUR Surabayamengalami peningkatan setelah penerapan metode bercerita melalui gambar seri dengan hasil Siklus I adalah 2,96dan Siklus II 3,29 dengan kondisi awal memiliki rata 2,28. Sedangkan ketuntasan belajar pada Siklus I pada Siklus Isebesar 75,93% dan Siklus II sebesar 95,3%. Sehingga diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa motivasi belajar anak dapatmeningkat dengan menggunakan metode bercerita melalui gambar seri.Kata kunci : Kemampuan berbahasa, metode berceritaAbstractIt was chosen because storytelling can improve language skill and can increase children’s concentration when theyare in the learning process. The problem exist in the A group of An Nur kindergarten Sukomanunggal Surabayawhether or not storytelling method can improve children’s language skill. Based on that problem, the design of thisresearch was a classroom action research to improve children’s language skill through storytelling of serial picture.The researcher used two cycles. In two cycles there were same aspect to be observed in this research. They were 1)children’s ability in making interrogative sentence and answering simple questions, 2) the ability to continue thesimple sentence from the teacher, 3) the ability to look for the opposite words, and 4) the ability to recognize thewords which show the position of things. Based on the first and the second cycle, there is an improvement ofaverage scores of children’s language skill at A group of An Nur kindergarten Surabaya after they were givenstorytelling method through serial picture in their learning process. The result in the first cycle is 2.96, and itbecomes 3.29 in the second cycle. Their starting score is 2.28. The result of the passing grade in the first cycle is75.93%, and it is 95.3% in the second cycle. Based on the data, it can be concluded that children’s language skillcan be improved by using storytelling method through serial pictures.Keywords : language skill, storytellin

    Upaya Guru Bimbingan Konseling dalam Menumbuhkan Rasa Percaya Diri Siswa melalui Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok di MTs Al-Wasliyah Tembung

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    Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmendeskripsikan,(1)bentuk-bentuk rasapercayadirisiswadiMTsAl-WasliyahTembung,(2)pelaksanaan layananbimbingankelompokdiMTsAl-WasliyahTembung,dan(3)upaya guruBKdalam menumbuhkanrasapercayadirisiswamelaluilayanan bimbingankelompokdiMTsAl-WasliyahTembung. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yang berbentukdeskriptifyangmenghasilkanuraianberupakata-katatertulis ataulisandariperilakuparapartisipandanjugasubjekpenelitianyang dapatdiamati.Sumberdatayangdigunakanuntukmemperolehdata penelitiandibagimenjadiduamacam yaitudataprimerdansekunder. Instrumenpenggunaandatainimenggunakanalatpenggunaandatayaitu observasi,wawancara,dokumentasi. Darihasilpenelitian yang dilaksanakan (1)bentuk-bentukrasa percayadirisiswasudahbaikhalinidilihatdarikeaktifanbertanyaketika didalam kelas,(2)pelaksanaanlayananbimbingankelompoksudahbaik, meskipunjam untukBKditiadakantetapiguruBKpandaimemanfaatkan jam kosonguntukmemberikanlayananbimbingankelompok,dan(3) upayaguruBKtetapmemberikanlayananbimbingankelompokdengan baikdanmembimbingsiswauntuktetappercayadiri

    Pewarisan Nilai Budaya Religius Dalam Membentuk Kesalihan Sosial Anak Dan Generasi Muda

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    The flow of information and the rapid development of social media with various kinds of audio-visual presentations, both positive and negative at the same time, of course raises anxiety about the impact it has on human behavior, especially for children and the younger generation. Apart from that, there are many factors of social destructiveness and promiscuity which are very easy to access, of course, it also has an impact on the more difficult efforts to form piety in social life for them. This study aims to determine the importance of inheriting religious cultural values in shaping the social piety of children and the younger generation. This type of research is literature study, the method used is a qualitative method with a description that takes into account relevant and value-oriented contexts, this research is descriptive in nature which focuses on systematic explanations and context analysis. The results of the study show that parents have a responsibility to shape social piety for children and the younger generation by being role models for them in living real life in the midst of worldly associations that challenge and threaten the character of children and the nation's generation, because of this the inheritance of cultural values. This religus for them is very urgent and must be sustainable by enriching narratives and deepening scientific and religious insights without neglecting the development of digital technology under the supervision of educators, especially parents.Keywords: Inheritance, Values, Culture, religious, Charity, social

    Kajian Sosiologi dalam Fikih Kepemimpinan Wanita

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    This paper was made to analyze sociological studies in women\u27s leadership fiqh. The results of the analysis of the author that the existence of matters relating to women\u27s responsibilities exist from social, social and social factors in the community itself. If there is an ancient society, it cannot be a part of various aspects, intellectual and ability, for example. This cannot be applied again in the current social conditions of the community, where many women have had the highest education, in many cases even more, men are there, this happens for the broadest for women to be a leader

    Using Star (Select, Teach, Activate and Revisit) Strategy to Increase Vocabulary Mastery of Eighth Grade Students

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    The objectives of this study were: (1) to describe the implementation of STAR (Select, Teach, Activate and Revisit) strategy of the eighth grade students of MTs N 1 Bangka, and (2) to find out whether there was any significant difference in vocabulary mastery between the students who were taught by using STAR strategy and the students who were taught without STAR strategy. This study was focused on vocabulary mastery. The total number of sample was 64 students. In this study, the researcher used experimental research method with a quasi-experimental design. The result showed that the students’ vocabulary mastery significantly increased. It could be seen from the pre-test and post-test mean score. Furthermore, the result of independent sample t-test of students’ post-test between experimental group and control group showed that the t-obtained was higher than t-table (2.547 > 2.00) and the p-output was lower than computation with level significant 0.05 (0.014 < 0.05). It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It could be concluded that STAR strategy was effective to increase students’ vocabulary mastery


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh Komunitas Independen Forum Indonesia Muda Regional Surabaya (baca: Heroes) dengan melakukan Pemberdayaan anak-anak gang dolly dengan melakukan segala upaya fasilitasi yang bersifat non instruktif, guna meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan masyarakat, agar mampu mengidentifikasi masalah yang dihadapi, potensi yang dimiliki, merencanakan dan melakukan pemecahannya dengan memanfaatkan potensi setempat. Pendampingan ini menggunakan metode pendampingan ABCD (Asset Based Community Development). Hasil penelitian ini adalah Pemberdayaan anak-anak gang Dolly dapat dilakukan melalui lokasi sekolah yang mendukung pembelajaran. Menggunakana Model ABCD yaitu membantu anak mengembangkan potensi mereka masing-masing yang akhirnya memberikan hasil yang sesuai dengan harapan tim pendamping


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    ABSTRAK   Pendidikan adalah jalur dalam membentuk generasi mendatang, disamping harus benar-benar diarahkan untuk menghasilkan manusia berkualitas dan mampu bersaing, juga harus diarahkan agar memiliki budi pekerti dan moral yang baik. Pembentukan karakter pada pembelajaran yang afektif sangat membantu peserta didik dalam membentuk sikap mereka. Strategi guru dalam membentuk karakter melalui pembelajaran afektif juga hendaknya membiasakan anak untuk mencari sendiri apa yang ingin diketahuinya. Anak diharapkan bisa mengajukan pertanyaan, berdiskusi, menemukan sendiri atau melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan bahan pelajaran yang telah diberikan, seperti membandingkan, melakukan eksperimen dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakter peserta didik. bagaimana membentuk karakter melalui pembelajaran afektif peserta didik serta mengetahui kendala dan solusi apa yang dilakukan dalam membentuk karakter melalui pembelajaran afektif peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif  dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menyimpulkan : berbagai cara yang dilakukan untuk membentuk karakter peserta didik yaitu membiasakan peserta didik mengucap salam, berdoa sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran serta melakukan bimbingan bagi siswa yang belum terlalu mahir dalam membaca Al-Qur’an dengan mengelompokkan sesuai dengan pemahaman masing-masing. Namun meskipun cara dalam penyusunan program yang jelas tersebut sudah dilakukan, tetapi masih ada kendala yang terjadi diantaranya : masih banyak siswa yang belum mengetahui huruf-huruf hijaiyah yang ada dalam Al-Quran, hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya bimbingan dan dorongan dari orang tua untuk belajar Al-Quran di rumah sehingga siswa juga enggan untuk mempelajarinya


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    Pola komunikasi adalah bentuk atau gambaran sederhana dari proses komunikasi. Komunikasi meliputi kegiatan yang dilakukan sehari-hari, termasuk juga antara orang tua dan anak. Komunikasi akan semakin sulit jika anak mengalami ketunarunguan. Pola komunikasi yang diterapkan orang tua sangat berpengaruh pada kemampuan berkomunikasi anak tunarungu berdasarkan tahap perkembangan bahasanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai penerimaan orang tua terhadap kondisi ketunarunguan anak, pola komunikasi orang tua dan anak tunarungu di sekolah inklusi, dan perkembangan kemampuan bahasa anak tunarungu di sekolah inklusi. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap dua subjek menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) Subjek pertama yaitu orang tua IMY dengan penerimaan yang baik atas kondisi ketunarunguan IMY. Orang tua IMY secara intensif andil dalam mengoptimalkan perkembangan IMY. Subjek kedua yaitu orang tua RHT dengan penerimaan yang kurang baik atas kondisi ketunarunguan RHT lebih memprioritaskan waktu untuk pekerjaan dibanding andil dalam tumbuh kembang RHT.; 2) pola komunikasi yang digunakan orang tua IMY dan IMY adalah komunikasi verbal dengan bahasa ujaran. Pada orang tua RHT dan RHT pola komunikasi yang digunakan adalah komunikasi total dengan bahasa ujaran, tulisan dan gesture/mimik wajah.; dan 3) kemampuan bahasa IMY mengalami perkembangan yang optimal. IMY dapat berkomunikasi dengan bahasa ujaran mendekati anak mendengar. Pada RHT, kemampuan bahasa tidak berkembang optimal. Seperti anak tunarungu pada umumnya, dalam komunikasi RHT menggunakan bahasa isyarat yaitu bahasa tubuh, dan tulisan. ; Communication pattern is a form or a simple description from communication process. Communication is an activity conducted daily, between parent and children. Communication will very difficult if the children have obstacle of deaf. The communication pattern applied by parent is very influence toward the communication ability of the deaf children based on their language development. The purpose of this research is to recognize the description about the acceptance of parent toward the condition of deaf children, communication pattern of parent and the deaf children in an inclusive school, and the language development ability of the deaf children in an inclusive school. This research was conducted through two subjects by using qualitative approach with description method. The result of this reseach showed 1) the first subject was parent of IMY who had very good acceptance about the condition of the deaf of IMY. They intensively contributed toward the development of IMY optimally. The second subject was parent of RHT, they did not have good acceptance about the condition of the deaf of RHT, their work time is more priority for them than contribute on the growth and development of RHT; 2) communication pattern used by parent of IMY and IMY was verbal communication by using speech language. The communication pattern used by parent of RHT and RHT was totally communication by using speech language, written, and gesture/facial expression; and 3) the language ability of IMY was growth optimally. IMY can communicate by using speech language almost like the children who can hear normaly. In RHT, the language ability was not growth optimally. They are like other deaf children generally, they communicated by using symbol that is body language, and written
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