111 research outputs found
Orthopoxvirus infections of rodents
The genus Orthopoxvirus (OPV) within the family Poxviridae Iincludes notorious smallpox virus, ectromelia virus and zoonotic cowpox, vaccinia and monkeypox viruses among others. The antibodies against OPVs are cross-reacting. Ectromelia and cowpox viruses are known to exist in Eurasia and cowpox virus also in Finland. Rodents are the reservoir hosts for both viruses and especially cowpox virus can be transmitted from rodents to humans through pet animals. In humans and cats cowpox virus causes vesicular and sometimes generalized disease.
Rodents caught from Finland and Siberian Republic of Buryatia have frequently OPV-specific antibodies by immunofluorescence assay (0-92% prevalence depending on place and time). In Finland antibodies have also been demonstrated in horses, cats, dogs, bovines, lynxes and humans (Pelkonen PM et al. EID 2003). In humans the antibodies are mainly caused by smallpox vaccinations.
The aims of this study were to 1) search for orthopoxvirus DNA in Finnish and Buryatian rodent panels, where OPV antibodies had been found, 2) analyze the amplified sequences to find out, which OPV species are infecting rodents and 3) deduce possible zoonotic risk.
Nucleic acids were extracted from 160 Finnish and 156 Buryatian homogenized rodent lung samples by either an extraction automaton or a commercial kit. The samples were then studied with real-time PCR amplifying 150 bp piece of the hemagglutinin gene of orthopoxviruses. The rodents were selected from areas where the prevalence of OPV-specific antibodies varied from 0,9 to 69,0 %.
OPV-DNA was detected from one male bank vole (Myodes glareolus) caught from Valkeakoski, Finland. The vole didn’t have detectable level of antibodies against OPV’s. The amplicon was sequenced and was shown to be identical to the hemagglutinin sequence of cowpox virus previously found in a human from Finland (Pelkonen PM et al. EID 2003). This was the first time in Finland when an ongoing OPV infection was detected in a rodent and it confirms the existence of OPVs in Finnish nature. However, some infections may have been missed due to loss in sample processing, so the true number of infected rodents might be bigger.
According to the results of this study there is an existing but small risk of zoonotic orthopoxvirus infections from wild rodents in Finland and Buryatia.Ortopoxvirus-sukuun (OPV) kuuluvat muun muassa isorokko- ja ektromelia- eli hiirirokkovirus sekä zoonoottiset lehmärokko-, vaccinia- ja apinarokkovirukset. Ortopoxvirus-vasta-aineet ristireagoivat keskenään. Ektromelia- ja lehmärokkovirusta tiedetään esiintyvän Euraasia ssa ja lehmärokkovirusta lisäksi Suomessa. Molempien pääisäntänä toimivat jyrsijät, joista etenkin lehmärokkovirus voi lemmikkieläinten välityksellä tarttua myös ihmiseen. Ihmisellä ja kissoilla lehmärokkovirus aiheuttaa rakkulaista ja joskus yleistynyttä tautia.
Suomesta ja Siperian Burjatian tasavallasta pyydystetyillä jyrsijöillä on immunofluoresenssitestin perusteella yleisesti ortopoxvirusvasta-aineita (0-92 % prevalenssi riippuen ajankohdasta ja paikasta). Suomessa vasta-aineita on löydetty hevosista, kissoista, koirista, naudoista, ilveksistä ja ihmisistä, joilla ne ovat pääosin isorokkorokotteen aiheuttamia (Pelkonen PM ym. EID 2003).
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli 1) etsiä ortopoxvirusten DNA:ta suomalaisista ja burjatialaisista jyrsijäpaneeleista, joista on löydetty OPV-vasta-aineita, 2) selvittää monistettujen sekvenssien avulla, mitkä OPV:t infektoivat jyrsijöitä ja 3) arvioda mahdollista zoonoottista riskiä.
Nukleiinihapot eristettiin 160 suomalaisesta ja 156 burjatialaisesta homogenoidusta jyrsijänkeuhkonäytteestä, joko eristysautomaatilla tai kaupallisella reaktiosarjalla. Näytteet tutkittiin monistamalla ortopoxvirusten hemagglutiniinigeenin 150 bp pituista palaa reaaliaikaisella PCR:llä. Jyrsijät valittiin alueilta, joissa OPV-vasta-aineprevalenssi oli 0,9 – 69,0 %.
OPV-DNA:ta löydettiin yhdestä urosmetsämyyrästä (Myodes glareolus), joka oli pyydystetty Valkeakoskelta Suomesta. Myyrällä ei ollut havaittavia määriä OPV-vasta-aineita. Monistustuote sekvensoitiin ja se osoittautui identtiseksi aiemmin Suomessa ihmisestä löydetyn viruksen kanssa (Pelkonen PM ym. EID 2003). Tämä on ensimmäinen kerta, kun suomalaisessa jyrsijässä todetaan meneillään oleva OPV-infektio. Löydös osoittaa virusten esiintyvän Suomen villijyrsijöissä. Joitain infektioita on voinut jäädä havaitsematta näytteiden käsittelyn aikana tapahtuneen hävikin takia, joten todellinen infektoituneiden jyrsijöiden määrä aineistossa voi olla suurempi.
Tulosten mukaan ortopoxvirukset muodostavat pienen, mutta olemassa olevan infektioriskin ihmisille sekä Suomessa että Burjatiassa
A systematic review of speech recognition technology in health care
BACKGROUND To undertake a systematic review of existing literature relating to speech recognition technology and its application within health care. METHODS A systematic review of existing literature from 2000 was undertaken. Inclusion criteria were: all papers that referred to speech recognition (SR) in health care settings, used by health professionals (allied health, medicine, nursing, technical or support staff), with an evaluation or patient or staff outcomes. Experimental and non-experimental designs were considered. Six databases (Ebscohost including CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, OVID Technologies, PreMED-LINE, PsycINFO) were searched by a qualified health librarian trained in systematic review searches initially capturing 1,730 references. Fourteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were retained. RESULTS The heterogeneity of the studies made comparative analysis and synthesis of the data challenging resulting in a narrative presentation of the results. SR, although not as accurate as human transcription, does deliver reduced turnaround times for reporting and cost-effective reporting, although equivocal evidence of improved workflow processes. CONCLUSIONS SR systems have substantial benefits and should be considered in light of the cost and selection of the SR system, training requirements, length of the transcription task, potential use of macros and templates, the presence of accented voices or experienced and in-experienced typists, and workflow patterns.Funding for this study was provided by the University of Western Sydney.
NICTA is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of
Communications and the Australian Research Council through the ICT
Centre of Excellence Program. NICTA is also funded and supported by the
Australian Capital Territory, the New South Wales, Queensland and Victorian
Governments, the Australian National University, the University of New South
Wales, the University of Melbourne, the University of Queensland, the
University of Sydney, Griffith University, Queensland University of
Technology, Monash University and other university partners
Differentiation of organizational climate and culture in public health and social services in Finland
Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the differentiation of organizational contexts within Finnish public health and social services both at the workplace and at the local governmental (municipality) level. Subject and methods: We focused on climate, comprising individual level experience, and on culture, comprising collective level as "the way things are done in organization". Climate, as "the way people perceive their work environment", was interpreted to reflect personally relevant professional and moral concerns. As an exploration of antecedents of climate and culture, we compared the scale of contextual differences among workplaces with the extent of differences at the municipal level. We also examined by multilevel hierarchical linear models (HLM), the importance of observed differentiation of workplaces in terms of impacts of both climate and culture on employee morale. Results: There existed different organizational climates and cultures within Finnish public human service organizations both at workplace and upper organizational level. Differences in terms of climate were somewhat bigger than differences in culture. Conclusion: Both climate and culture should be highlighted in the effort to specify the characteristics of organizational social contexts, as well as their antecedents and consequences in public human services
Information system support for medical secretaries’ work in patient administration tasks in different phases of the care process
Medical secretaries may have several separate electronic nursing information systems in use, but regardless of the systems, their task is to make sure that the patient information is correct and usable.
The purpose of this study is to describe the support provided by the hospital information systems for the work of medical secretaries in patient administration tasks in different phases of the care process. The data were collected in a central hospital where medical secretaries had long been using partly electronic information systems. The data were collected using an abridged version of the Hospital Information System Monitor (HIS-monitor).
The majority of the secretaries (N=60) gave a positive assessment for the support provided by the information system for their work at patient admission, when ordering diagnostic or therapeutic examinations or procedures, and at patient discharge. In the planning and organization of care, most thought that the systems provided poor support for informing all those involved in patient care. At patient admission, nearly half considered that the support for ensuring data protection (46%) and the systems’ compliance with legal obligations (44%) was poor. In connection with ordering diagnostic and therapeutic examinations and procedures, nearly half (43%) thought that information on the availability in ancillary units was not readily and easily available. At patient discharge, 40% considered that the systems did not support the identification of missing or incorrect information.
The hospital information system provides partial support for medical secretaries’ work. The implementation of fully electronic systems and their functions may improve the support.Medical secretaries may have several separate electronic nursing information systems in use, but regardless of the systems, their task is to make sure that the patient information is correct and usable.
The purpose of this study is to describe the support provided by the hospital information systems for the work of medical secretaries in patient administration tasks in different phases of the care process. The data were collected in a central hospital where medical secretaries had long been using partly electronic information systems. The data were collected using an abridged version of the Hospital Information System Monitor (HIS-monitor).
The majority of the secretaries (N=60) gave a positive assessment for the support provided by the information system for their work at patient admission, when ordering diagnostic or therapeutic examinations or procedures, and at patient discharge. In the planning and organization of care, most thought that the systems provided poor support for informing all those involved in patient care. At patient admission, nearly half considered that the support for ensuring data protection (46%) and the systems’ compliance with legal obligations (44%) was poor. In connection with ordering diagnostic and therapeutic examinations and procedures, nearly half (43%) thought that information on the availability in ancillary units was not readily and easily available. At patient discharge, 40% considered that the systems did not support the identification of missing or incorrect information.
The hospital information system provides partial support for medical secretaries’ work. The implementation of fully electronic systems and their functions may improve the support
Nutritional care in older adults: are we doing everything? An expert opinion review
Malnutrition is a prevalent, yet often underdiagnosed and undertreated, condition in older adults. It is characterized by weight loss and/or reduced muscle mass due to diminished caloric intake, inflammation, and/or disease burden. In return, malnutrition can lead to diminished skeletal muscle functionality and disability, among others. Malnutrition plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of two prevalent geriatric syndromes, namely sarcopenia and frailty. The complex interplay between malnutrition, sarcopenia, and frailty significantly impacts the older population, leading to increased morbidity, mortality, hospitalization rates, quality-of-life, and healthcare costs. Given the prognostic significance of malnutrition in geriatric care, recent guidelines emphasized the role of nutritional support in vulnerable populations. A group of vulnerable populations to malnutrition, sarcopenia, and frailty are older patients with hip fractures, cancer patients, and those with sarcopenic dysphagia. This article highlights the importance of individualized nutritional assessment and treatment in the management of vulnerable populations such as older patients with hip fractures, cancer, and those suffering from sarcopenic dysphagia. It presents practical protocols and guidelines that can be instrumental in enhancing the nutritional care of these groups, thereby improving their overall health outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A systematic review of speech recognition technology in health care
Background To undertake a systematic review of existing literature relating to speech recognition technology and its application within health care. Methods A systematic review of existing literature from 2000 was undertaken. Inclusion criteria were: all papers that referred to speech recognition (SR) in health care settings, used by health professionals (allied health, medicine, nursing, technical or support staff), with an evaluation or patient or staff outcomes. Experimental and non-experimental designs were considered. Six databases (Ebscohost including CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, OVID Technologies, PreMED-LINE, PsycINFO) were searched by a qualified health librarian trained in systematic review searches initially capturing 1,730 references. Fourteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were retained. Results The heterogeneity of the studies made comparative analysis and synthesis of the data challenging resulting in a narrative presentation of the results. SR, although not as accurate as human transcription, does deliver reduced turnaround times for reporting and cost-effective reporting, although equivocal evidence of improved workflow processes. Conclusions SR systems have substantial benefits and should be considered in light of the cost and selection of the SR system, training requirements, length of the transcription task, potential use of macros and templates, the presence of accented voices or experienced and in-experienced typists, and workflow patterns
The Trail, 1955-01-11
Hoitotyöntekijöiden näkemyksiä lääkehoidon hallintajärjestelmän tuesta ammattimaiseen ja turvalliseen lääkehoitoon
Safe medication administration is central part of nurses’ work. Safe medication has been studied trough medication errors, but there is less research information about supporting aspects of safe and professional medication administration. The purpose of this study is to describe nurses’ views of what supports safe and professional medication administration in the current medication administration system. Medication administration system stand for all organization’s structures and practices that supports or directs medication administration and any actions related to that.
The study was conducted in one of Finland’s central hospitals. Data was collected with open-ended section and background questions of back translated Medication Administration System – Nurses Assessment Scale (MAS - NAS). Data was inductively analyzed using content analysis.
Safe medication administration is supported with appropriate storing place, supplies available as needed, availability of extra information on medicines, usefulness and good usability of electronic system, availability of patient-specific information, opportunity to ensure medication, checkup practices and taking responsibility of own actions in medication administration. Cooperation and keeping up to date are supporting elements of professional medication administration.
To support safe medication administration, it is managers’ responsibility to provide nursing staff appropriate storage facilities, supplies, and facilities to ensure medication information is available and medication verification is possible. Checkup practices should be used and ensure everyone knows their medication responsibilities. The electronic system’s good usability and usefulness for nurses is key factor of safe medication administration. Professional medication administration confirms by information disseminating and superiors encourage to cooperation, education, and to active knowledge search.Turvallinen lääkehoito on keskeinen osa sairaanhoitajan työtä. Turvallista lääkehoitoa on tutkittu lääkitysvirheiden avulla, mutta turvallista ja ammattimaista lääkehoitoa tukevista asioista on vähemmän aiempaa tutkimustietoa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata hoitotyöntekijöiden näkemyksiä siitä, mikä nykyisessä lääkehoidon hallintajärjestelmässä tukee turvallista ja ammattimaista lääkehoitoa. Lääkehoidon hallintajärjestelmällä tarkoitetaan kaikkia lääkehoidon antamista ja siihen liittyviä toimenpiteitä ohjaavia ja tukevia organisaation rakenteita ja käytäntöjä.
Tutkimus toteutettiin yhdessä Suomen keskussairaalassa. Aineisto kerättiin kaksoiskäännetyn Medication Administration System – Nurses Assesment Scale (MAS - NAS) -mittarin avoimen osion ja taustakysymysten avulla. Aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla.
Turvallista lääkehoitoa tuki säilytyspaikan asianmukaisuus, tarvikkeiden tarpeenmukaisuus, lisätiedon saatavuus lääkkeistä, sähköisen järjestelmän hyödyllisyys ja hyvä käytettävyys, potilaskohtaisten tietojen saatavuus, lääkityksen varmistusmahdollisuus, tarkistuskäytäntöjen ja lääkehoidon osa-alueestaan vastuun kantaminen. Ammattimaista lääkehoitoa tuki yhteistyössä toimiminen ja ajan tasalla pysyminen.
Tukeakseen turvallista lääkehoitoa johtajien tehtävänä on tarjota lääkkeille asianmukaiset säilytystilat ja hoitotyöntekijöiden käyttöön tarvittavat tarvikkeet sekä sellaiset välineet, että lääkityksessä tarvittavat tiedot ovat saatavilla ja lääkitys on mahdollista varmistaa. Tarkistuskäytännöt tulee ottaa käyttöön ja varmentaa, että kaikki tuntevat lääkehoidon vastuunsa. Sähköisen järjestelmän hyvä käytettävyys ja hyödyllisyys hoitotyöntekijöille on keskeistä turvalliselle lääkehoidolle. Ammattimaista lääkehoitoa vahvistavat tiedon jakaminen ja esimiesten kannustus yhteistyössä toimimiseen, kouluttautumiseen ja aktiiviseen tiedonhakuun
Hair cortisol concentrations are associated with dental anxiety during pregnancy
Dental anxiety (DA) and hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) are associated with psychological symptoms and vary during pregnancy. We aimed to examine the association between HCC and DA at two points of pregnancy. Participants were pregnant mothers (n = 533) drawn from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study donating a hair sample at gestational week (gwk) 24 (n = 442) and/or at delivery (n = 176) and completed questionnaires on DA. Two groups, HCC1 and HCC2, treated as separate in the analyses, were formed according to the hair sample donation time i.e., gwk24 and delivery. 85 subjects were included in both groups. MDAS, EPDS, and SCL-90 were used to measure DA, depressive and anxiety symptoms, respectively, at gwk14 for the HCC1 group and gwk34 for the HCC2 group. The association between DA and HCC was studied with a binary logistic regression model, adjusted for anxiety and depressive symptoms, age, BMI, and smoking status. Individuals with high DA had lower HCC levels at gwk24 (OR = 0.548; 95% CI = 0.35–0.86; p = 0.009), but the association was not statistically significant at the delivery (OR = 0.611; 95% CI = 0.28–1.33; p = 0.216). The independent association between HCC and DA in pregnant women suggests that long-term cortisol levels could play a role in the endogenous etiology of DA. Further studies are however, needed.This research was funded by the Academy of Finland (grant #134950 to HK and grant
#308176 to LK), Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation, Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation, and State
Research Grants. AJR is funded by FCT under the project PTDC/MED-NEU/29071/2017
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