33 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Driver Mutations and Transcriptomes in Papillary Thyroid Cancer by Region of Residence in South Korea

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    Background Radiation exposure is a well-known risk factor for papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). South Korea has 24 nuclear reactors in operation; however, no molecular biological analysis has been performed on patients with PTC living near nuclear power plants. Methods We retrospectively included patients with PTC (n=512) divided into three groups according to their place of residence at the time of operation: inland areas (n=300), coastal areas far from nuclear power plants (n=134), and nuclear power plant areas (n=78). After propensity score matching (1:1:1) by age, sex, and surgical procedure, the frequency of representative driver mutations and gene expression profiles were compared (n=50 per group). Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), BRAF, thyroid differentiation, and radiation scores were calculated and compared. Results No significant difference was observed in clinicopathological characteristics, including radiation exposure history and the frequency of incidentally discovered thyroid cancer, among the three groups. BRAFV600E mutation was most frequently detected in the groups, with no difference among the three groups. Furthermore, gene expression profiles showed no statistically significant difference. EMT and BRAF scores were higher in our cohort than in cohorts from Chernobyl tissue bank and The Cancer Genome Atlas Thyroid Cancer; however, there was no difference according to the place of residence. Radiation scores were highest in the Chernobyl tissue bank but exhibited no difference according to the place of residence. Conclusion Differences in clinicopathological characteristics, frequency of representative driver mutations, and gene expression profiles were not observed according to patients’ region of residence in South Korea

    Effect of heat treatment and drawing on high-manganese steel pipe welded by gas tungsten arc

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    This study investigated the effect of post-weld processes including annealing and drawing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of high-Mn steel pipes welded by gas tungsten arc welding. The weld metal showed a solidified microstructure having coarse and elongated grains due to coalescence of columnar dendrite into welding heat direction. After post-annealing, the solidified microstructure changed into equiaxed grains due to recrystallization and grain growth. Mn segregation occurred during welding solidification and caused lower stacking fault energy (SFE) in the Mn-depleted region. Although epsilon-martensite formation in the as-welded state and during deformation was expected due to decreased SFE of the Mn-depleted zone, all regions showed a fully austenitic phase. The annealing process decreased strength due to grain coarsening but increased ductility. The drawing process increased strength of weld metal through work hardening. All pipes showed decreasing strain rate sensitivity (SRS) with deformation and negative SRS after certain strain levels. It was confirmed that negative SRS is related to less formation of mechanical twinning at a higher strain rate. This work provides fundamental insights into manufacturing a high-Mn steel pipe and manipulating its properties with annealing and drawing processes

    Transmission characteristics of MERS and SARS in the healthcare setting: a comparative study

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    Background: The Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus has caused recurrent outbreaks in the Arabian Peninsula since 2012. Although MERS has low overall human-to-human transmission potential, there is occasional amplification in the healthcare setting, a pattern reminiscent of the dynamics of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreaks in 2003. Here we provide a head-to-head comparison of exposure patterns and transmission dynamics of large hospital clusters of MERS and SARS, including the most recent South Korean outbreak of MERS in 2015. Methods: To assess the unexpected nature of the recent South Korean nosocomial outbreak of MERS and estimate the probability of future large hospital clusters, we compared exposure and transmission patterns for previously reported hospital clusters of MERS and SARS, based on individual-level data and transmission tree information. We carried out simulations of nosocomial outbreaks of MERS and SARS using branching process models rooted in transmission tree data, and inferred the probability and characteristics of large outbreaks. Results: A significant fraction of MERS cases were linked to the healthcare setting, ranging from 43.5 % for the nosocomial outbreak in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in 2014 to 100 % for both the outbreak in Al-Hasa, Saudi Arabia, in 2013 and the outbreak in South Korea in 2015. Both MERS and SARS nosocomial outbreaks are characterized by early nosocomial super-spreading events, with the reproduction number dropping below 1 within three to five disease generations. There was a systematic difference in the exposure patterns of MERS and SARS: a majority of MERS cases occurred among patients who sought care in the same facilities as the index case, whereas there was a greater concentration of SARS cases among healthcare workers throughout the outbreak. Exposure patterns differed slightly by disease generation, however, especially for SARS. Moreover, the distributions of secondary cases per single primary case varied highly across individual hospital outbreaks (Kruskal–Wallis test; P \u3c 0.0001), with significantly higher transmission heterogeneity in the distribution of secondary cases for MERS than SARS. Simulations indicate a 2-fold higher probability of occurrence of large outbreaks (\u3e100 cases) for SARS than MERS (2 % versus 1 %); however, owing to higher transmission heterogeneity, the largest outbreaks of MERS are characterized by sharper incidence peaks. The probability of occurrence of MERS outbreaks larger than the South Korean cluster (n = 186) is of the order of 1 %. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the South Korean outbreak followed a similar progression to previously described hospital clusters involving coronaviruses, with early super-spreading events generating a disproportionately large number of secondary infections, and the transmission potential diminishing greatly in subsequent generations. Differences in relative exposure patterns and transmission heterogeneity of MERS and SARS could point to changes in hospital practices since 2003 or differences in transmission mechanisms of these coronaviruses

    Extended phase-matching properties of periodically poled Potassium Niobate crystals for mid-infrared polarization-entangled photon-pair generation

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    We report the extended phase-matching (EPM) properties of two kinds of periodically poled potassium niobate (KNbO3 or KN) crystals (i.e., periodic 180 degrees- and 90 degrees-domain structures) that are highly useful for the generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs in the mid-infrared (IR) spectral region. Under the degenerate Type II spontaneous parametric downconversion process satisfying the EPM condition, an input single photon with a frequency of 2 omega generates a pair of synchronized photons with identical frequencies of omega that are orthogonally polarized with respect to each other (i.e., the frequency-coincident, polarization-entangled biphoton states). Our simulation results illustrate that the EPM is achievable in the mid-IR spectral region: at the wavelengths of 3.80 mu m and 4.03 mu m for periodic 90 degrees -and 180 degrees-domain structures, respectively. We will describe in detail the EPM properties of both cases in terms of interaction types and the corresponding nonlinear optic coefficients, phase-matching bandwidths, and domain poling periods. The calculated EPM bandwidths are much broader than 200 nm in the mid-IR for both cases, exhibiting a great potential for nonlinear-optic signal processing in quantum communication systems operating in the mid-IR bands. (C) 2016 Optical Society of America11Nsciescopu

    Agreement between Azure Kinect and Marker-Based Motion Analysis during Functional Movements: A Feasibility Study

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    (1) Background: The present study investigated the agreement between the Azure Kinect and marker-based motion analysis during functional movements. (2) Methods: Twelve healthy adults participated in this study and performed a total of six different tasks including front view squat, side view squat, forward reach, lateral reach, front view lunge, and side view lunge. Movement data were collected using an Azure Kinect and 12 infrared cameras while the participants performed the movements. The comparability between marker-based motion analysis and Azure Kinect was visualized using Bland–Altman plots and scatter plots. (3) Results: During the front view of squat motions, hip and knee joint angles showed moderate and high level of concurrent validity, respectively. The side view of squat motions showed moderate to good in the visible hip joint angles, whereas hidden hip joint angle showed poor concurrent validity. The knee joint angles showed variation between excellent and moderate concurrent validity depending on the visibility. The forward reach motions showed moderate concurrent validity for both shoulder angles, whereas the lateral reach motions showed excellent concurrent validity. During the front view of lunge motions, both the hip and knee joint angles showed moderate concurrent validity. The side view of lunge motions showed variations in concurrent validity, while the right hip joint angle showed good concurrent validity; the left hip joint showed poor concurrent validity. (4) Conclusions: The overall agreement between the Azure Kinect and marker-based motion analysis system was moderate to good when the body segments were visible to the Azure Kinect, yet the accuracy of tracking hidden body parts is still a concern

    Sleep-inducing effect of Passiflora incarnata L. extract by single and repeated oral administration in rodent animals

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    Social cost of insomnia in modern society is gradually increasing. Due to various social phenomena and lifestyles that take away the opportunity of good quality of sleep, problems of insomnia cannot be easily figured out. Prescription of sleeping pills for insomnia patients can cause other inconveniences due to their side effects beyond their intended purposes. On the other hand, Passiflora incarnata L. (PI) has been widely used in South America for several centuries, showing effectiveness for sleep, sedation, anxiety, and so on in the civilian population. However, reports on the treatment efficacy of this herbal medicinal plant for insomnia patients through standardization as a sleeping agent have been very rare. Therefore, we obtained leaves and fruits of PI (8:2 by weight) as powder to prepare an extract. It was then applied to C6 rat glioma cells to quantitate mRNA expression levels of GABA receptors. Its sleep-inducing effect was investigated using experimental animals. PI extract (6 μg/ml) significantly decreased GABA receptors at 6 hr after treatment. Immobility time and palpebral closing time were significantly increased after single (500 mg/kg) or repeated (250 mg/kg) oral administration. In addition, blood melatonin levels were significantly increased in PI extract-treated animals after both single and repeated administrations. These results were confirmed through several repeated experiments. Taken together, these results confirmed that PI extract had significant sleep-inducing effects in cells and animals, suggesting that PI extract might have potential for treating human insomnia

    Estimation of Serial Interval and Reproduction Number to Quantify the Transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant in South Korea

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    The omicron variant (B.1.1.529) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was the predominant variant in South Korea from late January 2022. In this study, we aimed to report the early estimates of the serial interval distribution and reproduction number to quantify the transmissibility of the omicron variant in South Korea between 25 November 2021 and 31 December 2021. We analyzed 427 local omicron cases and reconstructed 73 transmission pairs. We used a maximum likelihood estimation to assess serial interval distribution from transmission pair data and reproduction numbers from 74 local cases in the first local outbreak. We estimated that the mean serial interval was 3.78 (standard deviation, 0.76) days, which was significantly shorter in child infectors (3.0 days) compared to adult infectors (5.0 days) (p < 0.01). We estimated the mean reproduction number was 1.72 (95% CrI, 1.60–1.85) for the omicron variant during the first local outbreak. Strict adherence to public health measures, particularly in children, should be in place to reduce the transmission risk of the highly transmissible omicron variant in the community

    Revisiting Platinum-Based Anticancer Drugs to Overcome Gliomas

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    Although there are many patients with brain tumors worldwide, there are numerous difficulties in overcoming brain tumors. Among brain tumors, glioblastoma, with a 5-year survival rate of 5.1%, is the most malignant. In addition to surgical operations, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are generally performed, but the patients have very limited options. Temozolomide is the most commonly prescribed drug for patients with glioblastoma. However, it is difficult to completely remove the tumor with this drug alone. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the potential of anticancer drugs, other than temozolomide, against glioblastomas. Since the discovery of cisplatin, platinum-based drugs have become one of the leading chemotherapeutic drugs. Although many studies have reported the efficacy of platinum-based anticancer drugs against various carcinomas, studies on their effectiveness against brain tumors are insufficient. In this review, we elucidated the anticancer effects and advantages of platinum-based drugs used in brain tumors. In addition, the cases and limitations of the clinical application of platinum-based drugs are summarized. As a solution to overcome these obstacles, we emphasized the potential of a novel approach to increase the effectiveness of platinum-based drugs

    Highly conserved protein Rv1211 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a natively unfolded protein that binds to a calmodulin antagonist, trifluoperazine

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    Rv1211 is a conserved hypothetical protein in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is required for the growth and pathogenesis of the bacteria. The protein has been suggested as a calmodulin-like calcium-binding protein with an EF-hand motif and as a target of trifluoperazine, a calmodulin antagonist in eukaryotes that inhibits mycobacterial growth. Here, we expressed the recombinant protein of Rv1211 and per -formed structural and biochemical studies of Rv1211 and its interaction with Ca2 thorn or trifluoperazine. Surprisingly, Rv1211 exhibited an elution property typical of a natively unfolded protein. Subsequent circular dichroism experiments with temperature elevation and trifluoroethanol treatment showed that Rv1211 has unfolded structure. Additional NMR experiment confirmed the unfolded state of the protein and further showed that it does not bind to Ca2 + . Still, Rv1211 did bind to trifluoperazine, as evidenced by the two-dimensional NMR spectra of N-15-labeled Rv1211. However, there were no peak shifts upon binding, showing that Rv1211 retained its unfolded state even after the trifluoperazine binding. The residues involved in the binding were clustered in the C-terminal region, as identified by the sequence assignment. Isothermal titration calorimetry showed that the Kd of trifluoperazine-Rv1211 binding is 41 mM and that the stoichiometry is 1 : 2 (Rv1211: trifluoperazine). Our results argue against the sug-gestion of Rv1211 as a Ca2+ -binding calmodulin-like protein, and show that Rv1211 isa natively unfolded protein that binds to trifluoperazine. In addition, our results suggest the evidence of the "Fuzziness " in the Rv1211-trifluoperazine interaction that differs from the conventional binding-induced folding of natively unfolded proteins. (C) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.N