2 research outputs found

    Influence of fumed silica nanofiller and stacking sequence on interlaminar fracture behaviour of bidirectional jute-kevlar hybrid nanocomposite

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    The present study aims to examine the influence of nanofiller content and stacking sequence on the interlaminar fracture properties of Jute-Kevlar hybrid nanocomposite. Mode I and Mode II interlaminar fracture properties are characterized by double cantilever beam (DCB) and end notch flexure (ENF) test samples. Bidirectional jute (J) and kevlar (K) fabrics are used as reinforcement. Nanoscaled fumed silica is used as filler reinforcement. Thirteen different types of composites are prepared with varying stacking sequences (i.e., Jute-Jute-Jute-Jute [JJJJ], Jute-Kevlar-Kevlar-Jute [JKKJ], Kevlar-Jute-Jute-Kevlar [KJJK], and Kevlar-Kevlar-Kevlar-Kevlar [KKKK]) and four nanofiller weight fraction (i.e., 0%, 1.5%, 3%, and 4.5%). It is noticed that interlaminar fiber bridging and interlaminar friction are the key factors influencing Mode I and Mode II fracture toughness, respectively. The presence of nanofiller plays a significant role in enhancing the key factors influencing the fracture toughness of the composites. A noticeable improvement in Mode II fracture toughness is found. The composite stacking sequence JKKJ with 3% fumed silica (JKKJ-3) possess maximum Mode II fracture toughness (951 J/m2), which is 37% more than kevlar fiber-reinforced composite (694 J/m2) (KKKK-0). The evidence of matrix tearing as a result of fiber pull-out, toughened matrix region, and nanofiller wrapping over the fiber are noticed from the optical microscope image of the fractured surface

    Performance Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Nanofiller Reinforced Jute-Kevlar Hybrid Composite

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    The present study deals with the effect of nanofiller (fumed silica) content and layer sequence of bidirectional woven fabrics on the physical and mechanical properties of Jute (J)–Kevlar (K)-Fumed silica epoxy-based hybrid composite. Jute fibers are treated with alkali to improve surface properties. Twenty number of composite samples are prepared to have five different layer sequences (i.e., Jute-Jute-Jute-Jute [JJJJ], Jute-Kevlar-Kevlar-Jute [JKKJ], Kevlar-Jute-Jute-Kevlar [KJJK], Jute-Kevlar-Jute-Kevlar [JKJK] and Kevlar-Kevlar-Kevlar-Kevlar [KKKK]) and four nanofiller contents (i.e., 0%, 1.5%, 3%, and 4.5%). The mechanical properties of the composites like tensile strength, flexural strength, inter-laminar shear strength, and density have been evaluated. From the result, it is observed that the mechanical properties of the composites are significantly influenced by layer sequence and filler content. The study has also attempted to find out optimum layer sequence and filler content for obtaining the best mechanical performance of the composites using TOPSIS multi-criteria decision-making approach. It is found that Jute-Kevlar-Jute-Kevlar (JKJK) with 1.5% filler, i.e., composite with alternate layers of jute and kevlar with 1.5% fumed silica filler has superior properties than other composites