1,266 research outputs found

    A Wireless Power Transfer Based Implantable ECG Monitoring Device

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    Implantable medical devices (IMDs) enable patients to monitor their health anytime and receive treatment anywhere. However, due to the limited capacity of a battery, their functionalities are restricted, and the devices may not achieve their intended potential fully. The most promising way to solve this limited capacity problem is wireless power transfer (WPT) technology. In this study, a WPT based implantable electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring device that continuously records ECG data has been proposed, and its effectiveness is verified through an animal experiment using a rat model. Our proposed device is designed to be of size 24 x 27 x 8 mm, and it is small enough to be implanted in the rat. The device transmits data continuously using a low power Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication technology. To charge the battery wirelessly, transmitting (Tx) and receiving (Rx) antennas were designed and fabricated. The animal experiment results clearly showed that our WPT system enables the device to monitor the ECG of a heart in various conditions continuously, while transmitting all ECG data in real-time.11Ysciescopu

    SOLiDzipper: A High Speed Encoding Method for the Next-Generation Sequencing Data

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    Background Next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods pose computational challenges of handling large volumes of data. Although cloud computing offers a potential solution to these challenges, transferring a large data set across the internet is the biggest obstacle, which may be overcome by efficient encoding methods. When encoding is used to facilitate data transfer to the cloud, the time factor is equally as important as the encoding efficiency. Moreover, to take advantage of parallel processing in cloud computing, a parallel technique to decode and split compressed data in the cloud is essential. Hence in this review, we present SOLiDzipper, a new encoding method for NGS data. Methods The basic strategy of SOLiDzipper is to divide and encode. NGS data files contain both the sequence and non-sequence information whose encoding efficiencies are different. In SOLiDzipper, encoded data are stored in binary data block that does not contain the characteristic information of a specific sequence platform, which means that data can be decoded according to a desired platform even in cases of Illumina, Solexa or Roche 454 data. Results The main calculation time using Crossbow was 173 minutes when 40 EC2 nodes were involved. In that case, an analysis preparation time of 464 minutes is required to encode data in the latest DNA compression method like G-SQZ and transmit it on a 183 Mbit/s bandwidth. However, it takes 194 minutes to encode and transmit data with SOLiDzipper under the same bandwidth conditions. These results indicate that the entire processing time can be reduced according to the encoding methods used, under the same network bandwidth conditions. Considering the limited network bandwidth, high-speed, high-efficiency encoding methods such as SOLiDzipper can make a significant contribution to higher productivity in labs seeking to take advantage of the cloud as an alternative to local computing. Availability http://szipper.dinfree.com . Academic/non-profit: Binary available for direct download at no cost. For-profit: Submit request for for-profit license from the web-site

    Utilization of a combined EEG/NIRS system to predict driver drowsiness

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    The large number of automobile accidents due to driver drowsiness is a critical concern of many countries. To solve this problem, numerous methods of countermeasure have been proposed. However, the results were unsatisfactory due to inadequate accuracy of drowsiness detection. In this study, we introduce a new approach, a combination of EEG and NIRS, to detect driver drowsiness. EEG, EOG, ECG and NIRS signals have been measured during a simulated driving task, in which subjects underwent both awake and drowsy states. The blinking rate, eye closure, heart rate, alpha and beta band power were used to identify subject’s condition. Statistical tests were performed on EEG and NIRS signals to find the most informative parameters. Fisher’s linear discriminant analysis method was employed to classify awake and drowsy states. Time series analysis was used to predict drowsiness. The oxy-hemoglobin concentration change and the beta band power in the frontal lobe were found to differ the most between the two states. In addition, these two parameters correspond well to an awake to drowsy state transition. A sharp increase of the oxy-hemoglobin concentration change, together with a dramatic decrease of the beta band power, happened several seconds before the first eye closure

    Size distributions of atmospheric particulate matter and associated trace metals in the multi-industrial city of Ulsan, Korea

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    Particulate matter (PM) was collected using micro-orifice uniform deposit impactors from a residential (RES) site and an industrial (IND) site in Ulsan, South Korea, in September-October 2014. The PM samples were measured based on their size distributions (11 stages), ranging from 0.06 ??m to over 18.0 ??m. Nine trace metals (As, Se, Cr, V, Cd, Pb, Ba, Sb, and Zn) associated with PM were analyzed. The PM samples exhibited weak bimodal distributions irrespective of sampling sites and events, and the mean concentrations of total PM (TPM) measured at the IND site (56.7 ??g/m3) was higher than that measured at the RES site (38.2 ??g/m3). The IND site also showed higher levels of nine trace metals, reflecting the influence of industrial activities and traffic emissions. At both sites, four trace metals (Ba, Zn, V, and Cr) contributed to over 80% of the total concentrations in TPM. The modality of individual trace metals was not strong except for Zn; however, the nine trace metals in PM2.5 and PM10 accounted for approximately 50% and 90% of the total concentrations in TPM, respectively. This result indicates that the size distributions of PM and trace metals are important to understand how respirable PM affects public health

    Lateral resistance of mass timber shear wall connected by withdrawal-type connectors

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    In this study, the lateral resistances of mass timber shear walls were investigated for seismic design. The lateral resistances were predicted by kinematic models with mechanical properties of connectors, and compared with experimental data. Four out of 7 shear wall specimens consisted of a single Ply-lam panel and withdrawal-type connectors. Three out of 7 shear wall specimens consisted of two panels made by dividing a single panel in half. The divided panels were connected by 2 or 4 connectors like a single panel before being divided. The applied vertical load was 0, 24, or 120 kN, and the number of connectors for connecting the Ply-lam wall-to-floor was 2 or 4. As a result, the tested data were 6.3 to 52.7% higher than the predicted value by kinematic models, and it means that the lateral resistance can be designed by the behavior of the connector, and the prediction will be safe. The effects of wall-to-wall connectors, wall-to-floor connectors and vertical loads on the shear wall were analyzed with the experimental data.This project was funded by the Korea Forest Service (Korea Forestry Promotion Institute) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement)

    Sensitivity of censored data analysis to determine the characteristic value of structural timber

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    In structural timber tests, unintended failure mechanisms occur frequently in specimens and their results are called censored data. There are two censored data analysis: censored maximum likelihood estimation (CMLE) and Kaplan–Meier (KM) method. In this study, the precision of the censored data analysis was investigated to determine the characteristic value, 5th percentile value, of the structural timber. The results show that (1) the 5th percentile value was underestimated by ordinary data analysis methods; maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and Order statistics. (2) CMLE with 30% lower tail censored data and KM method provided much more precise 5th percentile value. (3) The amount of under-measurement (5 MPa, 10 MPa, and 15 MPa in this simulation study) did not show significant effect on the 5th percentile determination in CMLE and KM method, but the proportion of censored data (percentage of unintended failure specimen; 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%) affected the determination of 5th percentile value. (4) CMLE with 30% lower tail censored data and KM method showed good agreement in case that the data included unintended failure data up to 20%.(1) This work was supported by Research Resettlement Fund for the new fac‑ulty of Seoul National University. (2) This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2017R1A2B1010748)

    Prediction of withdrawal resistance for a screw in hybrid cross-laminated timber

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    The aim of this study was to predict the withdrawal resistance of a screw in hybrid cross-laminated timber (CLT) composed of two types of lamina layers. A theoretical model to predict the withdrawal resistance was developed from the shear mechanism between a screw and the layers in hybrid CLT. The parameters for the developed model were the withdrawal stiffness and strength that occurs when a screw is withdrawn, and the penetration depth of a screw in layers of a wood material. The prediction model was validated with an experimental test. Screws with two different diameters and lengths (Ø6.5 × 65mm and Ø8.0 × 100mm) were inserted in a panel composed of solid wood and plywood layers, and the withdrawal resistances of the screws were evaluated. At least 30 specimens for each group were tested to derive the lower 5th percentile values. As a result, the developed model predictions were 86–88% of the lower 5th percentile values of hybrid CLT from the properties of the lamina layer. This shows that the withdrawal resistance of hybrid CLT can be designed from the properties of its layer.This project was funded by the Korea Forest Service (Korea Forestry Promotion Institute) and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement)