43 research outputs found
MOESM1 of Genomic prediction of the polled and horned phenotypes in Merino sheep
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Genome-wide association study for polled and horned corrected for the most significant SNP (OAR10_29458450 or OAR10_29546872.1). Description: (a) females, horned/non-horned, (b) males horned/non-horned, (c) females polled/non-polled and (d) males polled/non-polled. The x-axis indicates the genomic location of the SNPs and each chromosome is color-coded. The y-axis shows the âlog10(p-value) of the association statistics for each SNP
MOESM2 of Genomic prediction of the polled and horned phenotypes in Merino sheep
Additional file 2: Figure S2. Genome-wide association study for horned vs knobs and scurred sheep. Description: (a) GWAS not corrected for the most significant SNP OAR10_29458450 and (b) GWAS corrected for the most significant SNP OAR10_29458450. The x-axis indicates the genomic location of the SNPs and each chromosome is color-coded. The y-axis shows the âlog10(p-value) of the association statistics for each SNP
Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Detailed phenotyping identifies genes with pleiotropic effects on body composition
Multiple plots of the –log10 (P-values) of SNP effects from the multi-trait test results for lead SNP OAR6_37.5 Mb (a) and OAR22_20.3 Mb (b): The lead SNP is shown by a purple diamond in each plot (labelled with chromosome and position, Mb) and the LD between this variant and all others is colour coded. (TIFF 322 kb
Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Detailed phenotyping identifies genes with pleiotropic effects on body composition
Network graphic showing the interactions between Group 2 gene encoding proteins: Stronger associations are represented by ticker lines [22]. (TIFF 281Â kb
Additional file 7: of Detailed phenotyping identifies genes with pleiotropic effects on body composition
The signed t-values of SNP effects (450,001 to 510,174 in âchromosome: positionâ order) for the 56 traits used in multi-trait, meta-analysis. (GZ 12388Â kb
Additional file 3: Table S1. of Detailed phenotyping identifies genes with pleiotropic effects on body composition
A list of the overlapped candidate genes in QTL regions from our sheep study with genes associated with body mass index and height in human. (XLSX 15Â kb
Collaborationism in East Bohemia during the Period of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
Práce je zaměřena na projevy kolaborace ve východních Čechách během Protektorátu Čechy a Morava. Zabývá se různými vlivy, které vedly občany protektorátu ke spolupráci s Němci. Neopomíná ani nacistickou správu, která zde byla utvořena a především místní orgány SD a gestapa, které měly za úkol vytvoření agenturní sítě. Dále nastiňuje činnost především ČNST-Vlajky a také povinnosti, které její členové měli. Stěžejní částí je rozbor jednotlivých odsouzených a jejich činnost během okupace. Na závěr je přiblížen průběh poválečných mimořádných lidových soudů.This Bachelor´s thesis is focused on expressions of collaboration in Eastern Bohemia during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. It considers various factors that have led citizen of the Protectorate to cooperate with the Germans. It does not forget nor the Nazi administration, which was formed here and especially the local authorities of SD and the Gestapo, which had the task to create a network of agents. It further outlines the activities of primarily CNST-Vlajka organization and the obligations of its members. The crucial part of the thesis is the analysis of the individual inmates and their activities during the occupation. At the conclusion the process of the post-war Special People's Courts is delineated.Fakulta filozofick
Additional file 6: of Detailed phenotyping identifies genes with pleiotropic effects on body composition
The signed t-values of SNP effects (300,001 to 450,000 in âchromosome: positionâ order) for the 56 traits used in multi-trait, meta-analysis. (GZ 30638Â kb
MOESM1 of Multiple-trait QTL mapping and genomic prediction for wool traits in sheep
Additional file 1: Table S1. Pleiotropic effects of 206 SNPs selected from multi-trait analyses on individual traits. The signed significant t-values are provided for 206 SNPs across 22 traits at two ages. Gene names are also provided if SNPs were located in or within a distance of 50Â kb of the gene
Correlations between pairs of the SNP effects on 32 traits.
<p>A: Correlations on BTA7 from 93 Mb to 99 Mb. Three blocks of SNPs with high correlations within a block and low correlation between blocks are shown in blue. B: Correlations on BTA 14 near 25 Mb. The blue line shows the SNPs closest to the <i>PLAG1</i> gene.</p