22 research outputs found

    Historical Missionary Activity, Schooling, and the Reversal of Fortunes: Evidence from Nigeria

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    This paper shows that historical missionary activity has had a persistent effect on schooling outcomes, and contributed to a reversal of fortunes wherein historically richer ethnic groups are poorer today. Combining contemporary individual-level data with a newly constructed dataset on mission stations in Nigeria, we find that individuals whose ancestors were exposed to greater missionary activity have higher levels of schooling. This effect is robust to omitted heterogeneity, ethnicity fixed effects, and reverse causation. We find inter-generational factors and the persistence of early advantages in educational infrastructure to be key channels through which the effect has persisted. Consistent with theory, the effect of missions on current schooling is larger for population subgroups that have historically suffered disadvantages in access to education

    A terra e seus vários sentidos: por uma sociologia e etnologia dos moradores de fazenda na África do Sul contemporânea

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    Este texto é resultado de pesquisas realizadas com o Landless People's Movement, na África do Sul, e tem como tema a relação histórica estabelecida entre os trabalhadores rurais moradores de fazendas de brancos (denominados farm dwellers, em inglês, ou abahlali basimapulazini, em Zulu) e as terras em que vivem. A partir de dados bibliográficos, fontes documentais e pesquisa de campo, defendemos a hipótese de que essas pessoas compõem uma categoria fluida, do ponto de vista das políticas de restituição, de reforma e de direito à terra. Tratar-se-ia de uma categoria em que estariam entremeadas as consequências do apartheid, as transformações na agricultura, as religiões e as leis costumeiras. Trama e fluidez que constituem um problema para antropólogos e sociólogos que se aventuram a lidar com a questão, assim como para os próprios movimentos e ONGs que a representam. Tanto do ângulo das políticas, como dos textos de ciências sociais, esses trabalhadores encarnariam os dilemas de não serem vistos nem como suficientemente modernos, tampouco como tradicionais a ponto de garantirem status teórico no escaninho dos estudos sobre o campesinato e trabalhadores rurais ou no da Etnologia africana clássica<br>This paper presents the results of a composition of literature review and field research on the Landless People's Movement struggles in South Africa aiming to explore the historical relation between the farm dwellers and the land they live's claim. Drawing from fieldwork notes, archives and literature debates, I state that the fluidity of this category, that embraces consequences of the apartheid, transformations in the agricultural sector, religion and customary laws affects their relations with the State, social movements and NGOs. This complexity also becomes problematic due to the fact that they cannot be easily described by the traditional sociological narratives designed for farm workers, peasants and neither with the one's of the classical African ethnology