102 research outputs found

    Wandlungen der Unterwelt bei Thomas Mann und James Joyce

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    Der Titel befasst sich mit dem literarischen Motiv der Unterwelt in den Werken von Thomas Mann und James Joyce. Das Einführungskapitel ist den literarischen Vorläufern gewidmet, die das Motiv erstmals behandeln und auf welche die beiden Autoren regelmäßig rekurrieren. Ausgehend von den Erzählungen Thomas Manns nimmt die Autorin sodann eine eingehende Analyse des katabatischen Topos bei beiden Autoren vor. Sie wendet sich den Erzählungen und den Romanen Thomas Manns und James Joyce zu, um in einem abschließenden Kapitel einen Vergleich anzustellen, der aufzeigt, wie ähnlich die beiden Zeitgenossen den Topos der Unterwelt begreifen. Der Durchgang durch das Schattenreich bedeutet ihnen eine tiefgreifende Selbst- und Welterkenntnis, die letztlich zu einer Akzeptanz des Bösen in der Welt und einem modernen Humanismus-Begriff führen

    3Rd-Order Nonlinearity Of 4-Dialkylamino-4\u27Nitro-Stilbene Wave-Guides At 1319 Nm

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    The intensity dependent optical properties of 4-dialkylamino-4\u27nitro-stilbene polymer channel waveguides were measured at 1319 nm with a pulse modulated Mach-Zehnder interferometer to be n2 = 0.8 x 10(-13) cm2/W and beta2 \u3c 0.08 cm/GW. This material is promising for all-optical switching at 1319 nm because it satisfies both the W and T figures of merit

    All-Optical Integrated Mach-Zehnder Switching Due To Cascaded Nonlinearities

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    We demonstrate all-optical switching using the cascaded second order nonlinearity in a fully integrated, asymmetric Mach Zehnder interferometer implemented in lithium niobate channel waveguides. We obtained an 8:1 switching ratio

    Femtosecond optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled KTiOPO4

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    We report a femtosecond optical parametric oscillator based on a periodically poled KTiOPO4 crystal for which quasi-phase matching is achieved with a 24-μm poling period. The singly resonant parametric oscillator, synchronously pumped by a Ti:sapphire laser at a wavelength of 758 nm, generates a signal at 1200 nm and an idler at 2060 nm. The maximum signal power conversion efficiency of the device is 22% with a pump depletion of 69%. We tune the signal wavelength over a 200-nm band by changing the cavity length. In addition, pump wavelength tuning provides output tunability in the 1000-1235-nm range. © 1998 Optical Society of America

    Guided wave optics in periodically poled KTP: quadratic nonlinearity and prospects for attosecond jitter characterization

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    For the first time to our knowledge, continuous nonsegmented channel waveguides in periodically poled KTiOPO4 with guided orthogonal polarizations are used to demonstrate type II background-free second harmonic generation in the telecom band with 1.6%/(W cm2) normalized conversion efficiency. This constitutes a 90-fold improvement in aggregate conversion efficiency over its free space counterpart. Simulations show that the guided wave device should enable the measurement of timing fluctuations of optical pulse trains at the attosecond level in an optical cross correlation scheme

    Analytical Performance Evaluation of New DESI Enhancements for Targeted Drug Quantification in Tissue Sections

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    Desorption/ionization (DI)-mass spectrometric (MS) methods offer considerable advantages of rapidity and low-sample input for the analysis of solid biological matrices such as tissue sections. The concept of desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) offers the possibility to ionize compounds from solid surfaces at atmospheric pressure, without the addition of organic compounds to initiate desorption. However, severe drawbacks from former DESI hardware stability made the development of assays for drug quantification difficult. In the present study, the potential of new prototype source setups (High Performance DESI Sprayer and Heated Transfer Line) for the development of drug quantification assays in tissue sections was evaluated. It was demonstrated that following dedicated optimization, new DESI XS enhancements present promising options regarding targeted quantitative analyses. As a model compound for these developments, ulixertinib, an inhibitor of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1 and 2 was used


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    O presente relato tem como objetivo apresentar uma das atividades realizadas pelo grupo PET-Conexão de Saberes “A Ciranda da Ciência”, na qual tem como propósito despertar o interesse e contribuir na construção e expansão do conhecimento dos PETianos e da comunidade acadêmica, assim como da sociedade em geral. A terceira edição da Jornada de Ciência, Tecnologia e Meio Ambiente (2021), ocorreu de forma totalmente remota devido às complicações da COVID-19, na qual as autoridades de saúde recomendavam o isolamento social. A Jornada tem como um de seus pilares a divulgação científica dentro e fora dos muros universitários, possibilitando a aproximação e a integração dos estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação com sua responsabilidade de contribuir para uma sociedade mais consciente, justa e igualitária.   &nbsp

    Multistep Parametric Processes in Nonlinear Optics

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    We present a comprehensive overview of different types of parametric interactions in nonlinear optics which are associated with simultaneous phase-matching of several optical processes in quadratic nonlinear media, the so-called multistep parametric interactions. We discuss a number of possibilities of double and multiple phase-matching in engineered structures with the sign-varying second-order nonlinear susceptibility, including (i) uniform and non-uniform quasi-phase-matched (QPM) periodic optical superlattices, (ii) phase-reversed and periodically chirped QPM structures, and (iii) uniform QPM structures in non-collinear geometry, including recently fabricated two-dimensional nonlinear quadratic photonic crystals. We also summarize the most important experimental results on the multi-frequency generation due to multistep parametric processes, and overview the physics and basic properties of multi-color optical parametric solitons generated by these parametric interactions.Comment: To be published in Progress in Optic