15 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Features at Scale for Visual Place Recognition

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    The success of deep learning techniques in the computer vision domain has triggered a range of initial investigations into their utility for visual place recognition, all using generic features from networks that were trained for other types of recognition tasks. In this paper, we train, at large scale, two CNN architectures for the specific place recognition task and employ a multi-scale feature encoding method to generate condition- and viewpoint-invariant features. To enable this training to occur, we have developed a massive Specific PlacEs Dataset (SPED) with hundreds of examples of place appearance change at thousands of different places, as opposed to the semantic place type datasets currently available. This new dataset enables us to set up a training regime that interprets place recognition as a classification problem. We comprehensively evaluate our trained networks on several challenging benchmark place recognition datasets and demonstrate that they achieve an average 10% increase in performance over other place recognition algorithms and pre-trained CNNs. By analyzing the network responses and their differences from pre-trained networks, we provide insights into what a network learns when training for place recognition, and what these results signify for future research in this area.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Accepted by International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2017. This is the submitted version. The final published version may be slightly differen

    A Holistic Approach to Reactive Mobile Manipulation

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    We present the design and implementation of a taskable reactive mobile manipulation system. In contrary to related work, we treat the arm and base degrees of freedom as a holistic structure which greatly improves the speed and fluidity of the resulting motion. At the core of this approach is a robust and reactive motion controller which can achieve a desired end-effector pose, while avoiding joint position and velocity limits, and ensuring the mobile manipulator is manoeuvrable throughout the trajectory. This can support sensor-based behaviours such as closed-loop visual grasping. As no planning is involved in our approach, the robot is never stationary thinking about what to do next. We show the versatility of our holistic motion controller by implementing a pick and place system using behaviour trees and demonstrate this task on a 9-degree-of-freedom mobile manipulator. Additionally, we provide an open-source implementation of our motion controller for both non-holonomic and omnidirectional mobile manipulators available at jhavl.github.io/holistic

    QuadricSLAM: Dual quadrics as SLAM landmarks

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    Research in Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) is increasingly moving towards richer world representations involving objects and high level features that enable a semantic model of the world for robots, potentially leading to a more meaningful set of robot-world interactions. Many of these advances are grounded in state-of-the-art computer vision techniques primarily developed in the context of image-based benchmark datasets, leaving several challenges to be addressed in adapting them for use in robotics. In this paper, we derive a SLAM formulation that uses dual quadrics as 3D landmark representations, exploiting their ability to compactly represent the size, position and orientation of an object, and show how 2D bounding boxes (such as those typically obtained from visual object detection systems) can directly constrain the quadric parameters via a novel geometric error formulation. We develop a sensor model for deep-learned object detectors that addresses the challenge of partial object detections often encountered in robotics applications, and demonstrate how to jointly estimate the camera pose and constrained dual quadric parameters in factor graph based SLAM with a general perspective camera.</p

    Corrections to “Probabilistic Visual Place Recognition for Hierarchical Localization”

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    The second author Niko Sünderhauf’s name was presented incorrectly in [1] as Niko Snderhauf.</p

    Online Monitoring of Object Detection Performance during Deployment

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    During deployment, an object detector is expected to operate at a similar performance level reported on its testing dataset. However, when deployed onboard mobile robots that operate under varying and complex environmental conditions, the detector's performance can fluctuate and occasionally degrade severely without warning. Undetected, this can lead the robot to take unsafe and risky actions based on low-quality and unreliable object detections. We address this problem and introduce a cascaded neural network that monitors the performance of the object detector by predicting the quality of its mean average precision (mAP) on a sliding window of the input frames. The proposed cascaded network exploits the internal features from the deep neural network of the object detector. We evaluate our proposed approach using different combinations of autonomous driving datasets and object detectors. </p

    Fastslam using surf features: An efficient implementation and practical experiences

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    Abstract: This paper describes how the recently published SURF features can be used as landmarks for an online FastSLAM algorithm that simultaneously estimates the robot pose and the pose of a large number of landmarks. An implementation with particular focus on e cient data structures like two-stage landmark data base and special balanced binary trees is described. Practical results on outdoor data sets at 3 Hz with about 3-6 % error of total traveled distance are shown. 1

    Density-aware NeRF Ensembles: Quantifying Predictive Uncertainty in Neural Radiance Fields

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    We show that ensembling effectively quantifies model uncertainty in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) if a density-aware epistemic uncertainty term is considered. The naive ensembles investigated in prior work simply average rendered RGB images to quantify the model uncertainty caused by conflicting explanations of the observed scene. In contrast, we additionally consider the termination probabilities along individual rays to identify epistemic model uncertainty due to a lack of knowledge about the parts of a scene unobserved during training. We achieve new state-of-the-art performance across established uncertainty quantification benchmarks for NeRFs, outperforming methods that require complex changes to the NeRF architecture and training regime. We furthermore demonstrate that NeRF uncertainty can be utilised for next-best view selection and model refinement.</p

    FSNet: A Failure Detection Framework for Semantic Segmentation

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    Semantic segmentation is an important task that helps autonomous vehicles understand their surroundings and navigate safely. However, during deployment, even the most mature segmentation models are vulnerable to various external factors that can degrade the segmentation performance with potentially catastrophic consequences for the vehicle and its surroundings. To address this issue, we propose a failure detection framework to identify pixel-level misclassification. We do so by exploiting internal features of the segmentation model and training it simultaneously with a failure detection network. During deployment, the failure detector flags areas in the image where the segmentation model has failed to segment correctly. We evaluate the proposed approach against state-of-the-art methods and achieve 12.30%, 9.46%, and 9.65% performance improvement in the AUPR-Error metric for Cityscapes, BDD100k, and Mapillary semantic segmentation datasets.</p

    Hyperdimensional Feature Fusion for Out-of-Distribution Detection

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    We introduce powerful ideas from Hyperdimensional Computing into the challenging field of Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection. In contrast to most existing works that perform OOD detection based on only a single layer of a neural network, we use similarity-preserving semi-orthogonal projection matrices to project the feature maps from multiple layers into a common vector space. By repeatedly applying the bundling operation ⊕, we create expressive class-specific descriptor vectors for all in-distribution classes. At test time, a simple and efficient cosine similarity calculation between descriptor vectors consistently identifies OOD samples with competitive performance to the current state-of-the-art whilst being significantly faster. We show that our method is orthogonal to recent state-of-the-art OOD detectors and can be combined with them to further improve upon the performance.</p