201 research outputs found

    Power and resistance : leading change in medical education

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    The aim of this thesis was to explore perceptions and experiences of educational leaders leading educational change and development in health professions and interprofessional education. The sensitising concepts of the thesis were power and resistance and the thesis hence adopted theoretical power perspectives on educational leadership and employed qualitative approaches within the methodological framework of phenomenology. Study I explored the experiences of educational leaders leading change and development within an undergraduate medical programme. The educational leaders perceived a lack of authority and status towards their colleagues as a result of an unclear mission, the fact that education had a low level of status at the university as well as a lack of traditional means of power. They also experience meeting resistance towards change and development in the shape of change fatigue, organisational obstacles and conservatism. Their opportunity to use influence towards change and development emerged from a high degree of freedom as well as the creation of vicarious legitimacies connected to research or clinical work, instead of education. Study II further explored the experiences of educational leaders in undergraduate medical education and their identity formation. The educational leaders expressed an ambiguity towards their identity as educational leaders as a result of both an unclear educational role as well as the perceived difficulties in leading colleagues towards educational change and development. The educational leaders seldom experienced receiving feedback on their work from higher levels of the institution, which in turn lead them to feel that their role was mostly of a symbolic character. However, the status of being an educational leader was confirmed from time to time by other educational leaders as well as colleagues with a special interest in education. Study III explored the experiences of educational leaders leading change and development within a nursing programme. The educational leaders expressed the means of achieving educational change and development as building relationships with colleagues as well as using the elaborate decision-making structures of the programme. Experiences of resistance towards change were perceived as originating from lack of authority, organisational structures and memories and intrinsic avoidance of leadership. Study IV explored interprofessional education (IPE) as an example of educational change and development. A comparison of the definition, rationale and presentation of IPE between educational leaders and official policy documents revealed how underlying differences of meaning attached to IPE can create potential difficulties regarding implementation. Successful implementation postulates transparent and clear senior leadership support within an institution. The thesis shows how the findings of study I-IV are important to highlight in connection to research-based faculty development programmes for educational leaders in health professions education; a prerequisite for leading educational change and development successfully

    Svenskt fiske i historiens ljus

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    This report summarizes population status and trends for 19 populations of Arctic seabirds. It is compiled as an input to the 2012 African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) Report on the Conservation Status of Migratory Birds in the Agreement Area (abbreviated Conservation Status Report, CSR) being prepared by Wetlands International. The previous CSR report (CSR4) was published in 2008 and contained no detailed information of the status and trends of the Arctic seabird population analysed in this report. Thus, this is the first effort to summarize status and trends of Arctic seabirds in the agreement area. The report format including the tables are following AEWA CSR conventions, i.e., population sizes are expressed in individuals and trend calculations and status categories are based on AEWA guidelines. The AEWA agreement text, Action Plan and previous CRS Reports are available at: www.unep-aewa.org Abundance estimates have largely been based on counts of breeding birds or occupied nests in colonies, which is the most usually applied method of censusing colonial seabirds. Numbers reported as pairs or occupied nests have been multiplied by three to get the number of individuals. Trends have been calculated using published data from national monitoring programs and national censuses, as well as some previously unpublished data from national experts

    COVID-19 lockdown reveals tourists as seabird guardians

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    The widespread lockdowns put in place to limit the spread of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) offers a rare opportunity in understanding how human presence influence ecosystems. Using data from long-term seabird monitoring, we reveal a previously concealed guarding effect by tourist groups on an iconic seabird colony in the Baltic Sea. The absence of tourists in 2020 lead to a sevenfold increase in presence of white-tailed eagles Haliaeetus albicilla, a sevenfold increase in their disturbance of breeding common murres Uria aalge and causing 26% lower murre productivity than the long-term average. Eagles did not prey on murres, but their frequent disturbances delayed egg laying and facilitated egg predation from herring gulls Larus argentatus and hooded crows Corvus cornix. Based on our findings, we suggest that human presence could be used as a strategic measure in guarding seabird colonies, and that a social-ecological systems perspective is vital for long-term success in protected area management

    Expeditionsrapport SPRAS 2020-2021

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    I rapporten presenteras resultat frĂ„n de tvĂ„ första Ă„ren (2020 och 2021) av den svenska delen av den internationella surveyen Sprat Acoustic Survey (SPRAS-Swe,) i Östersjön. Surveyen har pĂ„gĂ„tt sedan 2001, men Sveriges deltagande började först 2020 efter leveransen av Sveriges nya forskningsfartyg R/V Svea. Expeditionens huvudsyfte Ă€r att ta fram fiskerioberoende data pĂ„ förekomst i antal av skarpsill och sill. Dessa data tillsammans med andra nationers data utgör en grund i bestĂ„nduppskattningsarbetet som görs inom ICES arbetsgrupp WGBFAS. VĂ„r mĂ„lsĂ€ttning Ă€r att testa möjligheten att se SPRAS-Swe som en ekosystemsurvey vilket innebĂ€r att utöver den datainsamling som krĂ€vs enligt manual Ă€ven samla in annan typ av data för att öka kunskapen kring ekosystemet Östersjön. MĂ„let Ă€r ocksĂ„ att utveckla insamlings- och analysmetoder för att pĂ„ sikt minska dödligheten av fisk

    Expeditionsrapport SPRAS 2022 : Ekosystemundersökning i Östersjön

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    Denna rapport presenterar resultat för Östersjön 2022 frĂ„n den svenska delen av den internationella undersökningen Sprat Acoustic Survey (SPRAS-Swe). Den internationella undersökningen har pĂ„gĂ„tt sedan 2001, men Sveriges deltagande började först 2020 i och med leveransen av Sveriges nya forskningsfartyg R/V Svea. Undersöknigens syfte Ă€r att samla in fiskerioberoende data för berĂ€kning av mĂ€ngden skarpsill och sill i Östersjön. Det sammanstĂ€llda resultatet utgör grunden för arbetet med bestĂ„ndskattning av sill och skarpsillinom ICES arbetsgrupp WGBFAS. I en pilotstudie har vi dĂ€rtill undersökt möjligheten att utnyttja SPRAS-Swe som en ekosystemexpedition vilket inneburit att utöver den datainsamling som krĂ€vs för arbetet med bestĂ„ndsskattning av sill och skarpsill (WGBFAS) Ă€ven registrera andra typer av insamlade data för att öka kunskapen kring ekosystemet Östersjön. Ytterligare en mĂ„lsĂ€ttning har varit att utveckla insamlings- och analysmetoder för att pĂ„ sikt minska dödligheten av fisk i samband med vetenskapliga undersökningar

    The Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register: a review.

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    We are entering a new era with governmental bodies taking an increasingly guiding role, gaining control of registries, demanding direct access with release of open public information for quality comparisons between hospitals. This review is written by physicians and scientists who have worked with the Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register (SKAR) periodically since it began. It reviews the history of the register and describes the methods used and lessons learned. Cite this article: Bone Joint Res 2014;3:217-22

    Adapting to Regional Enforcement: Fishing Down the Governance Index

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    Background: Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing is a problem for marine resource managers, leading to depletion of fish stocks and negative impacts on marine ecosystems. These problems are particularly evident in regions with weak governance. Countries responsible for sustainable natural resource management in the Southern Ocean have actively worked to reduce IUU fishing in the region over a period of 15 years, leading to a sequence of three distinct peaks of IUU fishing. Methodology/Principal Findings: We reviewed existing public records relating to IUU fishing in the Southern Ocean between 1995–2009 and related this information to the governance capacity of flag states responsible for IUU vessels. IUU operators used a number of methods to adapt to enforcement actions, resulting in reduced risks of detection, apprehension and sanctioning. They changed fishing locations, vessel names and flag states, and ports for offloading IUU catches. There was a significant decrease in the proportion of IUU vessels flagged to CCAMLR countries, and a significant decrease in the average governance index of flag states. Despite a decreasing trend of IUU fishing, further actions are hampered by the regional scope of CCAMLR and the governance capacity of responsible states. Conclusions/Significance: This is the first study of long-term change in the modus operandi of IUU fishing operators, illustrating that IUU operators can adapt to enforcement actions and that such dynamics may lead to new problems elsewhere, where countries have a limited capacity. This outsourcing of problems may have similarities to natural resourc
