637 research outputs found

    The anchovy reduction fishery for the 1976-77 season

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    The 1976-77 anchovy season ended with landings of 92,515 mt (101,433 tons) in southern California and 4,571 mt (5,041 tons) in central California. Southern California catches were dominated by age groups III (27%) and 0 (28%) while 77% of central California's landings were age groups III through VI. Numerical sex ratios were calculated to be 1.1:l and 2:l female to male for southern and central California respectively. (23pp.

    The anchovy reduction fishery for the 1977-78 season

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    Landings for the 1977-78 season were 62,118 metric tons (68,476 tons) in southern California and 6,541 metric tons (7,212 tons) in central California. The southern area's samples were characterized by the dominance of the 1976 year class (38%) while central California data indicated the 1977 year class (38%) as the most abundant year class. Sex ratios indicated a near 1:1 ratio for both southern and central California. (24pp.

    Status of Pacific mackerel spawning population, 1975

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    Three methods were used to determine the Pacific mackerel population. The tag and recovery method estimated the population at 620 short tons. The other two estimates were based on regression techniques of partyboat catches and these results yielded 2,921 tons and 1,385 tons, respectively. All three estimates were below the 10,000 tons prescribed for a fishery and thus no harvest could be allowed. (14pp.

    The Northern Anchovy reduction fishery for the 1978-79 through 1981-82 seasons

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    Nearly 49,000 metric tons (MT) of anchovies were taken during the 1978-79 season, followed by 32,390 MT in 1979-80, 60,678 MT in 1980-81 and 45,150 MT in 1981-82. A total of 14,076 fish was sampled during the four seasons for age, length and sex. The fishery during the four seasons consisted mainly of young-of-the-year and age groups I and II fish. The 1978 and 1979 yr classes comprised the major share of the catch. Seasonal mean lengths varied from 112 mm standard length (SL) in the 1979-80 season to 122 mm SL for the 1981-82 season. Female to male sex ratios ranged from 1.17:l (1978-79 season) to 1.59:l (1979-80 season). (28pp.

    Northern anchovy age and size composition, 1974-75 season

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    The California anchovy reduction fishery amounted to 105,767 megagrams (116,588 short tons) for the 1974-75 season. Southern California catch was dominated by age-group II (1972 year class) with substantial numbers of age groups III (1971 year class) and IV (1970 year class). Central California's anchovy catch consisted of similar age groups II, III and IV (1972, 1971 and 1970 year classes). Document has 23 pages

    Sagnac effect in resonant microcavities

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    The Sagnac effect in two dimensional (2D) resonant microcavities is studied theoretically and numerically. The frequency shift due to the Sagnac effect occurs as a threshold phenomenon for the angular velocity in a rotating microcavity. Above the threshold, the eigenfunctions of a rotating microcavity become rotating waves while they are standing waves below the threshold

    The northern anchovy fishery for the 1975-76 season

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    Anchovy landings for the 1975-76 season totaled 127,829 mg (140,906 short tons). Southern California samples exhibited the preponderance of age group II (1973 year class) followed by age group III (1972 year class). Younger age groups were present in below average numbers. Numerical sex ratios were calculated to be 1.5:l and 1.9:l female to male for southern and central California respectively. (27pp.

    NGC 7538 : Multiwavelength Study of Stellar Cluster Regions associated with IRS 1-3 and IRS 9 sources

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    We present deep and high-resolution (FWHM ~ 0.4 arcsec) near-infrared (NIR) imaging observations of the NGC 7538 IRS 1-3 region (in JHK bands), and IRS 9 region (in HK bands) using the 8.2m Subaru telescope. The NIR analysis is complemented with GMRT low-frequency observations at 325, 610, and 1280 MHz, molecular line observations of H13CO+ (J=1-0), and archival Chandra X-ray observations. Using the 'J-H/H-K' diagram, 144 Class II and 24 Class I young stellar object (YSO) candidates are identified in the IRS 1-3 region. Further analysis using 'K/H-K' diagram yields 145 and 96 red sources in the IRS 1-3 and IRS 9 regions, respectively. A total of 27 sources are found to have X-ray counterparts. The YSO mass function (MF), constructed using a theoretical mass-luminosity relation, shows peaks at substellar (~0.08-0.18 Msolar) and intermediate (~1-1.78 Msolar) mass ranges for the IRS 1-3 region. The MF can be fitted by a power law in the low mass regime with a slope of Gamma ~ 0.54-0.75, which is much shallower than the Salpeter value of 1.35. An upper limit of 10.2 is obtained for the star to brown dwarf ratio in the IRS 1-3 region. GMRT maps show a compact HII region associated with the IRS 1-3 sources, whose spectral index of 0.87+-0.11 suggests optical thickness. This compact region is resolved into three separate peaks in higher resolution 1280 MHz map, and the 'East' sub-peak coincides with the IRS 2 source. H13CO+ (J=1-0) emission reveals peaks in both IRS 1-3 and IRS 9 regions, none of which are coincident with visible nebular emission, suggesting the presence of dense cloud nearby. The virial masses are approximately of the order of 1000 Msolar and 500 Msolar for the clumps in IRS 1-3 and IRS 9 regions, respectively.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Isospectral domains with mixed boundary conditions

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    We construct a series of examples of planar isospectral domains with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions. This is a modification of a classical problem proposed by M. Kac.Comment: 9 figures. Statement of Theorem 5.1 correcte