2 research outputs found
Technical and technological cost effectiveness analysis for establishment of a printing house
Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi isplativost osnivanja tiskarske kuÄe u Republici Hrvatskoj (Split). U radu je primijenjen interdisciplinarni pristup: inženjerski pristup u analizi tehniÄko-tehnoloÅ”kih rjeÅ”enja i ekonomski pristup u ekonomskoj-financijskoj analizi. Naime, nakon detaljne tehniÄko-tehnoloÅ”ke analize, na temelju stvarnih okolnosti, u programskoj aplikaciji za evaluaciju investicijskih projekata simulirana su dva scenarija realizacije projekta. U oba scenarija poÄetna ulaganja su ista, a razlika meÄu njima proistiÄe iz veliÄine naklade. Rezultati analize u ekonomsko-financijskom smislu, za oba scenarija, su prihvatljivi. To se odnosi prije svega na likvidnost, zadržanu dobit, razdoblje povrata kao i ostale pokazatelje uspjeÅ”nosti poslovanja. MeÄutim, scenarij s manjom nakladom se procjenjuje kao realniji i zakljuÄno kao bolji izbor za realizaciju konkretnog projekta. Prikazani investicijski projekt ima dobre pretpostavke za uspjeÅ”no poslovanje.The aim of this paper is to investigate the profitability of the establishment of printing house in Croatia (Split). The paper applies an interdisciplinary approach: an engineering approach to the analysis of technical and technological solutions and economic approach to economic-financial analysis. In fact, after detailed technical analysis, based upon real circumstances, the evaluation of investment projects has been carried out by a software application. Two scenarios of the project realization, based on the actual circumstances, are simulated. Both scenarios have the same value of the initial investment, the difference between them arises from the edition size. For each scenario, results of the analysis for economic and financial terms are acceptable. This applies primarily to the high liquidity, retained profit, return on investment and other business success indicators. However, the scenario with smaller number of copies has been estimated as more realistic and ultimately inclusive as the better choice for the implementation of concrete projects. Presented investment project has good preconditions for successful business