19 research outputs found

    Edge Cache-assisted Secure Low-Latency Millimeter Wave Transmission

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    In this paper, we consider an edge cache-assisted millimeter wave cloud radio access network (C-RAN). Each remote radio head (RRH) in the C-RAN has a local cache, which can pre-fetch and store the files requested by the actuators. Multiple RRHs form a cluster to cooperatively serve the actuators, which acquire their required files either from the local caches or from the central processor via multicast fronthaul links. For such a scenario, we formulate a beamforming design problem to minimize the secure transmission delay under transmit power constraint of each RRH. Due to the difficulty of directly solving the formulated problem, we divide it into two independent ones: {\textit{i)}} minimizing the fronthaul transmission delay by jointly optimizing the transmit and receive beamforming; {\textit{ii)}} minimizing the maximum access transmission delay by jointly designing cooperative beamforming among RRHs. An alternatively iterative algorithm is proposed to solve the first optimization problem. For the latter, we first design the analog beamforming based on the channel state information of the actuators. Then, with the aid of successive convex approximation and SS-procedure techniques, a semidefinite program (SDP) is formulated, and an iterative algorithm is proposed through SDP relaxation. Finally, simulation results are provided to verify the performance of the proposed schemes.Comment: IEEE_IoT, Accep

    Wideband Beamforming for STAR-RIS-assisted THz Communications with Three-Side Beam Split

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    In this paper, we consider the simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surface (STAR-RIS)-assisted THz communications with three-side beam split. Except for the beam split at the base station (BS), we analyze the double-side beam split at the STAR-RIS for the first time. To relieve the double-side beam split effect, we propose a time delayer (TD)-based fully-connected structure at the STAR-RIS. As a further advance, a low-hardware complexity and low-power consumption sub-connected structure is developed, where multiple STAR-RIS elements share one TD. Meanwhile, considering the practical scenario, we investigate a multi-STAR-RIS and multi-user communication system, and a sum rate maximization problem is formulated by jointly optimizing the hybrid analog/digital beamforming, time delays at the BS as well as the double-layer phase-shift coefficients, time delays and amplitude coefficients at the STAR-RISs. Based on this, we first allocate users for each STAR-RIS, and then derive the analog beamforming, time delays at the BS, and the double-layer phase-shift coefficients, time delays at each STAR-RIS. Next, we develop an alternative optimization algorithm to calculate the digital beamforming at the BS and amplitude coefficients at the STAR-RISs. Finally, the numerical results verify the effectiveness of the proposed schemes

    Beamforming Design for the Distributed RISs-aided THz Communications with Double-Layer True Time Delays

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    In this paper, we investigate the reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided terahertz (THz) communication system with the sparse radio frequency chains antenna structure at the base station (BS). To overcome the beam split of the BS, different from the conventional single-layer true-time-delay (TTD) scheme, we propose a double-layer TTD scheme that can effectively reduce the number of large-range delay devices, which involve additional insertion loss and amplification circuitry. Next, we analyze the system performance under the proposed double-layer TTD scheme. To relieve the beam split of the RIS, we consider multiple distributed RISs to replace an ultra-large size RIS. Based on this, we formulate an achievable rate maximization problem for the distributed RISs-aided THz communications via jointly optimizing the hybrid analog/digital beamforming, time delays of the double-layer TTD network and reflection coefficients of RISs. Considering the practical hardware limitation, the finite-resolution phase shift, time delay and reflection phase are constrained. To solve the formulated problem, we first design an analog beamforming scheme including optimizing phase shift and time delay based on the RISs' locations. Then, an alternatively optimization algorithm is proposed to obtain the digital beamforming and reflection coefficients based on the minimum mean square error and coordinate update techniques. Finally, simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme

    Joint Beamforming Design for the STAR-RIS-Enabled ISAC Systems with Multiple Targets and Multiple Users

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    In this paper, the sensing beam pattern gain under simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (STAR-RIS)-enabled integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) systems is investigated, in which multiple targets and multiple users exist. However, multiple targets detection introduces new challenges, since the STAR-RIS cannot directly send sensing beams and detect targets, the dual-functional base station (DFBS) is required to analyze the echoes of the targets. While the echoes reflected by different targets through STAR-RIS come from the same direction for the DFBS, making it impossible to distinguish them. To address the issue, we first introduce the signature sequence (SS) modulation scheme to the ISAC system, and thus, the DFBS can detect different targets by the SS-modulated sensing beams. Next, via the joint beamforming design of DFBS and STAR-RIS, we develop a maxmin sensing beam pattern gain problem, and meanwhile, considering the communication quality requirements, the interference limitations of other targets and users, the passive nature constraint of STAR-RIS, and the total transmit power limitation. Then, to tackle the complex non-convex problem, we propose an alternating optimization method to divide it into two quadratic semidefinite program subproblems and decouple the coupled variables. Drawing on mathematical transformation, semidefinite programming, as well as semidefinite relaxation techniques, these two subproblems are iteratively sloved until convergence, and the ultimate solutions are obtained. Finally, simulation results are conducted to validate the benefits and efficiency of our proposed scheme

    Beamforming Analysis and Design for Wideband THz Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Communications

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    Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided terahertz (THz) communications have been regarded as a promising candidate for future 6G networks because of its ultra-wide bandwidth and ultra-low power consumption. However, there exists the beam split problem, especially when the base station (BS) or RIS owns the large-scale antennas, which may lead to serious array gain loss. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate the beam split and beamforming design problems in the THz RIS communications. Specifically, we first analyze the beam split effect caused by different RIS sizes, shapes and deployments. On this basis, we apply the fully connected time delayer phase shifter hybrid beamforming architecture at the BS and deploy distributed RISs to cooperatively mitigate the beam split effect. We aim to maximize the achievable sum rate by jointly optimizing the hybrid analog/digital beamforming, time delays at the BS and reflection coefficients at the RISs. To solve the formulated problem, we first design the analog beamforming and time delays based on different RISs physical directions, and then it is transformed into an optimization problem by jointly optimizing the digital beamforming and reflection coefficients. Next, we propose an alternatively iterative optimization algorithm to deal with it. Specifically, for given the reflection coefficients, we propose an iterative algorithm based on the minimum mean square error technique to obtain the digital beamforming. After, we apply LDR and MCQT methods to transform the original problem to a QCQP, which can be solved by ADMM technique to obtain the reflection coefficients. Finally, the digital beamforming and reflection coefficients are obtained via repeating the above processes until convergence. Simulation results verify that the proposed scheme can effectively alleviate the beam split effect and improve the system capacity

    Energy-Efficient Hybrid Precoding Design for Integrated Multicast-Unicast Millimeter Wave Communications with SWIPT

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    In this paper, we investigate the energy-efficient hybrid precoding design for integrated multicast-unicast millimeter wave (mmWave) system, where the simultaneous wireless information and power transform is considered at receivers. We adopt two sparse radio frequency chain antenna structures at the base station (BS), i.e., fully-connected and subarray structures, and design the codebook-based analog precoding according to the different structures. Then, we formulate a joint digital multicast, unicast precoding and power splitting ratio optimization problem to maximize the energy efficiency of the system, while the maximum transmit power at the BS and minimum harvested energy at receivers are considered. Due to its difficulty to directly solve the formulated problem, we equivalently transform the fractional objective function into a subtractive form one and propose a two-loop iterative algorithm to solve it. For the outer loop, the classic Bi-section iterative algorithm is applied. For the inner loop, we transform the formulated problem into a convex one by successive convex approximation techniques and propose an iterative algorithm to solve it. Meanwhile, to reduce the complexity of the inner loop, we develop a zero forcing (ZF) technique-based low complexity iterative algorithm. Specifically, the ZF technique is applied to cancel the inter-unicast interference and the first order Taylor approximation is used for the convexification of the non-convex constraints in the original problem. Finally, simulation results are provided to compare the performance of the proposed algorithms under different schemes.Comment: IEEE_TVT, Accep

    Hybrid Precoding Design for Wideband THz Massive MIMO-OFDM Systems With Beam Squint

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