5 research outputs found

    Keragaan agronomi sorgum varietas pahat fase soft dough dengan kepadatan tanam benih dalam lubang berbeda

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan agronomi sorgum varietas Pahat fase soft dough yang ditanam dengan kepadatan tanam benih dalam lubang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan sehingga diperoleh 20 satuan percobaan. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu tingkat kepadatan tanam yang terdiri dari KT1 = 1 benih/lubang, KT2 = 2 benih/lubang, KT3 = 3 benih/lubang, dan  KT4  = 4 benih/lubang. Variabel yang diukur terdiri dari tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, lebar daun, dan panjang daun. Hasil analisis keragaman menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan memberikan pengaruh berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, lebar daun, dan panjang daun. Uji lanjut BNJ menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerapatan tanam KT2 memiliki tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, lebar daun, dan panjang daun yang sangat nyata (P<0,01) lebih tinggi dari tingkat kerapatan tanam KT1 dan KT4. Sedangkan KT2 memiliki tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, lebar daun, dan panjang daun yang berbeda tidak nyata (P>0,05) dengan KT3. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kerapatan tanam KT2 (2 benih/lubang) memberikan hasil terbaik pada karakter agronomi sorgum varietas Pahat fase soft dough.Kata Kunci : karakter agronomi, sorgum Pahat, Kerapatan tanam,Â


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    AGRONOMIC CHARACTERISTIC OF VEGETATIVE PHASE SORGUM SAMURAI II VARIETY IN DIFFERENT PLANTING SPACE. The purpose of this research to determine the agronomic characteristic of Samurai II Sorghum with different planting space. This experiment was conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatment consisted of four planting space, (1) 70 cm x 40 cm, (2) 50 cm x 30 cm, (3) 40 cm x 20 cm, and (4) 10 cm x 10 cm, each treatment had five replications. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and HSD test. The variables measured were agronomic characteristic indicated by plant height, number of leaf, width of leaf and length of leaf. The results showed that different planting space were significant different (P<0.01) on plant height, number of leaf, width of leaf and length of leaf. HSD test showed that planting space 70 cm x 40 cm were significant (P<0.01) have higher plant height, number of leaf, width of leaf and length of leaf than planting space 50 cm x 30 cm, 40 cm x 20 cm, and 10 cm x 10 cm. It can be concluded that planting space 70 cm x 40 cm have the highest agronomic characteristic by producing the highest plant height, number of leaf, width of leaf and length of leaf.Key words: sorghum, planting space, agronomi

    Pengaruh tingkat kepadatan tanaman terhadap pertumbuhan Sorgum Brown Mid Rib (BMR) yang diberi pupuk bokashi kotoran ayam pada kondisi ternaung

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    THE IMPACT OF PLANT’S DENSITY ON THE GROWTH OF SORGHUM BROWN MID RIB WITH CHICKEN MANURE FERTILIZER IN AN ELEVATED STATE. The purpose of this research was determines growth of sorghum BMR with different population density use chicken manure fertilizer in an elevated state. This experiment was conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatment consisted of four planting density, (P1=(1 plant/Polybag) P2=(2 plants/polybag) P3=(3 plants/polybag) P4=(4 plants/polibag), each treatment had seven replications. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and HSD test. The variables measured were growth that are plant’s height, leaf length, and number of leaves. The results showed that different planting population were significant different (P&lt;0.01) on plant’s height, leaf length, and number of leaves. HSD test showed that planting population P1=(1 plant/Polybag) were significant (P&lt;0.01) have higher plant’s height, leaf length, and number of leaves than P3=(3 plants/polybag) and P4=(4 plants/polybag). It can be concluded that planting density P1=(1 plant/Polybag) have the highest growth of sorghum BMR that were highest plant’s height, leaf length, and number of leaves


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    GROWTH RESPONSE OF Brachiaria humidicola cv Tully grass WITH ORGANIC FERTILIZER BOKASHI LAYING CHICKEN. This study aims to determine the growth response i.e stolon length, number of nodes, number of phytomers, and number of tillers of Brachiaria humidicola cv Tully with bokashi organic laying hens fertilizer. The completely randomized design was applied using four treatments and five replications for each treatment. The treatments were assigned level of bokashi. The levels of bokashi that B0 = 0 tons/ha (control), B1 = 2 tons/ha (1.8 kg/plot), B2 = 4 tons/ha (3.6 kg/plot) and B3 = 6 tons/ha (5.4 kg/plot). The variables measured consisted of stolon length, number of nodes, number of phyitomers, number of tillers. The Results of analysis of variance showed that treatment very significantly different (P <0.01) on stolon length, number of phyitomers, number of tillers and significantly different (P <0.05) on the number of nodes. Test of Honest Significance Difference (HSD) showed that B1 (1.8 kg / plot), B2 (3.6 kg / plot), and B3 (5.4 kg / plot) have higher length of stolone, number of phyitomers and number of tillers than B0. B3 and B2 had higher numbers of nodes than B0. It was concluded that the level 1.8 kg/plot organic fertilizer bokashi chicken laying equivalent to 2 tons/ha gave highest B. humidicola cv Tully growth response. Keywords: growth, B. humidicola cv Tully, bokashi laying Chicke


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    THE PRODUCTION OF BENGAL GRASS (Panicum maximum cv. Jacq) GIVEN BIO-SLURRY FERTILIZER OF PIG. This research aimed the role of bio-slurry fertilizer on the production of Bengal grass (Panicum Maximum Cv. Jacq). The study was conducted for 3 months in the greenhouse of the Sam Ratulangi University Manado Faculty of Animal Husbandry. North Sulawesi. The experimental design used in this study was a completely randomized dsign (CRD) with four treatments, that: without fertilizer (B0), 10 tons / ha (B1), 20 tons / ha (B2), and 30 tons / ha (B3). Each treatment replicated 4 times and gave 16 experimental units. The variables were the production of fresh weight of leaves, the production of fresh stem weight, the production of leaf dry weight, production stem dry weight. The results of this study concluded that 30 tons/ha (B3) bio-slurry had highest fresh weight of leaves, fresh weight of stems and the dry weight of leaves, and dry weight of stems.  Keywords: production, bengal grass, bio-slurr