4 research outputs found

    Bullied no more : When DNA shoves proteins around(Knots and soft-matter physics: Topology of polymers and related topics in physics, mathematics and biology)

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    この論文は国立情報学研究所の電子図書館事業により電子化されました。Most studies of protein-DNA interactions take a protein-centric perspective-giant proteins "bully" a static DNA polymer into a recognizable configuration. The structure of the protein is considered the primary determinant in the interaction, and DNA is considered, by comparison, merely a passive substrate. There are likely several reasons for this view, but the most important reason, perhaps, is that static crystal structures, which are the most vivid and compelling pictures we have, contain only a short fragment of DNA. The mechanistic explanations for protein-DNA recognition, therefore, usually arise from the structure of the protein. But protein structure does not tell the whole story. We propose that to understand protein-DNA interactions, a more holistic perspective must be taken. Protein-DNA interactions involve not just the protein, but also what we now know are incredibly dynamic DNA molecules, and the equally dynamic solvent molecules and counterions that surround them. Here we consider the ways that DNA topology can affect protein-DNA interactions, and focus, in particular, on the local, sequence-specific properties of DNA that do not occur when DNA is in the relaxed B-form as it is found in nearly all DNA crystal structures and is employed in the overwhelming majority of biophysical and biochemical studies of DNA structure and protein-DNA binding. DNA in cells is not inert like the linear B-form used in such experiments and it does not have naked ends. Instead, DNA in cells has topology, and topology affects: curvature, twist, kinking, base flipping, denaturation, and counterion concentrations, in addition to the likelihood that two DNA helices come together to form DNA juxtapositions

    Note---Optimal Work-Rest Scheduling with Exponential Work-Rate Decay

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    This note develops optimal multiple rest break models for the case when the decay in work rate is an exponential function of time worked and recovery of work rate potential during rest is a linear function of time rested. While empirical evidence indicates that work rate decay functions tend to be best approximated by either exponential or linear functions, previous multiple rest break models were based upon a linear work rate decay function. Efficient solution procedures are developed which require only the solution of a transcendental equation using Newton's or an equivalent method. Although linear-linear and exponential-linear models are demonstrated to share some important general characteristics, a preliminary analysis indicated that use of linear-linear policies resulted in substantial sacrifices in productive output when relatively high rates of exponential decay were present. The observed losses were exacerbated by higher rates of recovery.production/scheduling: work studies, productivity, programming: integer, applications

    SCIENCE EDUCATION T he Educating Future Scientists

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    most exciting science in the 21st century is likely to evolve among, not within, traditional disciplines. Physical scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, concerned with understanding and designing complex systems, Enhanced online at can offer invaluable www.sciencemag.org/cgi/ viewpoints and ap-content/full/301/5639/1485 proaches to biologists. Conversely, biological systems provide new challenges for mathematics and physics, and they catalyze technology development i