30 research outputs found

    Human full-length coagulation factor X and a GLA domain-derived 40-mer polypeptide bind to different regions of the adenovirus serotype 5 hexon capsomer

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    The interaction of HAdV-C5 and many other adenoviruses with blood coagulation factors (e.g. human factor X; FX) involves the binding of their GLA domain to the hexon capsomers, resulting in high levels of hepatotropism and potential hepatotoxicity. In this study, we tested the possibility of preventing these undesirable effects by using a GLA mimicking peptide as a competitor. A FX GLA domain-derived, 40-mer polypeptide carrying 12 carboxyglutamate residues was synthesized (GLAmim). SPR analysis showed that GLAmim reacted with free and capsid-embedded hexon with a nanomolar affinity. Unexpectedly, GLAmim failed to compete with FX for hexon binding, and instead significantly increased the formation of FX-hexon or FX-adenovirion complexes. This observation was confirmed by in vitro cell transduction experiments using HAdV-C5-Luciferase vector (HAdV5-Luc), as preincubation of HAdV5-Luc with GLAmim prior to FX addition resulted in a higher transgene expression compared to FX alone. HAdV-C5 virions complexed with GLAmim were analyzed by cryo-electron microscopy. Image reconstruction demonstrated the bona fide hexon-GLAmim interaction, as for the full-length FX, although with considerable differences in stoichiometry and relative location on the hexon capsomer. Three extra densities were found at the periphery of each hexon, whereas one single FX molecule occupied the central cavity of the hexon trimeric capsomer. A refined analysis indicated that each extra density is found at the expected location of one highly variable loop 1 (HVR-1) of the hexon, involved in scavenger receptor recognition. HAdV5-Luc complexed with a bifunctional GLAmimRGD peptide showed a lesser hepatotropism, compared to control HAdV5-Luc alone, and efficiently targeted ????-integrin overexpressing tumor cells in an in vivo mouse tumor model. Collectively, our findings open new perspectives in the design of adenoviral vectors for biotherapy


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    The representation of women in politics is a must in a democratic country. Since it was rolled out through several electoral regulations after the Reformation, Affirmative action quota of 30% for women, has not yet reached the expected target. Although at the nomination stage, 30% of women were required to be represented, in the end the candidates who were elected had never reached 30%. Nationally, the highest is only 20.5%. In Bekasi City, the same thing happened. Of the 50 seats in the Bekasi City DPRD, only 8 seats were successfully occupied by women. That is, only 16% of the total number of seats. This low income is influenced by many factors. First, the internal factor of political parties. For example, ideology, the lack of female members occupying strategic positions and the lack of party collective awareness to prioritize increasing the quantity and quality of female cadres; second, external factors. Among other things, regulations that do not explicitly guarantee women's representation; the open proportional system makes the affirmative action policy paralyzed. In addition, there is still a high level of patriarchal culture in societyKeterwakilan perempuan di dunia politik menjadi  keharusan di sebuah negara demokratis. Sejak digulirkan melalui beberapa regulasi kepemiluan pasca Reformasi, Affirmative Action kuota 30 %  perempuan, belum juga mencapai target yang diharapkan. Meskipun pada tahap pencalonan telah disyaratkan keterwakilan 30 % perempuan, namun pada akhirnya caleg yang  terpilih belum pernah mencapai angka 30 %. Secara nasional paling tinggi hanya 20,5 %. Di Kota Bekasi, terjadi pula hal yang sama. Dari 50 kursi DPRD Kota Bekasi, hanya 8 kursi yang berhasil ditempati oleh perempuan. Artinya, hanya 16 % dari jumlah kursi. Rendahnya Perolehan ini dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor.  Pertama, faktor  internal partai politik. Seperti, ideologi, kurangnya jumlah anggota perempuan yang menempati posisi strategis dan masih kurangnya kesadaran kolektif partai unutk memprioritaskan peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas  kader perempuan;  kedua, faktor eksternal. Antara lain persoalan regulasi yang tidak tegas menjamin keterwakilan perempuan; sistem proporsional terbuka membuat kebijakan affirmative action lumpuh. Selain itu adalah masih tingginya  budaya patriarki di masyarakat

    Antimalarial activity and chemical studies of Zingiber aromaticum (Zingiberaceae) used as traditional medicine in Indonesia

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    Malaria is one of the major health threats in the world especially in developing countries. The high price of medicinal drugs has necessitated the optimization of traditional medicine especially from plants with antimalarial properties as a source for inexpensive treatment of this disease. Zingiber aromaticum is the folk medicinal plant commonly used in Indonesia for the treatment of malaria. However, a scientific validation of this utilization was not previously observed. The aim of these studies was to evaluate the potential efficacy of Z. aromaticum as a source of new antimalarial drug. The methanol extract from the rhizome of Z. aromaticum were fractionated by vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC) for further bioassay and chemical characterization. Fractionation and isolation of the methanolic extract by TLC followed by spectroscopic techniques IH-NMR, C-NMR and FTIR led to the identification of the active compound Zerumbone. The antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites to assess the concentrations for 50% inhibition (IC50) of zerumbon and extracts was screened in vitro. The results showed that activity of methanol and n-hexane extracts have a week antiplasmodial activity with IC50 74.13 ??g/ml and 53.45 ??g/ml respectively; whereas Zerumbone was less active with IC50 97.39 ??g/ml

    Target prediction of compounds on jamu formula using nearest profile method

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    Jamu is one of Indonesia's cultural heritage, which consists of several plants that have been practiced for centuries in Indonesian society to maintain health and treat diseases. One of the scientification efforts of Jamu to reveal its mechanism is to predict the target-protein of the active ingredients of the Jamu. In this study, the prediction of the target compound for Jamu was carried out using a supervised learning approach involving conventional medicinal compounds as training data. The method used in this study is the closest profile method adopted from the nearest neighbor algorithm. This method is implemented in drug compound data to construct a learning model. The AUC value for measuring performance of the three implemented models is 0.62 for the fixed compound model, 0.78 for the fixed target model, and 0.83 for the mixed model. The fixed compound model is then used to construct a prediction model on the herbal medicine data with an optimal threshold value of 0.91. The model produced 10 potential compounds in the herbal formula and its 44 unique protein targets. Even though it has many limitations in obtaining a good performance, the closest profile method can be used to predict the target of the herbal compound whose target is not yet known


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    Partikel-partikel asap rokok diketahui mengandung tingkat radikal bebas tinggi yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan atau kematian sel organ-organ di dalam tubuh. Peningkatan enzim Laktat dehidrogenase (LDH) dapat digunakan sebagai biomarker pada saat terjadi kerusakan atau kematian sel tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek terapi dari ekstrak temu putih (ETP) terhadap kadar enzim LDH tikus (Rattus norvegicus) yang diinduksi asap rokok. Sebanyak 12 ekor tikus diinduksi asap rokok selama 30 menit dengan menggunakan 10 batang rokok perhari kemudian diberikan vitamin C dosis 100mg/ml sebagai kontrol positif, ETP dengan dosis 70mg/200gBB dan dosis 105mg/200gBB. Penginduksian dilakukan selama 30 hari kemudian dilakukan pengambilan sampel darah. Pengukuran kadar enzim LDH menggunakan reagen kit diagnostik pada instrument ABX Pentra 400. Uji Oneway ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ETP secara peroral pada hewan coba tikus menunjukkan penurunan kadar LDH pada setiap dosis yang digunakan yaitu 70mg/200gBB dan 105mg/200gBB dengan perbedaan secara nyata dibandingkan kelompok kontrol negatif (p<0,05). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ETP dosis 70 mg/200gBB dan 105mg/200gBB memberikan efek terapi dengan menurunkan kadar enzim LDH pada tikus yang diinduksi asap rokok

    Curcuma zedoaria Extract as a Potential Protective Agent against Doxorubicin-Induced Toxicities in Rats

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    DOX therapy as an anticancer agent by incorporation of either physical treatments or antioxidant supplementation. Curcuma zedoaria (Rosc) (family Zingiberaceae) is an indigenous plant with antioxidant and anticarcinogenic activity. This study investigates the potential protective activities of an ethanol extract from Curcuma zedoaria (CZE) against DOX toxicities on non-target organs. A total of 50 female Wistar rats were divided into five groups: control group (G1), DOX only (G2), CZE 350 mg/kg + DOX (G3), CZE 525 mg/kg + DOX (G4), and Vit E + DOX (G5). Daily administration of CZE was given intra-gastric for 30 days, while 5 mg/kg DOX was injected concomitantly each on days 7, 14, and 21. The results of blood biochemical analysis indicated that administration of either the single or multiple doses of DOX (G2) caused significant elevation in the blood levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aminotransferase (AST), creatinine, and CK-MB, indicating that the tissue damages occurred in the liver, kidney, and heart. Treatments with CZE demonstrated that ALT, AST, creatinine, and CK-MB levels remained similar to baseline levels, or no elevation was observed in all groups (G3 and G4). The oral administration of CZE in doses of 350 mg/kg and 525 mg/kg also decreased the AST/ALT ratio independent of the dose given. However, 350 mg/kg CZE indicated a faster response to protecting activities than other treatments. In conclusion, administration of a Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Roscoe ethanol extract, particularly in the 350 mg/kg dose, can potentially prevent or reduce DOX's toxicities in the liver, kidney, and cardiac cells


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    Temu putih (Curcuma zedoaria (Berg.) Roscoe) telah banyak digunakan secara tradisional sebagai pengobatan penyakit. Temu putih diketahui memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang berpotensi memperbaiki kerusakan sel. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengevaluasi efek ekstrak temu putih (ETP) melalui perubahan kadar protein total dan alkali fosfatase (ALP) pada tikus yang dipaparkan asap rokok. Sebanyak 15 ekor tikus dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok (n=3) yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif, kontrol positif, kelompok induksi asap rokok dan ETP 70 mg/200gBB, kelompok induksi asap rokok dan ETP 105 mg/200gBB, dan kelompok pemberian ETP 105 mg/200gBB. Perlakuan dilakukan selama 30 hari. Pada hari ke-0 dan hari ke-30, diambil darah tikus untuk mengevaluasi perubahan kadar protein total dan ALP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian ETP secara peroral pada hewan coba tikus yang telah dipaparkan asap rokok menurunkan kadar protein total secara signifikan dengan nilai p=0,038 dan 0,004 (p<0,05) masing-masing setelah pemberian ETP dosis 70 mg/200gBB dan 105 mg/200gBB. Pemberian dosis yang sama juga menunjukkan signifikansi penurunan kadar ALP dengan nilai p= 0,003 dan 0,001 (p<0,05) pada tikus yang terpapar asap rokok. Kesimpulan penelitan ini adalah ekstrak temu putih 70 mg/200gBB dan 105 mg/200gBB dapat menurunkan kadar protein total dan ALP tikus yang terpapar asap rokok selama 30 hari


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    Honey has been used as food and medicine for thousands of years. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of honey in restoring the levels of electrolytes and blood glucose after performing physical exercises. The effect of honey consumption on electrolyte and blood glucose levels was examined on12 healthy male subjects, which were divided into 4 groups with three members in each group. Group I was treated as control and provided only 250 ml of mineral water after exercise, while group II was provided 250 ml commercial isotonic beverage, group III  provided honey solution 1 (15 ml honey/250 ml water), and group IV provided honey solution 2 (45 ml honey/250 ml water). The physical exercise performed by the subjects is running on a treadmill at a speed of 5.6 km/h for 40 minutes. Measurements of electrolyte and blood glucose levels were performed 24 hrs before as initial baseline, and these were also measured after the physical exercise as well as after the treatment. Results of the study revealed that honey played a significant role in the restore electrolyte and blood glucose levels in people who have performed physical activities such as exercising and the effect of honey is similar to the commercial isotonic beverage. However, no significant difference (p-value > 0.05) was reported between the honey solution 1 and 2  and other treatment groups in elevating sodium and chloride level


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    Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) telah lama digunakan sebagai salah satu pengobatan tradisional untuk mengobati berbagai macam penyakit, termasuk untuk penderita diabetes mellitus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan aktivitas ekstrak etanol durian dalam menurunkan kadar glukosa darah pada mencit yang diinduksi aloksan dosis 125 mg / kgBB dan diberi beban glukosa 20%. Sebanyak 36 ekor mencit dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok I sebagai kontrol sehat, kelompok II diinduksi dengan aloksan dan diberikan NaCMC 1% (kontrol negatif), kelompok III diinduksi dengan aloksan dan diberikan Acarbose® (kontrol positif), kelompok IV diinduksi dengan aloksan dan diberikan ekstrak etanol akar durian (EDR), ekstrak klika (ESB) dan ekstrak daun (EDL) dosis 125 mg / kgBB, kelompok V diinduksi dengan aloksan dan diberikan ekstrak etanol akar durian (EDR), ekstrak klika (ESB) dan ekstrak daun (EDL) dosis 250 mg / kgBB, kelompok VI diinduksi dengan aloksan dan diberikan ekstrak etanol akar durian (EDR), ekstrak klika (ESB) dan ekstrak daun (EDL) dosis 500 mg / kgBB. Pengukuran kadar glukosa darah dilakukan sebelum induksi alloxan (t-0), 3x24 jam setelah induksi (t-3), dan setiap 30 menit setelah pemberian perlakuan ekstrak dan larutan glukosa hingga menit ke-180 (t30, t60, t90, t120, t150 dan t180), yang dilakukan pengukuran menggunakan alat glukometer (Nesco®). Persen penurunan kadar glukosa darah yang paling tinggi ditunjukkan setelah menit ke-180 pada kelompok EDR dengan dosis 125 mg / kgBB, ESB dosis  250 mg / kgBB dan EDL dosis 500 mg / kgBB yaitu  sebesar 50,60%, 105,62%, dan 62,97%


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    Perairan Takalar Sulawesi Selatan telah dikenal sebagai lokasi budidaya alga terutama Eucheuma cottonii yang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku atau bahan tambahan pangan. Akan tetapi risiko terdapatnya cemaran logam berat yang berpotensi mengakibatkan gangguan kesehatan telah menjadi perhatian utama khususnya karena sifat dari tumbuhan air yang mampu menyerap logam berat sehingga terjadi akumulasi yang mengakibatkan kadar logam-logam tersebut lebih tinggi dibandingkan lingkungannya. Logam berat seperti timbal, kadmium dan arsen anorganik biasanya ditemukan dalam rumput laut dan pangan lain yang berasal dari laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan logam berat Pb, Cd, dan As pada E. cottonii dan mengetahui batas maksimum konsumsi mingguannya. Metode penelitian adalah metode studi lapangan dengan pengambilan sampel sebanyak 3 kali pengulangan. Analisis kadar logam berat menggunakan metode spektrometri serapan atom (SSA) sedangkan analisis keamanan konsumsi berdasarkan MTI (Maximum Tolerable Intake). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar Pb pada sampel adalah  1,2215±0,200 ppm, analisis kadar Cd di bawah batas deteksi, dan kadar As adalah 0,3939±0,035ppm. Berdasarkan kandungan logam berat Pb, Cd dan As, jumlah maksimum Eucheuma cottonii yang masih aman dikonsumsi per minggu oleh manusia dengan BB 60 kg adalah 122,8 g atau 0,1228 kg. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kadar semua logam yang telah diteliti pada rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii warna hijau asal Kabupaten Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan masih memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan SNI dan BPOM, kecuali logam Pb karena hasilnya melebihi kadar yang seharusnya yaitu 1,0 mg/kg