7,604 research outputs found

    Administration of a Regulatory Small Loan Law

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    Welfare Reform, Saving, and Vehicle Ownership: Do Asset Limits and Vehicle Exemptions Matter?

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    This paper examines whether AFDC/TANF asset tests affect the asset holdings of low-educated single mothers, exploiting variation in asset limits and exemptions across states and over time. There are important reasons to examine vehicle assets in this context. For example, vehicles make up a very significant share of total wealth for poor families, and the variation in vehicle exemptions over time and across states far exceeds the variation in asset limits. Consistent with other recent research, I find little evidence that asset limits have an effect on the amount of liquid assets that single mothers hold. However, I find evidence that vehicle exemptions do have an important effect on vehicle assets. The findings suggest that moving from a $1500 vehicle exemption to a full vehicle exemption increases the probability of owning a car by 20 percentage points for low-educated single mothers relative to a comparison group. Also, the results indicate that single mothers are not substituting vehicle equity for liquid assets in response to more relaxed restrictions on vehicles.Sullivan, TANF, eligibility, vehicle, asset limits

    Axiomatic Characterization of Ordinary Differential Cohomology

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    Cheeger-Simons differential characters, Deligne cohomology in the smooth category, the Hopkins-Singer construction of ordinary differential cohomology and the recent Harvey-Lawson constructions are each in two distinct ways Abelian group extensions of known functors. In one desciption these objects are extensions of integral cohomology by the quotient space of all differential forms by the subspace of closed forms with integral periods. In the other they are extensions of closed differential forms with integral periods by the cohomology with coefficients in the circle. These two series of short exact sequences mesh with two interlocking long exact sequences (the Bockstein sequence and a DeRham sequence) to form a commutative DNA-like array of functors called the Character Diagram. Theorem 1.1 shows that on the category of smooth manifolds and smooth maps any package consisting of a functor into graded abelian groups together with four natural transformations that fit together so as to form a Character Diagram as above is unique up to unique natural equivalence. Theorem 1.2 shows the natural product structure on differential characters is uniquely characterized by its compatibility with the product structures on the known functors in the Character Diagram. The proof of Theorem 1.1 couples the naturality with results about approximating smooth singular cycles and homologies by embedded pseudomanifolds.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures (figs. 3 and 4 have 2 parts each

    Growth and claw regeneration of the stone crab, Menippe mercenaria

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    Savage, T. and J.R. Sullivan. 1978. Growth and Claw Regeneration of the Stone Crab, Menippe mercenaria. Fla. Mar. Res. Publ. No. 32.23 pp. Laboratory-maintained and feral crabs were observed for incremental carapace width and major and minor claw growth. Morphometric relationships for male and female carapace width against length and carapace width against major and minor claw sizes were derived. Only slopes of carapace width us. female major and male minor claws were not significantly different at the 95% confidence level. Feral normal male incremental growth exceeded that of normal females for all parameters. Normal laboratory females possessed greater average carapace width growth but less claw growth than did their male counterparts. All laboratory growth was more uniform but incrementally smaller than corresponding field growth. A hypothetical growth plot constructed from incremental growth of several crabs indicated ages at attainment of sexual maturity and legal size to be 10 and 30 months. A pictorial description of stone crab claw regeneration is presented. Minor claws realized greater regeneration after one and two molts (73.5% and 96.5% of pre-autotomized sizes) than did major claws (68.6% and 89.0%). Intermolt interval of laboratory crabs increased with larger carapace width sizes. Claw loss shortened or lengthened duration of the intermolt period depending upon whether the claw was removed shortly after a molt or later in the cycle. (Document has 27 pages.


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    Emergency department use among Asian adults living in the United States: Results from the National Health Interview Survey (2006 – 2013)

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    This paper presents secondary analyses of the National Health Interview Survey data focused on emergency department (ED) utilization among Asian adults residing in the United States. National Health Interview Survey data provided from survey years 2006-2013 was pooled and disaggregated by single-race Asian ethnic subgroups (Filipino, Chinese, Asian Indian, other Asian). We explored trends in reports of an ED visit over the survey years for the purpose of determining whether reports of an ED visit increased or decreased over survey years. We also explored background/biologic, environment, access to care, and behavior factors and their associations with having an ED visit. The majority of respondents were foreign-born (75.9%) and had lived in the United States for ten or more years (54.3%). Estimates for reports of any ED visits ranged from 8.3% for the Chinese to 15.3% for the Filipino subgroups. Filipinos were more likely to have an ED visit compared to the Chinese and other Asians (except Asian Indians). For the eight years of survey data, estimates indicate a trend of fewer reports of any ED visit among the Asian Indian and Filipino subgroups. Among Filipinos, having diabetes and a smoking history were associated with an ED visit. The odds of an ED visit were higher among Asians in the youngest age category, among other Asians born in the United States, and among those who saw/talked to a mental health professional within the previous year. As there is a paucity of information available about ED use among Asians or Asian subgroups, this report adds to the literature on patterns of health care utilization among Asian subgroups living in the United States with a specific focus on ED utilization
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