17 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT- The tuition payment system at Taufiq Islamic Middle School is still manually using ledger media in transaction activities and data recap. The system still needs to be revised and is prone to errors in calculating incoming payments and reporting payment data. This research was conducted to facilitate the school in the payment management process so that the recording error rate no longer occurs. The system development method used in this study is the Waterfall model and uses the Midtrans payment gateway in the online payment process. The results of this study are in the form of a tuition payment website that can facilitate all parties, both the school and students. This system makes the payment and recording process better and more efficient. Keywords: information system, waterfall, payment gateway, Midtrans


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    Certification is a determination given by a professional organization to a person to show that a person has competence, able to do a specific job or task. The management of certificates at PT Markco International is still carried out in a simple manner using Microsoft Office applications, starting from managing personal data, passing person status, numbering and issuing certificates. The design of this Certificate Management Information System is intended to provide a better solution, namely a web-based information system that can convert the currently running manual system into a computerized system using a database. Waterfall software development method and data collection techniques by conducting observations and literature studies are applied in the development of this program. This design discusses the process of managing personal data, registration agencies and certificates. As a result, the certificate management program that has been created can manage related information such as data on persons, agencies, certificate categories, registrations and certificates. This proves that the Certificate Management Information System Design at PT Markco International can manage the certificate management process well

    Audit Sistem Informasi Aplikasi E-Office Modul Kepegawaian dengan Framework Cobit 5 pada Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang atau Jasa Pemerintah

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    Kendala yang dihadapi LKPP dalam menggunakan aplikasi E-Office modul kepegawaian ini adalah belum terhubungnya database pegawai dengan database keuangan, sehingga dalam perhitungan gaji pegawai, staf pada unit kerja kepegawaian harus menarik data secara manual ke dalam bentuk excel yang diolah menjadi sebuah laporan kehadiran pegawai. Laporan ini kemudian diserahkan kepada unit kerja keuangan dan digunakan sebagai dasar dalam memberikan gaji pegawai. Hal tersebut seringkali menyebabkan keterlambatan dalam pemberian gaji pegawai, khususnya komponen tunjangan uang makan. Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah yang telah diuraikan maka penulis mencoba merumuskan permasalahan yang dapat menjadi tolak ukur dari permasalahan yang ada yaitu ”Bagaimana Mengukur Tingkat Kematangan Tata Kelola Sistem Informasi E-Office yang telah diterapkan di Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah menggunakan Framework Cobit 5 yang berfokus pada domain Build, Acquire and Implement (BAI)”. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Rata-rata Tingat Kematangan keseluruhan domain BAI adalah 1,67 pada tingkat kematangan 2 Managed Process


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    Vehicle license plates are identifiers used to uniquely identify vehicles. However, to identify vehicle license plates there are several problems encountered, namely the different formats of vehicle license plates that make license plate recognition more complicated, vehicle license plates often contain visually similar combinations of letters and numbers (for example the letter "O" and the number "0" or the letter "I" and the number "1"), . in poor lighting conditions license plates may not be clearly visible. To solve this problem, image recognition, image processing, and pattern recognition technologies can be used. The three technologies can be used to recognize characters on vehicle license plates, but cannot yet be used to recognize the colors contained on vehicle license plates. The purpose of this research is to identify and record vehicle license plate numbers quickly and accurately, monitor the presence of vehicles in a supervised area, assist in managing parking, reduce the need for human interaction in the vehicle identification process, The methods used to recognize motor vehicle plates are edge detection and character segmentation which involves image processing to detect the edges of the vehicle plate, followed by segmentation of individual characters in the plate. Another method used is optical character recognition which involves using an optical sensor to take an image of a vehicle plate, then using character recognition techniques to identify the numbers and letters on the plate. The result of this research is that the motor vehicle number recognition system can work in various lighting conditions and poor weather conditions and can monitor and control vehicles in the parking area. The finding obtained from this research is that no method has been used for color recognition on motor vehicle plates


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    Customer complaints about the company can be used as a form of self-evaluation and performance that has been carried out by the company, based on customer complaints the company can find out the weaknesses that exist in the company and fix them. The forms of submitting customer complaints are very diverse, currently not only by telephone, but customers also submit suggestions or complaints, customers can submit suggestions or complaints via electronic mail or e-mail or forums in cyberspace that are indeed created by product-producing companies to accommodate various complaints, suggestions, and direct criticism from consumers, especially social media that are free to express opinions on the delivery services used. Instagram is a social media that is more inclined towards images and on the other hand, has captions and comments text, a study is needed for the problem of customer complaints from shipping service users on an Instagram account of a delivery service company. Based on this background, a solution is needed in solving problems for text mining classification using Naïve Bayes with SMOTE techniques and N-Gram feature extraction with the usual process for text mining so that it can produce Naïve Bayes and SMOTE accuracy with an accuracy of 88.54%, before implementation. N-Gram and the accuracy rate increased by 1.44% after the N-Gram Term was applied to 89.98% by using a dataset of 776 Instagram comment text records that had to preprocess text


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    Articles is one part of the scientific work which was manifested in the form of writing and containing a lot of information that are requisite and suited therein to the exclusion of .Many small article day with allah is as a variety of sorts of the title and the methodology that was used , but does not make up for the possibility of a resemblance of the title of the article that is there is .This study aims to for determining the rate of a resemblance between an article of the american journal of public from the point of view of the title of the articles the american journal of public by the use of an algorithm of vector space the model and compare it with an algorithm k-nearest neghbour .The data used pt pgn promised to supply 10 the title of an article of the american journal of public keyword on information retrieval .Testing the data with of these keywords documents produced by the only by the magnitude of the resemblance of its on the highest a method of vsm it will be on a doc 5 , doc 7 , doc 8 and doc 4 .While for the program knn generate a level of the resemblance of its on range doc7 , doc10| doc8 , doc10| doc4 , d10| doc5 , doc10| doc3 , doc10. So that came to the conclusion that the occurrence of the addition of the criteria used to they obtain documents they do similaritas keyword afte


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    The existence of the COVID-19 virus makes everyone fill their time at home by doing various activities, one of them playing games on the phone. For the game to develop continuously, it needs an assessment that comes from the community and especially the game lovers themselves. This assessment is used to find out what category of game you want. Therefore the analysis is needed to determine the interests of game lovers by analyzing the popularity of a game. This research was conducted to predict the level of popularity of games in PlayStore applications to find out how many popular and unpopular games and the accuracy obtained with the C4.5 algorithm and Naive Bayes algorithm. The results obtained using the C4.5 algorithm showed 73 popular games and 12 unpopular games with an accuracy value of 85.83% with a precision of 85.83% and a recall of 100% and Naive Bayes showed 23 popular games and 62 unpopular games with an accuracy value of 80% with a precision of 96.11% and a recall of 81.01%. The evaluation results with the ROC curve show the AUC value using the Naive Bayes model of 0.776 and the C4.5 model of 0.500. Of the two models used, one of them is included in the classification of Good classification, namely the Naive Bayes algorithm model, because it has an AUC value between 0.80-0.90. While the C4.5 algorithm model is included in the Fair classification, has an AUC value between 0.70 - 0.80

    Workshop Pemanfaatan Market Place Dalam Menunjang Pemasaran Produk Pada Komunitas Mersi Fans Club Dimasa Pandemik Covid-19

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    PT Radio Swara Mersidiona atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Radio MeRsi yang dipercaya dalam dunia penyiaran, selalu memberikan kepuasan bagi pendengar. Sejak tahun 1971 radio mersi tetap konsisten dalam musik yang disugukan yaitu dangdut sehingga memiliki banyak penggemar setia sehingga terbentuklah komunitas yang bernama Mersi Fans Club (MFC). Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh komunitas Mersi Fans Club (MFC) diantaranya para anggota Komunitas Mersi Fans Club l belum terlalu memahami bagaimana Pemanfaatan Market Place Dalam Menunjang Pemasaran Produk. Belum dapat mengimplementasikan pemasaran produk mereka pada Market Place. Juga dimasa pademik Covid-19 ini, kegiatan tatap muka juga menjadi kendala melanggar protokol kesehatan. Sebagai solusi kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dengan mengadakan kegiatan Workshop secara daring dengan menggunakan fasilitas Zoom meeting. Hasil dari kegiatan ini, diharapkan dapat memahami dengan terus menurus dicoba dan mempraktekan yang sudah didapatkan, sekaligus dengan membuka komunkasi dengan WA Group


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    Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) merupakan suatu proses yang terjadi setiap tahun menjelang tahun ajaran baru yang dilakukan oleh setiap sekolah baik negeri maupun swasta. SMP AR-RIDHA merupakan salah satu SMP swasta di kota Jakarta yang bernaung dibawah Yayasan Nurwulan Iqra Islamic Center. Dalam proses penerimaan peserta didik baru SMP AR-RIDHA yang terletak di Jalan Teluk Semangka no 103 Jakarta Utara masih menggunakan sistem konvensional yaitu calon siswa harus datang ke sekolah guna mengetahui informasi mengenai bagaimana proses penerimaan peserta didik baru sehingga kurang efektif dan efisien. Untuk itu penulis mencoba merancang sistem penerimaan peserta didik baru online agar mempermudah siswa dalam proses penerimaan peserta didik baru. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dalam menunjang skripsi ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka guna mendapatkan data dan informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam penulisan skripsi ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah sistem informasi penerimaan peserta didik baru dengan maksud mempermudah calon peserta didik dan sekolah dalam proses penerimaan peserta didik baru. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah diharapkan dapat membangun sistem informasi penerimaan peserta didik baru