68 research outputs found
Corrective Feedback and Repair Strategies in Meaning-focused Language Classroom
The practice of corrective feedback in communicative language classroom has become a debate among applied linguists. Some consider it obstructs students' fluent speech and some assert it is vital to show students their linguistic gaps. This study aims to describe the practice of oral corrective feedback in meaning-focused instruction specifically to answer the questions 1) what is to correct, 2) how it is corrected, and 3) how repair is constructed. The data are in the forms of teacher's and students' utterances obtained through video recording during meaning-focused instruction in a secondary school. The result shows that in meaning-focused instruction, the ESL teacher mainly corrects semantic errors and among six types of corrective feedback (explicit correction, recast, clarification request, metalinguistic feedback, elicitation, and repetition), the teacher mostly uses elicitation and recast while the repair strategies that occur in this class takes the pattern of other initiation-self repair. So, it can be concluded that in a meaning-focused instruction the teacher does not relatively interrupt the students' fluent speech and that the communicative activity is maintained. And with self-repair, students notice their linguistic gaps. Therefore corrective feedback is still worth practicing in meaning-focused language classrooms
Penggunaan Metode Bermain Peran dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Materi Penjumlahandan Pengurangan Bentuk Soal Cerita pada Siswa Kelas 1 Sdn Ujung VI No 31 Surabaya
Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perlunya dilakukan penerapan metode pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dan lebih bermakna dalam menyampaikan suatu konsep pada kegiatan pembelajaran matematika dikelas I SDN Ujung VI No 31 Surabaya, yaitu kurangnya pemahaman siswa pada materi penjumlahan bentuk soal cerita sehingga hasil belajar kurang maksimal. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut melalui penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberi solusi atas permasalahan yang terjadi. Solusi tersebut yaitu dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran bermain peran yang dapat membuat siswa lebih berperan aktif dalam proses pembelajaran dan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK ). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sendiri oleh guru kelas dengan melaksanakan tiga tahapan yaitu : Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan Refleksi. Pelaksanaan tindakan dilakukan secara kolaboratif dan partisipasif dengan tujuan untuk memperbaiki kinerja maupun pengelolaan kelas. Teknik yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data yaitu dengan teknik observasi dan teknik tes, dan teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analiasis diskriptip kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sebanyak dua siklus. Setiap siklus dilaksanakan dua kali pertemuan. Pada siklus I aktivitas guru diperoleh 69% pada siklus II diperoleh 88%. Aktivitas siswa pada siklus I diperoleh 51 % pada siklus II diperoleh 83 %, dan hasil belajar pada siklud I diperoleh prosentase ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 50% dan pada siklus II diperoleh 80%. Dengan demikian dapat diitarik kesimpulan bahwa dalam penerapan metode bermain peran dalam mata pelajaran matematika materi penjumlahan bentuk soal cerita dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar dan aktivitas siswa kelas I SDN Ujung VI No 31 Surabaya
Faktor Risiko Kejadian Malaria di Desa Lubuk Nipis Kecamatan Tanjung Agung Kabupaten Muara Enim
Background: Malaria was still a serious health problem in Indonesia. It was widely spread in many areas with various level of infection. In 2007, Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI) in Muara Enim district, was 24.77 0/00. It was higher than National Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI 10 0/00). The research aimed to find out risk factors that influence malaria incidence in Muara Enim . Method: This study was designed as case control or retrospective study. As the case of the study, there were fifty four (54) malaria positive people were involved. Rapid survey was employed to select 54 respondents from negative of malaria. Thus, they were totally 108 respondents. Result: It was found three species of anopheles mosquitoes as suspected vectors, which are An. Nigerimus, An. latifer and An. maculatus. Those species were found at the puddles, rice field, pool, river, and public toilets. Factors that contributed to malaria incidence were the water bodies or ponds around the house, not using bad net and coil to avoid mosquitoes. Conclusion: Most of the respondent had not used bed net while sleeping as risk factors to the incidence malaria in Muara Enim District
Efektivitas Variasi Dosis Ferri Klorida (Fecl3) Sebagai Koagulan Dalam Menurunkan Kadar Kadmium (Cd) Pada Air Lindi Tpa Jatibarang Semarang
Leachate is the liquid waste that comes out of a pile of TPA containing heavy metals cadmium of 3.425 mg/l and beyond normal limits according to the Minister of Environment and Forestry Republic Indonesia Regulation Number 59 Year 2016 and the normal limit cadmium content in leachate is as much as 0.1 mg/l. Cadmium is highly toxic and can be harmful to the environment. Using Ferric chloride with coagulation-flocculation method is one technology that can be used to remove heavy metals in leachate. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of dose variation (7 grams, 12 grams and 17 grams) of ferric chloride as a coagulant in lowering levels of cadmium in TPA Jatibarang. This type of research was a true experiment with pretest and posttest with control group design. The populations in this study were all leachate in the inlet TPA Jatibarang Semarang. Data were analyzed by ANOVA (p value ≤ 0.05). The results showed the initial concentration of Cd of 0.862 mg/l and remained above the quality standard (0.1 mg/l). The average pH and temperature of the leachate before treatment was 7 and 26.48°C. After treatment with FeCl3 7 grams of 7 and 25.75°C, pH and temperature after treatment with FeCl3 12 grams by 7.16 and 25.58°C, pH and temperature after treatment with FeCl3 17 grams of 7 and 26°C. Decreased levels of Cd in 7 grams dose as much as 21.1%, 12 grams dose as much as 41.3% and 17 grams dose as much as 72.8% ANOVA showed p-value = 0.0001 or ≤ 0.05, which means that there were differences in the metal levels decrease Cd in leachate by using a treatment dose variation Ferric chloride. That was because ferric chloride was hydrolyzed to interact with and neutralize the negative colloids changes. It can be concluded that the administration of dose variation Ferric chloride effect on the levels of the metal cadmium (Cd) in landfill leachate water Jatibarang Semarang
Analisis Risisko Kesehatan Pajanan Benzena di Industri Percetakan X Kota Semarang
Printing Industry X Semarang is one of the industries that use chemicals containing benzene in the production process. Accumulation of benzene concentration in production room can cause health problem, both carcinogenic or noncarcinogenic. The purpose of this research was to analyze the health risks of exposure to benzene in the Printing Industry X Semarang. The design of this research is observational descriptive with Environmental Health Risk Analysis (EHRA) approach. The population of workers in the printing Industry X was 14, then used as a sample of research. Data analysis using the stages of EHRA including hazard identification, dose-response analysis, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. The result showed the average concentration of benzene that inhaled was 0,422 mg/m3, with an average weight of workers was 64 Kg. Workers exposed to benzene 8 hours per day, in 288 days a year. The average duration of exposure is 7,6 years. The conclusion is benzene concentration at Printing Industry X Semarang can lead noncarcinogenic risk for lifetime exposure. Workers are also at risk of carcinogenic effects, with ECR values already exceed 10-4 to realtime as well as lifetime exposure. Advice to Manager printing industry should provide personal protective equipment such as respirator for workers
Pengaruh Penambahan Lindi dan Mol Nasi Basi terhadap Waktu Pengomposan Sampah Organik
Produksi sampah yang terus meningkat sedangkan teknologi pengolahan tidak efisien dan tidak ramah lingkungan serta lahan TPA (Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir) yang terbatas menjadi masalah utama di Indonesia. Volume sampah akan terus meningkat sehingga penimbunan yang dilakukan terus – menerus akan membuat umur TPA cepat habis.Salah satu solusi dari permasalahan sampah adalah dengan melakukan pengomposan sampah organik biodegradable yang dihasilkan.Pengomposan sampah organik biasanya membutuhkan waktu lama. Untuk mempercepat pengomposan ditambahkan lindi dan MOL nasi basi sebagai aktivator. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dosis optimum lindi dan MOL nasi basi dan pengaruhnya terhadap waktu pengomposan sampah organik dengan metode Mac Donal. Hasil terbaik pengomposan adalah pada variasi K3 (bahan kompos + lindi 15 ml) yang menunjukkan kematangan berdasarkan rasio C/N pada minggu ke – 2 pengomposan. Kadar C – organik 17,00%; kadar N - total 1,36 %; Rasio C/N 12,47;kadar P - total0,306%; kadar K – total 3,64%; kadar Zn 4,69 ppm; kadar Fe 1,12 %; kadar Mn 0,012%; total coliform 46 MPN/gr
Perbedaan Efektivitas Zeolit Dan Manganese Greensand Untuk Menurunkan Kadar Fosfat Dan Chemical Oxygen Demand Limbah Cair “Laundry Zone” Di Tembalang
Laundry business is a business in clothes washing services. Preliminary test results show that the levels of phosphate and COD laundry liquid wastes is 12,36 mg/l and 5.920 mg/l. These levels exceeded the water quality standard of waste that phosphate concentration of 2 mg/l and COD concentration of 100 mg/l. This research aimed to determine the difference effectiveness of zeolite and manganese greensand to decrease phosphate and chemical oxygen demand on waste "laundry zone" in Tembalang. This research uses Quasi-Experimental with pretest - posttest design. The sample used is wastewater from the washing machine outlet of "laundry Zone". Analysis data used to test hypothesis is by one way anova test with 95% significance level. Research result show that phosphate levels before treatment is 12,36 mg/l and COD levels is 5.920 mg/l. After treatment with zeolite and manganese greensand in diameter 0,25 mm, 0,5 mm, 0,75 mm and 1 mm showed that the levels of phosphate and COD decreased. From one way anova got the difference at significant of α = 0,05 decreased levels of phosphate and COD after media zeolite by p-value = 0,001, the difference at significant of α = 0,05 decreased levels of phosphate and COD after media manganese greensand by p-value = 0,01, and the difference at significant of α = 0,05 decreased levels of phosphate and COD after media zeolit and manganese greensand by p-value = 0,0001. Effectiveness of the highest decline in phosphate and COD reached 73,30 % dan 71,68% occurred in treatment with zeolite diameter of 0,25 mm
Identifikasi Faktor Kesehatan Lingkungan Di Wilayah Rob Kelurahan Bandarharjo Kota Semarang
Bandarharjo sub-district is an area that was inundated by the water that is caused by changes in land used in coastal areas, land subsidence and rising sea levels. Tidal inundation can affect the community, one of which is public health. Environmental health diseases was top ten Bandarharjo disease at the health center at 2015. The study aimed to identified environmental health factors in the tidal inundation area, sub-district Bandarharjo, Semarang city used cross sectional study approach. The number of respondents as many as 90 household. The determation of respondents used non random sampling. This study showed that the source of the cleanwater was 100% used artesist, fulfilling the water needs of more than 60 liters per day of 93 households (100%), the quality of the water as many as 46 samples (92 %) out of the 50 samples not met standard, 22 households out of 93 households (23.7%) had no toilets, poor sewerage as many as 100 %, trash can with open condition as many as 77 bins (82 , 8%) of 93 bins, trash can do not meet the criteria of 85 bins (91.4%) of the 93 bins, relative humidity as many as 4 houses (4.3%) of the 93 houses not met standard, poor house temperature as much as 71 houses (76.3%) of the 93 houses, the bad lighning as many as 43 houses (46.2%) of the 93 houses, poor floor conditions as much as 10 houses (10.8%) of the 93 houses, poor wall conditions as much as 51 houses (54.8%) of 93 houses, poorly ventilated area as much as 24 houses (25.8%) of the 93 houses, poor housing density as many as 72 houses (77.4%) of 93 houses. Enviromental health risk factor in tidal inundation area Bardarharjo sub-district that is poor water quality, there are still individual septic tank that does not qualify, all the sewage conditions respondents did not qualify, the trash can of respondents still open, residential density are not met standard, and the house temperature of respondents are not met standard
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