10 research outputs found
Pertimbangan Penggunaan Implan Gigi pada Lansia
Saat ini terjadi perkembangan populasi lansia di Indonesia sehingga isu kesehatan lansia merupakan sesuatu yangesensial. Lansia adalah individu yang telah mengalami proses menua sehingga terjadi berbagai perubahan biologispada tubuhnya, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap penurunan fungsi organ. Kehilangan gigi adalah salah satu masalahyang umum pada lansia sehingga kebutuhan untuk pemasangan gigi tiruan merupakan hal penting yang perludiperhatikan masyarakat kelompok lansia. Implan gigi tiruan merupakan salah satu alternatif pengganti kehilangangigi yang memiliki banyak keuntungan dibandingkan gigi tiruan lain. Namun perlu disadari bahwa penggunaan implangigi memiliki pertimbangan-pertimbangan kondisi rongga mulut dan sistemik tertentu untuk menunjang keberhasilanperawatan. Pemahaman mengenai terjadinya proses menua dan hubungannya dengan pertimbangan penggunaanimplan sangat penting untuk diperhatikan oleh klinisi sebelum merencanakan perawatan, terutama berkaitan denganperubahan pada sistem pertahanan tubuh yang terjadi seiring proses menua
Donor Site Morbidity of Nonvascularized Bone Graft: A Systematic Review
Objective: To evaluate the donor site morbidity of iliac and fibular nonvascularized bone graft after mandibular resection. Material and Methods:This study was guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) in PubMed, Proquest, Science Direct, and Ebsco. A total of 12 studies met the criteria of studies in humans using iliac and fibular nonvascularized bone grafts in mandibular reconstruction after mandibular resection. Results: A greater proportion of patients received iliac nonvascularized bone graft (88.9%) than fibular nonvascularized bone graft (11.1%). Of the 385 cases of iliac bone graft, 153 cases (40%) experienced complications at the iliac donor site, whereas in 48 cases of fibular bone graft, two (4%) experienced complications at the donor site. Hemorrhage, bone fracture, infection requiring debridement, and hematoma were the major complications. Conclusion: The morbidity rate of the nonvascularized bone graft donor site of the fibula (4%) tended to be lower than that of the ilium (40%). Patient age and defect size were not significantly correlated with the occurrence of morbidity donor sites in either the ilium or fibula
Association of a Polymorphism in the Gene Encoding Methylenetetrahydrofolate Dehydrogenase 1 (MTHFD1) 1958G>A with Orofacial Cleft
Objective: To evaluate the possible association of a polymorphism in the gene encoding methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 1 (MTHFD1), 1958G>A, with the susceptibility to orofacial cleft in an Indonesian population. Material and Methods: A total of 200 stored secondary biological samples from 30 cases of orofacial cleft and 170 unaffected controls were analyzed to determine the polymorphism status at base 1958. The analysis was conducted using the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism technique after digestion with the Msp1 restriction enzyme. The samples were then subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis to investigate the presence or absence of the following fragments: genotype GG, 196, 86 and 40 base pairs (bp); genotype AA, 282 and 28 bp and genotype AG, 282, 196, 86, 40 and 28 bp. The test groups were compared using the Chi-square test. Results: The wild-type allele containing 1958G, as well as the genotype GG, were significantly more common in the control group than in the orofacial cleft group. Conclusion: The MTHFD1 1958G>A polymorphism was significantly associated with orofacial cleft susceptibility in the tested Indonesian population
Association of a Polymorphism in the Gene Encoding Methylenetetrahydrofolate Dehydrogenase 1 (MTHFD1) 1958G>A with Orofacial Cleft
Objective: To evaluate the possible association of a polymorphism in the gene encoding methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 1 (MTHFD1), 1958G>A, with the susceptibility to orofacial cleft in an Indonesian population. Material and Methods: A total of 200 stored secondary biological samples from 30 cases of orofacial cleft and 170 unaffected controls were analyzed to determine the polymorphism status at base 1958. The analysis was conducted using the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism technique after digestion with the Msp1 restriction enzyme. The samples were then subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis to investigate the presence or absence of the following fragments: genotype GG, 196, 86 and 40 base pairs (bp); genotype AA, 282 and 28 bp and genotype AG, 282, 196, 86, 40 and 28 bp. The test groups were compared using the Chi-square test. Results: The wild-type allele containing 1958G, as well as the genotype GG, were significantly more common in the control group than in the orofacial cleft group. Conclusion: The MTHFD1 1958G>A polymorphism was significantly associated with orofacial cleft susceptibility in the tested Indonesian population
Association of a Polymorphism in the Gene Encoding Methylenetetrahydrofolate Dehydrogenase 1 (MTHFD1) 1958G>A with Orofacial Cleft
Objective: To evaluate the possible association of a polymorphism in the gene encoding methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 1 (MTHFD1), 1958G>A, with the susceptibility to orofacial cleft in an Indonesian population. Material and Methods: A total of 200 stored secondary biological samples from 30 cases of orofacial cleft and 170 unaffected controls were analyzed to determine the polymorphism status at base 1958. The analysis was conducted using the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism technique after digestion with the Msp1 restriction enzyme. The samples were then subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis to investigate the presence or absence of the following fragments: genotype GG, 196, 86 and 40 base pairs (bp); genotype AA, 282 and 28 bp and genotype AG, 282, 196, 86, 40 and 28 bp. The test groups were compared using the Chi-square test. Results: The wild-type allele containing 1958G, as well as the genotype GG, were significantly more common in the control group than in the orofacial cleft group. Conclusion: The MTHFD1 1958G>A polymorphism was significantly associated with orofacial cleft susceptibility in the tested Indonesian population
Rekonstruksi defek plat mandibula dengan fasciocutaneous advancement flap<p></p>Mandibular plate defect reconstruction with fasciocutaneous advancement flap<p>
Pendahuluan: Penggunaan plat rekonstruksi setelah tindakan reseksi mandibula adalah hal yang umum digunakan pada kasus tumor rongga mulut. Komplikasi ekspos plat pada pasien dengan penggunaan plat rekonstruksi tanpa adanya bone graft cukup tinggi sekitar 20%. Fasciocutaneous advancement flap adalah teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk merekonstruksi dan memperbaiki defek jaringan lunak pada rekonstruksi plat. Teknik ini sederhana, singkat dalam proses pembedahan dan perawatan pasca operasi yang mudah untuk dokter dan pasien. Tujuan laporan kasus ini adalah melaporkan rekonstruksi defek plat mandibula dengan fasciocutaneous advancement flap. Laporan kasus: Pasien laki-laki 44 tahun datang ke rumah sakit dengan ekspos plat sejak 1 bulan sebelum masuk rumah sakit. Pasien riwayat dilakukan hemimandibulektomi 1 tahun yang lalu dengan diagnosis calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor dan direkonstruksi menggunakan protesa condyle dan rekonstruksi plat. Perawatan yang dilakukan meliputi debridemen dan fasciocutaneous advancement flap untuk menutup defek ekspos plat rekonstruksi. Simpulan: Rekonstruksi defek plat mandibula dengan fasciocutaneous advancement flap dapat memberikan hasil yang baik, proses pembedahan yang singkat dan sederhana.
Kata kunci: ekspos plat; fasciocutaneous advancement flap; rekonstruksi mandibula
Introduction: The use of a reconstruction plate after mandibular resection is common in cases of oral tumours. Complications of plate exposure in patients using a reconstructed plate without a bone graft are quite high, around 20%. Fasciocutaneous advancement flap is a technique used to reconstruct and repair soft tissue defects in plate reconstruction. This technique is simple, short in surgery, and easy for postoperative care for doctors and patients. This case report aims to present the reconstruction of the mandibular plate defect with a fasciocutaneous advancement flap. Case report: A 44-year-old male patient came to the hospital with plate exposure one month before hospital admission. The patient had a history of hemimandibulectomy one year prior with a calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour diagnosis and was reconstructed using a condyle prosthesis and plate reconstruction. Treatment includes debridement and a fasciocutaneous advancement flap to cover the exposed defect of the reconstruction plate. Conclusion: Reconstruction of the mandibular plate defect with a fasciocutaneous advancement flap can give good results with a brief and simple surgical process.
Keywords: plate exposure; fasciocutaneous advancement flap; mandibular reconstructio
Transformasi kista dentigerous menjadi ameloblastoma: Evaluasi serial radiologi 4 tahun<p></p>Transformation of the dentigerous cyst to ameloblastoma: Case serial of 4-years radiological evaluation<p>
Pendahuluan: Kista dentigerous adalah kista odontogenik terbanyak kedua dan ditemukan sebanyak 49 persen lesi kistik intraoseus pada rahang manusia. Pemahaman tentang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kista dentigerous menjadi ameloblastoma hingga saat ini masih belum terjawab. Tujuan laporan kasus ini melaporkan transformasi kista dentigerous menjadi ameloblastoma dari hasil evaluasi serial radiologi 4 tahun. Laporan kasus: Kista dentigerous yang pada awalnya dan selama kurun waktu 4 tahun perawatan tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi ameloblastoma, dijumpai disekitar mahkota gigi molar kedua mandibula kanan pada pasien berusia 17 tahun.Secara radiologi dengan panoramik lesi tampak multilokuler, dengan berbatas tegas. Gigi molar kedua kanan bawah yang terkena juga diangkat setelah prosedur enukleasi dilakukan. Uji histopatologi pertama menunjukan diagnosisnya kista dentigerous. Radiologi panoramik menunjukkan penyembuhan sempurna dari tulang mandibula setelah satu tahun kemudian. Kista dentigerous dengan ukuran yang besar terkadang dapat mengindikasikan patologi lain yang lebih agresif. Empat tahun kemudian terjadi kekambuhan lagi dan dilakukan pembedahan kuretase radikal dengan pemberian larutan Carnoy, dan hasil pemeriksaan patologis dari pembedahan kedua adalah ameloblastoma subtipe folikuler padat. Simpulan: Evaluasi perkembangan kasus kista dentigerous dari radigrafi radiologi selama 4 tahun menunjukkan kista dentigerous dengan gambaran radiografi multilokuler, berpotensi terjadi rekurensi dan berkembang menjadi ameloblastoma bila tidak dilakukan tindakan pembedahan secara adekuat dapat mendeteksi secara dini terdapatnya kista dentigerous dan ameloblastoma. Evaluasi dilakukan secara berkala dengan mengunakan rontgen panoramik pada pasien yang telah dilakukan tindakan operasi baik pada kista dentigerous maupun ameloblastoma.
Kata kunci: kista dentigerous; ameloblastoma; radiologi
Introduction: Dentigerous cysts are the second most common odontogenic cyst and found as many as 49 percent of intraosseous cystic lesions in the human jaw. The understanding of the growth and development of dentigerous cysts into ameloblastoma is still unanswered. This case report aims to report the transformation of a dentigerous cyst into ameloblastoma observed from 4-year radiological evaluation series. Case report: A dentigerous cyst that initially grew and developed into ameloblastoma over four years of treatment was found around the crown of the right mandibular second molar in a 17-year-old patient. Radiologically, the lesion appeared to be multilocular, with well-defined borders. The affected lower right second molar was also removed after the enucleation procedure was performed. The first histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of a dentigerous cyst. The panoramic radiograph showed complete healing of the mandibular bone after one year. Large dentigerous cysts can sometimes indicate other, more aggressive pathologies. Four years later there was recurrence and radical curettage surgery was performed with Carnoy's solution, and the pathological examination result from the second surgery was solid follicular subtype ameloblastoma. Conclusion: Evaluation of the development of dentigerous cysts from the 4-years radiological evaluation showed dentigerous cysts with multilocular radiographs. The potential for recurrence and development of ameloblastoma if surgery is not performed adequately can detect early dentigerous cysts and ameloblastomas. Evaluation is carried out periodically using panoramic x-rays in patients who have undergone surgery for dentigerous cysts and ameloblastomas.
Keywords: dentigerous cyst; ameloblastoma; radiolog
Evaluating Dental Arch Relationships in Indonesian Patients with Operated Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Using Modified Huddart/Bodenham Index and Bauru-bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP) Yardstick
BACKGROUND: Patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate (CBCLP) have the most complex orofacial abnormalities despite its lowest incidence among cleft lip and palate (CLP) types. Impaired maxillary growth can result from surgical procedures in patients with CBCLP. This study evaluates dental arch relationships in Indonesian patients with CBCLP after undergoing CLP repair at Harapan Kita Children and Mother Hospital in Jakarta. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Using the modified Huddart and Bodenham (MHB) index and Bauru bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP) yardstick, three examiners assessed 17 study models in the 9-year age group and 13 study models in the 12-year age group, as well as two intraoral clinical photographs of two patients with CBCLP. The assessments were repeated three times within two weeks of each assessment time. RESULTS: Patients with operated CBCLP (aged 9 and 12 years) had edge-to-edge tooth relations, which were categorized as a mild crossbite or mild deviation, and only required orthodontic treatment according to the two specified indicators. CONCLUSIONS: The CLP repair protocol used at the Harapan Kita Hospital effectively manages CBCLP cases with satisfactory results, suggesting the effectiveness of the MHB index and Bauru-BCLP yardstick in assessing dental arch relationships in patients with operated CBCLP. Key words:Bilateral, cleft lip and palate, dental arch relationship, lip repair, palate repair
The effects of mouth rinsing and gargling with mouthwash containing povidone-iodine and hydrogen peroxide on the cycle threshold value of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2: A randomized controlled trial of asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic patients [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
Background Coronavirus disease 2019 can spread rapidly. Surgery in the oral cavity poses a high risk of transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. The American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend the use of mouthwash containing 1.5% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or 0.2% povidone iodine (PI) to reduce the viral load in the upper respiratory tract and decrease the risk of transmission. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of mouth rinsing and gargling with mouthwash containing 1% PI, 0.5% PI, 3% H2O2, or 1.5% H2O2 and water on the cycle threshold (CT) value obtained by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Methods This study is a randomized single blind controlled clinical trial which has been registered in the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN) registry on the 3rd February 2022 (Registration number: ISRCTN18356379). In total, 69 subjects recruited from Persahabatan General Hospital who met the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups or the control group. The subjects were instructed to gargle with 15 mL of mouthwash for 30 s in the oral cavity followed by 30 s in the back of the throat, three times per day for 5 days. CT values were collected on postprocedural days 1, 3, and 5. Results The results of the Friedman test significantly differed among the groups (n=15). The CT values increased from baseline (day 0) to postprocedural days 1, 3, and 5. Conclusions Mouth rinsing and gargling with mouthwash containing 1% PI, 0.5% PI, 3% H2O2, or 1.5% H2O2 and water increased the CT value