826 research outputs found


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    This research is a review of the descriptive analysis of the aesthetic in the poem Song Band album 'Heaven Of Love' Generally, this study aims to examine and obtain an objective picture of the aesthetic in the poem Song Band album 'Heaven Of Love'. The problem in this research How this aesthetics of Bodom song lyrics to album "Heaven Of Love" seen from the form of orchestration that includes diction, figurative language, rhetorical, grammatical and stylistic elements?. This research approach to aesthetics, especially the emphasis on aesthetic values associated with the orchestration aspect , while the method used is descriptive and qualitative. The data processing technique performed by analytical techniques with their respective ways of classifying data according to category of aesthetic analysis that includes: diction, figure of speech, rhetorical, grammatical elements, and style of language. Based on the analysis results can be concluded that; Understanding of Bodom song lyrics to album "Heaven of Love" based on aesthetic value which is seen in terms of orchestration include, diction, figurative language, rhetorical, grammatical elements, and style of language.. From the aspect of diction can be identified five categories of diction connotative diction, concrete diction, diction association, diction anthropomorphic, and imaginative diction.. From the aspect of figurative language can be identified four categories of figurative language that is the equation / similes, personification, metaphors, and allegories.. From the rhetorical aspects can be identified three categories namely rhetorical rhetorical tautology, enumeration, and parallelism.. From the aspect of grammatical elements can be identified one category of grammatical element that is associated with a shortening of the word.. From the aspect of style can be identified nine types of style that is hyperbole, Litotes, paradox, repetition, antithesis, anastrof, hysteron proteron, apofasis, koreksi

    Intensification of social behavior in community development: An approach to applied social psychology

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    Purpose - This article aims to: First, identify social behavior in community development both as knowledge and action. Second, analyzing social behavior in community development through an applied social psychology approach.Method - research type used library research.Result - The results of the discussion show: First, today's social behavior in community development is facing various challenges along with the social dynamics themselves. In order to maintain and develop the existence of community development, it is necessary to involve other scientific disciplines. The involvement of other scientific disciplines, one of which is intended in an effort to intensify social behavior in the development of society itself. Second, the applied social psychology approach can be used in the realm of understanding social problems, identifying factors that influence social attitudes and behavior, interventions, designing social change, and evaluating activity programs.Implications - This study the impact on the development of applied social psychology approaches can be applied to the realm of understanding social problems, identifying factors that influence social attitudes and behavior, interventions, designing social change, and evaluating activity programs. In addition, applied social psychology can also be used as an approach in strengthening attitudes and behavior in intensifying community development.Originality - This research is strengthening intensification of social behavior in community development to applied social psychology.***Tujuan - Artikel ini bertujuan: Pertama, mengidentifikasi perilaku sosial dalam pengembangan masyarakat baik sebagai pengetahuan maupun tindakan. Kedua, menganalisis perilaku sosial dalam pengembangan masyarakat melalui pendekatan psikologi sosial terapan.Metode - jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan.Hasil - Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan: Pertama, perilaku sosial masyarakat dewasa ini menghadapi berbagai tantangan seiring dengan dinamika sosial itu sendiri. Dalam rangka menjaga dan mengembangkan keberadaan pengembangan masyarakat, perlu melibatkan disiplin ilmu lain. Keterlibatan disiplin ilmu lain, salah satunya dimaksudkan dalam upaya mengintensifkan perilaku sosial dalam pembangunan masyarakat itu sendiri. Kedua, pendekatan psikologi sosial terapan dapat digunakan dalam ranah memahami masalah sosial, mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku sosial, intervensi, merancang perubahan sosial, dan mengevaluasi program kegiatan.Implikasi - Studi ini memiliki dampak terhadap pengembangan pendekatan psikologi sosial terapan dapat diterapkan pada ranah pemahaman masalah sosial, mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku sosial, intervensi, merancang perubahan sosial, dan mengevaluasi program kegiatan. Selain itu, psikologi sosial terapan juga dapat digunakan sebagai pendekatan dalam penguatan sikap dan perilaku dalam mengintensifkan pembangunan masyarakat.Orisinalitas - Penelitian ini memperkuat intensifikasi perilaku sosial dalam pengembangan masyarakat terhadap psikologi sosial terapan

    Analisis Keunggulan Kompetitif Sektor Ekonomi di Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi DIY

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    Peningkatan Kemampuan Siswa dalam Memahami Teks Narrative dengan menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Role Play pada Siswa Kelas XI IBB di MAN 4 Kediri Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022

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    One of the appropriate methods to improve students' abilities is the role play learning method. In improving students' ability to understand students' narrative texts, appropriate learning methods are needed. One of the appropriate methods to improve students' abilities is the role play learning method. The purpose of this study was to analyze the improvement of students' ability in understanding narrative texts using the Role Play Learning Method in Class XI IBB Students in the Even Semester of the 2021/2022 Academic Year. The method used to conduct the research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The approach used is a qualitative approach. The data collection procedure is the test method. From the test method obtained data in the form of student learning scores which are then used for hypothesis testing. The results of this study are the application of the role play learning method can improve students' ability to understand narrative texts for Class XI IBB students, this can be seen from the students' test scores in the initial test activity from 73.07 increased to 78.20 in cycle 1, and in cycle II increased again to 85. Thus, the role play learning method applied to students can improve students' ability to understand narrative texts for students in Class XI IBB Even Semester in the 2021/2022 Academic Year

    Modelling of Motorcycle Accidents at Non-Exclusive Motorcycle Lane Junctions in Malaysia

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    In Malaysia, motorcycles constitute more than half of the total registered vehicles and contribute to more than 60% of casualties (death, hospitalised and slight injury) to total traffic accidents. In the 1990-2000 period, almost 3,000 motorcyclists were killed every year in traffic accidents. To overcome such problems, the exclusive motorcycle lanes have been constructed along the major trunk roads in Malaysia. However, not much work has been done to address junction accidents involving motorcycles. As such, a detailed study on this area has been carried out to allow traffic engineers to establish appropriate junction treatment criteria specifically designed for non-exclusive motorcycle lane facilities.A total of 104 junctions in Hulu Langat, Klang, Kuala Langat and Petaling districts with 1,095 injury related motorcycle accidents in the period 1997-2000 were included in the study. The generalised linear modelling with Poisson distribution was used to develop the model. The variables of the model were examined using univariate and multivariate analyses. The final models revealed that traffic flow entering the junction, approach speed, lane width, number of lanes on major road, shoulder width, junction control and land use were significant in explaining motorcycle accidents. Meanwhile, pedestrian flow, number of lanes on minor road and number of intersecting legs were not significant in explaining motorcycle accidents. Non-motorcycle flow on major road had the highest effect on the probability of motorcycle accidents at junctions. The final models allow traffic engineers to decide the appropriate intervention levels for junction treatment with respect to motorcycle accidents. Using the final models, design parameters for junctions may be changed to achieve the appropriate safety levels for them. The decision on whether to allow motorcycles to pass through a junction without treatment to it or the need for special end treatment to minimise motorcycle conflicts at junctions can be objectively carried out based on the model, and this can easily be done using the software developed in this study. Apart from the software, a series of design curves relating major road and minor road flows at junctions with typical shoulder widths of 0.0 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m, 2.0 m and 2.5m have been established. The design curves were developed based on the number of Personal Injury Accidents (PIA) of 1-PIA per year. These design curves also enable traffic engineers to decide the need for special end treatment of the junctions

    The mediating effect of group identity and religious fundamentalism on the association of intergroup contact with prejudice

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    Contact between groups continues to be recognized as a variable that affects prejudice. The effectiveness of the impact of such contacts on prejudice is influenced by other variables, according to the characteristics of the group. This study aims to determine the effect of group identity mediation and religious funda­mentalism on the influence of intergroup contact on the prejudice of transnational Islamic groups against moderate Islamic ones. The research subjects were selected randomly from 365 members of Jama’ah Tabligh, a transnational Islamic group in Semarang, Indonesia. The research data collection used the scales of prejudice, intergroup contact, group identity, and religious fundamentalism, while the data analysis employed structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show that group identity and religious fundamentalism have a mediating effect on intergroup contact's impact on the prejudice of transnational Islamic groups against moderate ones. This research's theoretical implication is that the extent of the influence of intergroup contacts on prejudice is affected by group identity and religious funda­mentalism as mediating variables

    Hubungan Beban Kerja Dengan Kinerja Perawat Dan Bidan DIpoliklinik Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Rk. Charitas Palembang

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    Background: The work load represents all activities or activities undertaken by a nurse and midwife during a duty at a nursing service unit at Polyclinic RK Charitas Hospital Palembang. High workloads can lead to poor communication between nurses and patients, failures of collaboration with physicians, and nurse performance dissatisfaction. Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship of workload with performance of nurses and midwives in polyclinic RK Charitas Hospital Palembang in 2017 Method: Thisresearchwas conducted on 2 until 8 May 2017 using cross sectional analytic survey design with quantitative approach. Sampling using total sampling technique counted 50 respondents Results: A statistical test of 43 (86 %) of people stated a heavy workload and 7 (14 %) of people stated medium workload. Performance statistics test showed 42 (84 %) good performance and 8 (16%) performance is enough. The result of statistical test of bivariate analysis using total sampling obtained ρ-value 0.039 (<0.05). Conclusions: It also shows that the heavy workload felt by most nurses and midwives (86.3%) has a positive impact on the performance of nurses and midwives. Although the workload of nurses and midwives is severe but work performance of nurses and midwives is still good. Recommendation: The result of the research is expected, the researcher can further examine the factors related to workload and performance of nurse and midwife in polyclinic as performance appraisal

    Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Perkembangan Ekonomi Dan Sosial Keagamaan Pada Masyarakat Pesisir

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    AbstractThis study examines the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economic and socio-religious development of coastal communities in Pulau Simardan Village, Datuk Bandar Timur District, Tanjungbalai.  The research method applied in this study is a descriptive survey method with qualitative data analysis.  The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, literature studies and documentation.  This study aims to obtain information about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic related to the economic and socio-religious developments that occur in coastal communities.  The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic can be seen in the decline in people's income figures such as the decline in fish prices and reduced income for traders.  On the other hand, socio-religious activities also have an impact by limiting every religious activity and keeping a distance in worship and trying to do all activities from home

    Permintaan Uang Jangka Menengah dan Jangka Pendek di Indonesia Studi Kasus (1990 - 2002)

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