10 research outputs found

    The challenges of massive open online courses (MOOC)- A preliminary review

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    Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is one of the most recent innovations in education. It is a form of an open source learning sys- tem that offers free and short online courses to anyone who has access to the Internet.MOOC offers a lifelong learning opportunity and a number of ex- isting MOOC online platforms include edX, Coursera, Udacity, and Udemy.However, there are a number of problems and challenges in MOOC, among the major recurring issue is the consistently high dropout rate of MOOC learners.In this paper, we introduce a critical review of literature relating to MOOC dropout rates, bringing together existing findings on completion rates and analyses of several specific courses related to these organizations, which identify factors that correlate to the likelihood of dropout.Finally, we discuss our findings relating MOOC dropout rates, considering what factors are within the control of an MOOC provider and suggesting the most prom- ising avenues for improvement

    Formulation of a knowledge transfer framework for university student organizations

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    This paper discusses the challenges faced by the new office bearers of university student organizations. A qualitative research approach was adopted, where the data was collected using semi-structured interviews with participants representing several student organizations.A formal structured knowledge transfer mechanism to equip the new office bearers of the student organizations was observed to be lacking. This paper presents a knowledge transfer framework that can be adopted by the relevant entities in preparing the newly elected office bearers of student organizations in executing their roles and responsibilities

    Knowledge management adoption: A case study of Malaysian electricity supply industry

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    This paper discusses the current approach adopted by electricity companies in Malaysia in managing organizational knowledge, which was investigated using a mixed method research approach.The analysis reveals that there are a number of inefficiencies in the method currently adopted by electricity companies in Malaysia in managing their organizational knowledge.These companies are recommended to improve the approach undertaken in their knowledge management, in the hope of leveraging the organizational knowledge in attainment of advantage over other players in the industry

    E/CIA: Integrated information audit framework for electricity companies

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    Information audit has become one of the key activities for large organisations in the current business environment.A study exploring the current practices of information audit in electricity companies was conducted, where two main electricity companies in Malaysia were chosen as the case companies.Empirical data showed that information audit is a new concept to these companies and hence, none of them had conducted any information audit exercise.This study proposed information audit framework, ElCIA, specifically tailored to electricity industry environment.ElCIA is hoped to help electricity companies in conducting information audit effectively

    System requirement specifications for a semantic knowledge management system for collaborative learning environment

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    In this study, a Semantic KMS Model is formulated to support collaborative learning environment based on ontology.A comprehensive review was conducted to identify the important components of existing models in Knowledge Management (KM), KMS and semantic areas, and a survey was conducted to finalize the important components of the proposed model.As a result, the proposed semantic KMS model consisted of six important components to support collaborative works; KM Processes, Ontology-based Knowledge Model, Semantic KM Features, Knowledge Quality, System Quality and KM Goals.A prototype, called Semantic KMS for Collaborative Learning was developed to illustrate how the model components are supporting KM processes in collaborative works based on the system requirement specifications described in this paper.The required modules of the semantic KMS are described in details and the ontology-based knowledge models are also presented

    Knowledge audit framework: A case study of the Malaysian electricity supply industry

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    Literature has concurred that knowledge audit promotes efficient management and exploitation of organizational knowledge.Due to the distinctive business environment of the electricity supply industry, the existing knowledge audit frameworks may not be suitable to be adopted ‘as-they-are’ by the industry. In this context, this research has proposed a knowledge audit framework that is specifically tailored to the environment of the electricity supply industry.Two main electricity companies in Malaysia were selected as the case companies for this research.The proposed knowledge audit framework aims to present a holistic way of assessing and analyzing the current knowledge environment of the electricity supply industry in Malaysia.The outcomes of the knowledge audit exercise could be used in developing a knowledge strategy that is aligned with the business strategies of the electricity companies

    Factors of emerging infectious disease outbreak prediction using big data analytics: A systematic literature review

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    Infectious disease is an illness that can be transmitted from an infected individual to another.During the pre-vaccine era, infectious disease epidemics caused major fatalities in the population.The invention of vaccines that have dramatically reduced fatalities caused by infectious disease, led to the establishment of Global Immunization Vision and Strategy initiative that aims at increasing national vaccination coverage around the world.However, the appearance of emerging infectious disease calls for an establishment of an early warning mechanisms that can predict the next outbreak.Mathematical and statistical model that has been used to predict infectious disease outbreak used single source datasets that is inadequate for public health policymaking.Literatures suggested using big data analytics to get a better and accurate model. Big data deals not only with structured data from electronic health records but also integrate unstructured data obtained from social medias and webpages.Thus, this paper aims at identifying the factors frequently used in studies on infectious disease outbreak prediction, focusing specifically on two common disease outbreak in southeast Asia: dengue fever and measles.A systematic literature review approach that search across four databases found 284 literatures, of which 10 literatures were selected in the final process.Based on the review, it seems that studies on measles outbreak employed only single source datasets of patient data retrieved from electronic health records. Further research on measles outbreak prediction should combine various types of big data to produce more accurate prediction results

    ICT strategy and implementation: Change management issues – A case study of a public utility company in Malaysia

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    A case study was done on a public utility company in Malaysia and this paper discussed the change management issues faced by this company, on ways the issues were tackled and what the company can do to improve its change management initiatives.In order to understand how the change management initiatives were being done in the company, key people in the company were interviewed, information audit was conducted and observation was made.From the research, it was found that there were a number of problem with dissemination of information and behavioural issues. This may hinder the growth of the company and might affect its productivity


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    Literature has concurred that knowledge audit promotes efficient management and exploitation of organizational knowledge. Due to the distinctive business environment of the electricity supply industry, the existing knowledge audit frameworks may not be suitable to be adopted ‘as-they-are’ by the industry. In this context, this research has proposed a knowledge audit framework that is specifically tailored to the environment of the electricity supply industry. Two main electricity companies in Malaysia were selected as the case companies for this research. The proposed knowledge audit framework aims to present a holistic way of assessing and analyzing the current knowledge environment of the electricity supply industry in Malaysia. The outcomes of the knowledge audit exercise could be used in developing a knowledge strategy that is aligned with the business strategies of the electricity companies.