4 research outputs found

    Knowledge Archetype: Facilitating Cross Cultural Knowledge Sharing

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    Studies have indicated that national culture may impact the choice of who shares knowledge with whom. This paper considers the problem of tacit knowledge sharing in multi-cultural environments and the issues that relate to trust, language, and culture that could impact on tacit knowledge sharing choices. A study was conducted in an international and multi-cultural Business School to discover if the theoretical research relating to a potential tacit and implicit knowledge sharing archetype had validity. The study which was conducted with 70 students from 28 nations speaking 24 languages, discovered that the variables that impacted who students chose to ask for indicated that the longer that students spent in the Business School; the longer they were in London and the UK; and the older they were, the less they were concerned about the nationality, ethnicity, and language of the person they asked. Additionally, testing the knowledge archetype module it was found that there were no moderating factors. This indicates that a knowledge archetype that is common to all nationalities can be developed

    Impact of intellectual capital on return on investment in Pakistani corporate sector

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    Abs tract: Importance of intellectual capital (IC) has captured the attention of res earchers and bus ines s enterpris es in the free market era. IC has been widely recognized as a critical tool to run the bus iness s ucces s fully in a highly competitive environment. Various models have been introduced to meas ure the numerous facets of IC, i.e. the Skandia navigator, Tobin's Q, and value ad d e d in tellectual coefficient (VA IC). The aim of this s tudy is to examine the relat io n s hip between intellectual capital a n d return on investment (ROI) us ing the VA IC developed by A nte Pulic (1998). Seven-year data s e t for Lahore Stock Exchang e In d e x c o mpanies (LSE-25) was obtained from audited financial reports , and us ed t o c a lc ulate human capital, s tructural capital, and capital-employed efficiency of companies related to d ifferent indus trial sectors. The res ults obtained us ing multiple regres s ion analys is support the argument that IC efficiency contributes s ignificantly to ROI of an organization. Practically, IC efficiency can be us ed as a benchmark and s trategic indicator to direct fin a ncial and intellectual res ources towards the right direction to enhance the firm's ultimate corpora t e v a lu e . T h e study is a pio n eering attempt in Pakis tan to measure the impact of IC efficiency on ROI us ing cros s s ectional time series data