134 research outputs found

    Spectra of the spreading layers on the neutron star surface and constraints on the neutron star equation of state

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    Spectra of the spreading layers on the neutron star surface are calculated on the basis of the Inogamov-Sunyaev model taking into account general relativity correction to the surface gravity and considering various chemical composition of the accreting matter. Local (at a given latitude) spectra are similar to the X-ray burst spectra and are described by a diluted black body. Total spreading layer spectra are integrated accounting for the light bending, gravitational redshift, and the relativistic Doppler effect and aberration. They depend slightly on the inclination angle and on the luminosity. These spectra also can be fitted by a diluted black body with the color temperature depending mainly on a neutron star compactness. Owing to the fact that the flux from the spreading layer is close to the critical Eddington, we can put constraints on a neutron star radius without the need to know precisely the emitting region area or the distance to the source. The boundary layer spectra observed in the luminous low-mass X-ray binaries, and described by a black body of color temperature Tc=2.4+-0.1 keV, restrict the neutron star radii to R=14.8+- 1.5 km (for a 1.4-Msun star and solar composition of the accreting matter), which corresponds to the hard equation of state.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    Dynamo generated magnetic configurations in accretion discs and the nature of quasi-periodic oscillations in accreting binary systems

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    Magnetic fields are important for accretion disc structure. Magnetic fields in a disc system may be transported with the accreted matter. They can be associated with either the central body and/or jet, and be fossil or dynamo excited in situ. We consider dynamo excitation of magnetic fields in accretion discs of accreting binary systems in an attempt to clarify possible configurations of dynamo generated magnetic fields. We first model the entire disc with realistic radial extent and thickness using an alpha-quenching non-linearity. We then study the simultaneous effect of feedback from the Lorentz force from the dynamo-generated field. We perform numerical simulations in the framework of a relatively simple mean-field model which allows the generation of global magnetic configurations. We explore a range of possibilities for the dynamo number, and find quadrupolar-type solutions with irregular temporal oscillations that might be compared to observed rapid luminosity fluctuations. The dipolar symmetry models with Rα<0R_\alpha<0 have lobes of strong toroidal field adjacent to the rotation axis that could be relevant to jet launching phenomena. We have explored and extended the solutions known for thin accretion discs.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Observational appearance of rapidly rotating neutron stars: X-ray bursts, cooling tail method, and radius determination

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    Neutron stars (NSs) in low-mass X-ray binaries rotate at frequencies high enough to significantly deviate from sphericity (ν∗∼\nu_* \sim 200--600 Hz). We investigate the effects of rapid rotation on the observational appearance of a NS. We propose analytical formulae relating gravitational mass and equatorial radius of the rapidly rotating NS to the mass MM and radius RR of a non-rotating NS of the same baryonic mass using accurate fully relativistic computations. We compute spectra from an oblate rotating NS observed at different inclination angles using the modified oblate Schwarzschild (MOS) approximation, where light bending is computed in Schwarzschild metric, but frame dragging and quadrupole moment of a NS are approximately accounted for in the photon redshift calculations. We generalize the cooling tail method to the case of a rapidly rotating NS to obtain the most probable values of MM and RR of the corresponding non-rotating NS with the same baryonic mass. We approximate the local spectra from the NS surface by a diluted blackbody using previously computed NS atmosphere models. We show that the NS radius could be overestimated by 3--3.5 km for face-on stars of R≈11R\approx 11 km rotating at ν∗=\nu_* = 700 Hz if the version of the cooling tail method for a non-rotating NS is used. We apply the method to an X-ray burst observed from the NS rotating at ν∗≈\nu_* \approx 532 Hz in SAX J1810.8−-2609. The resulting radius of the non-rotating NS (assuming M=1.5M⊙M=1.5 M_\odot) becomes 11.8±0.511.8\pm0.5 km if it is viewed at inclination i=60 deg and R=11.2±0.5R=11.2\pm0.5 km for a face-on view, which are smaller by 0.6 and 1.2 km than the radius obtained using standard cooling tail method ignoring rotation. The corresponding equatorial radii of these rapidly rotating NSs are 12.3±0.6\pm 0.6 km (for i=60 deg) and 11.6±0.6\pm 0.6\,km (for i=0 deg).Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Boundary Layer in compact binaries

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    Disk accretion onto stars leads to the formation of a Boundary Layer (BL) near the stellar surface where the disk makes contact with the star. Albeit a large fraction of the total luminosity of the system originates from this tiny layer connecting the accretion disk and the accreting object, its structure has not been fully understood yet. It is the aim of this work, to obtain more insight into the Boundary Layer around the white dwarf in compact binary systems. There are still many uncertainties concerning the extent and temperature of the BL and the rotation rate of the white dwarf. We perform numerical hydrodynamical simulations, where the problem is treated in a one-dimensional, radial approximation (slim disk). The turbulence is described by the alpha parameter viscosity. We include both cooling from the disk surfaces and radial radiation transport. The radiation energy is treated in the one-temperature approximation. For a given M_dot our results show a strong dependence on the stellar mass and rotation rate. Both, the midplane and the effective temperature rise considerably with increasing stellar mass or decreasing stellar rotation rate. Our simulations further show, that the radiation energy and pressure are indeed important in the BL. However, some models show a low optical depth in the BL, making it necessary to find a better representation for optically thin regions. The combination of a high mass and a small radius, such as in white dwarfs, can lead to an enormous energy release in the BL, provided the WD rotates slowly. Since the radial extent of BLs is typically very small (about 0.02 to 0.05 R_star), this leads to surface temperatures of a few hundred thousand Kelvin. All of our models showed subsonic infall velocities with Mach numbers of < 0.4 at most.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    On the spreading layer emission in luminous accreting neutron stars

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    Emission of the neutron star surface potentially contains information about its size and thus of vital importance for high energy astrophysics. In spite of the wealth of data on the emission of luminous accreting neutron stars, the emission of their surfaces is hard to disentangle from their time averaged spectra. A recent X-ray transient source XTE J1701-462 has provided a unique dataset covering the largest ever observed luminosity range for a single source. In this paper, we extract the spectrum of the boundary layer between the inner part of the accretion disc and the neutron star surface with the help of maximally spectral model-independent method. We show compelling evidences that the energy spectrum of the boundary layer stays virtually the same over factor of 20 variations of the source luminosity. It is rather wide and cannot be described by a single temperature blackbody spectrum, probably because of the inhomogeneity of the boundary layer and a spread in the colour temperature. The observed maximum colour temperature of the boundary/spreading layer emission of kT~2.4-2.6 keV is very close to the maximum observed colour temperature in the photospheric radius expansion X-ray bursts, which is set by the limiting Eddington flux at the neutron star surface. Observed stability of the boundary layer spectrum and its maximum colour temperature strongly supports theoretical models of the boundary/spreading layers on surfaces of luminous accreting neutron stars, which assume the presence of a region emitting at the local Eddington limit. Variations in the luminosity in that case lead to changes in the size of this region, but affect less the spectral shape. Elaboration of this model will provide solid theoretical grounds for measurements of the neutron star sizes using the emission of the boundary/spreading layers of luminous accreting neutron stars.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Models of neutron star atmospheres enriched with nuclear burning ashes

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    Low-mass X-ray binaries hosting neutron stars (NS) exhibit thermonuclear (type-I) X-ray bursts, which are powered by unstable nuclear burning of helium and/or hydrogen into heavier elements deep in the NS "ocean". In some cases the burning ashes may rise from the burning depths up to the NS photosphere by convection, leading to the appearance of the metal absorption edges in the spectra, which then force the emergent X-ray burst spectra to shift toward lower energies. These effects may have a substantial impact on the color correction factor fcf_c and the dilution factor ww, the parameters of the diluted blackbody model FE≈wBE(fcTeff)F_E \approx w B_E(f_c T_{eff}) that is commonly used to describe the emergent spectra from NSs. The aim of this paper is to quantify how much the metal enrichment can change these factors. We have developed a new NS atmosphere modeling code, which has a few important improvements compared to our previous code required by inclusion of the metals. The opacities and the internal partition functions (used in the ionization fraction calculations) are now taken into account for all atomic species. In addition, the code is now parallelized to counter the increased computational load. We compute a detailed grid of atmosphere models with different exotic chemical compositions that mimic the presence of the burning ashes. From the emerging model spectra we compute the color correction factors fcf_c and the dilution factors ww that can then be compared to the observations. We find that the metals may change fcf_c by up to about 40%, which is enough to explain the scatter seen in the blackbody radius measurements. The presented models open up the possibility for determining NS mass and radii more accurately, and may also act as a tool to probe the nuclear burning mechanisms of X-ray bursts.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, to be published in A&

    Optically thick envelopes around ULXs powered by accreating neutron stars

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    Magnetized neutron stars power at least some ultra-luminous X-ray sources. The accretion flow in these cases is interrupted at the magnetospheric radius and then reaches the surface of a neutron star following magnetic field lines. Accreting matter moving along magnetic field lines forms the accretion envelope around the central object. We show that, in case of high mass accretion rates ≳1019 g s−1\gtrsim 10^{19}\,{\rm g\,s^{-1}} the envelope becomes closed and optically thick, which influences the dynamics of the accretion flow and the observational manifestation of the neutron star hidden behind the envelope. Particularly, the optically thick accretion envelope results in a multi-color black-body spectrum originating from the magnetospheric surface. The spectrum and photon energy flux vary with the viewing angle, which gives rise to pulsations characterized by high pulsed fraction and typically smooth pulse profiles. The reprocessing of radiation due to interaction with the envelope leads to the disappearance of cyclotron scattering features from the spectrum. We speculate that the super-orbital variability of ultra-luminous X-ray sources powered by accreting neutron stars can be attributed to precession of the neutron star due to interaction of magnetic dipole with the accretion disc.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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