30 research outputs found

    The influence of multinational corporations on international alliance formation behavior of colocated start-ups

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    Die Rolle von Konzepten bei der Entwicklung der Organisationswissenschaft : eine empirische Untersuchung von Publikationen zu Konzepten

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    Kleider machen Leute. Konzepte machen Wissenschaftler. Und Moden bringen Abwechslung – nicht nur auf dem Laufsteg, sondern auch in der Wissenschaft. Suleika Bort spĂŒrt Wissenschaftsmoden nach. Dazu hat sie Artikel zu Konzepten in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften ausgewertet. Warum erfreuen sich bestimmte Konzepte einer großen PopularitĂ€t, wĂ€hrend andere wenig Beachtung finden oder nach einer kurzen, hitzigen Debatte wieder ganz aus dem wissenschaftlichen Diskurs verschwinden? Speziell weist sie nach, welche Funktionen Konzepte bei der Entwicklung der Organisationswissenschaft haben und wie diese Funktionen erklĂ€rt werden können. Auch vermittelt die Autorin, wie sich die Verbreitungsdynamik von Konzepten erfassen lĂ€sst und welchen Einfluss bestimmte Faktoren auf die Diffusion von Konzepten haben

    The favored “logic‐in‐use” research

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    Network level isomorphism, international experiential knowledge and network position in market entry mode choice – Longitudinal evidence from the German biotech industry

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    Conducting a longitudinal event history analysis our research aims to reveal new insights on the relevance of peer behavior, network embeddedness, and experience as determining factors of small and medium sized firms’ market entry mode choice. We contribute to the growing literature on international entrepreneurship and institutional theory by showing how isomorphism, firm level experiential knowledge, and network position impact and interact with regard to SMEs’ internationalization patterns. Thus, we extend prior research by going beyond investigating internationalization propensity and speed in general. Testing our hypotheses on the complete population of German biotechnology firms between 1996 and 2011, our findings indicate positive effects of network level isomorphism and positive but diminishing effects of experiential knowledge on SMEs’ market entry mode choice. Our findings furthermore reveal a negative impact of network centrality on the persistence of imitative tendencies

    Network level isomorphism, international experiential knowledge and network position in market entry mode choice – Longitudinal evidence from the German biotech industry

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    Conducting a longitudinal event history analysis our research aims to reveal new insights on the relevance of peer behavior, network embeddedness, and experience as determining factors of small and medium sized firms’ market entry mode choice. We contribute to the growing literature on international entrepreneurship and institutional theory by showing how isomorphism, firm level experiential knowledge, and network position impact and interact with regard to SMEs’ internationalization patterns. Thus, we extend prior research by going beyond investigating internationalization propensity and speed in general. Testing our hypotheses on the complete population of German biotechnology firms between 1996 and 2011, our findings indicate positive effects of network level isomorphism and positive but diminishing effects of experiential knowledge on SMEs’ market entry mode choice. Our findings furthermore reveal a negative impact of network centrality on the persistence of imitative tendencies