11 research outputs found

    Electron source with a multi-apertured plasma emitter

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    In the present study, we investigated the energy efficiency of an electron source with a multi-aperture plasma emitter where the generated beam is extracted into the atmosphere through a thin metal foil. The boundary of the plasma produced in this type of emitter is stabilized with a fine metal grid. To prevent the loss of electrons at the circle-holed support grid of the extraction foil window, a metal mask with holes of smaller diameter arranged coaxially to the support grid holes is put on the emission grid. Thus, the electron beam is a superposition of beamlets formed by individual electron emitting units with the plasma boundary stabilized by the fine metal grid. The efficiency of current extraction from the acceleration gap into the atmosphere reached 75% with respect to the gap current, making possible to increase the average power of the extracted electron beam. With a 200-kV accelerating voltage, a 16-A current in the acceleration gap, and 40 Β΅s FWHM pulse duration, 4 kW of the average beam power was extracted into the atmosphere from the acceleration gap. With the geometric transparency of the support grid of the extraction foil window equal to 56%, this made 65% of the beam power in the gap. Further increasing the beam power was limited by the power of the high-voltage power supply

    Investigation of the stability of the electron source with a multi-aperture plasma emitter generating a large cross-section electron beam

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    An experiment was performed to investigate the electric strength of the high-voltage acceleration gap of an electron source with a multi-aperture plasma emitter generating a beam of large cross section (750β€’150 mm{2}) extracted into the atmosphere through a thin metal foil. It has been shown that the use of a mask in the plasma emitter which partitions the overall emission region to produce a plurality of small-cross-section beamlets, so that the extracted beam is a superposition of beamlets formed by individual emission units whose plasma boundary is stabilized by a fine metal grid, increases the electric strength of the high-voltage acceleration gap. This is of critical importance in cases where the electron source is operated in a repetitive pulse mode at high average power of the beam. In addition, an increase in the electric strength of the acceleration gap is promoted by that the modernized cathode assemblies of the plasma emitter are arranged normal to the axis along which electrons are extracted into the acceleration gap

    Modernization of electron accelerator with a large cross section beam for radiation effects on materials

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    The results of the work on the creation of an automated wide-aperture electron accelerator with a grid plasma cathode based on the low-pressure arc discharge and outputting of a large section beam (750X150 mm) in the atmosphere through a outlet foil window. The distinctive feature of such electron accelerator is a weak correlation of beam parameters, as well as a high current beam extraction efficiency to air, reaching β‰ˆ (80 -: 90)% of the current in the accelerating gap at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV, beam current amplitude in the atmosphere up to 30A, frequency and pulse duration up to 50 s-1 and 100 mus, respectively. The electron source provides a stable continuous operation for tens of hours in a repetitively pulsed modes at the maximum average beam power in the atmosphere is β‰ˆ 5 kW. Examples of applications of such accelerator in the radiation-stimulated technology are given, showing the prospects of its using in scientific and technological purposes