8 research outputs found
Identifikasi Bakteri Asam Laktat Isolat 9A Dari Kolon Sapi Bali Sebagai Probiotik Melalui Analisis Gen 16S RRNA
Bakteri asam laktat (BAL) merupakan bakteri yang mampu memfermentasi laktosa dan menghasilkan asam laktat sebagai produk utamanya. BAL berpotensi dalam memproduksi bakteriosin dan bersifat probiotik. Disisi lain, sapi Bali diketahui memiliki banyak keunggulan salah satunya mampu memanfaatkan hijauan yang kurang bergizi, dan mempunyai daya cerna yang baik terhadap pakan, sehingga diharapkan dapat ditemukan BAL yang memiliki keunggulan spesifik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengetahui aktivitas antimikroba BAL isolat9A asal kolon sapi Bali sehingga bisa di manfaatkan sebagai kandidat probiotik, serta untuk menganalisis susunan nukleotida dan gambaran pohon filogenetiknya. Penelitian diawali dengan kultivasi isolat pada media MRS broth, dilanjutkan dengan uji katalase dan pewarnaan Gram. Isolat BAL yang sudah terkonfirmasi diuji aktivitas antimikrobanya dengan bakteri patogen (Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus). Analisis molekuler dilakukan dengan amplifikasi gen 16S rRNA menggunakan primer B27F dan U1492R. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas antimikroba bakteri asam laktat isolat 9A mampu menghambat pertumbuhan S. aureus antara 37,56 - 61,47%, dengan rata-rata 50.35% jika dibandingkan dengan kontrol antibiotika. Dalam penelitian ini BAL tidak menunjukkan terjadinya penghambatan pada pertumbuhan E. Coli. BAL isolat 9A teridentifikasi sebagai Streptococcus bovis dengan tingkat similaritas 99% dan berada satu cluster denganspesies Streptococcus bovis dengan nilai bootstrap sebesar 100
Inhibition of Bifidobacterium SP Isolated From Infants Feces Towards Adhesion of Salmonella Typhi on Balb/c Mice Enterocyte
Diarrhea, up to the recent year remains a cause of high morbidity and mortalityworldwide, especially in developing countries including Indonesia. Research concerning ofmanagement, prevention, and medication of the disease have been continually improved. Theaim of this research is searching Bifidobacterium sp isolated from infants feces. ThisBifidobacterium was then applied as an anti-adhesion of Salmonella typhi in the hope to gain acure of diarrhea. This research employed two research designs, namely descriptive explorationand true experimental. Exploration was applied in order to obtain isolation and characterizationof Bifidobacterium isolated from infants feces. Adherence ability of this Bifidobacterium sptowards Salmonella typhi adhesion on mice entherocyte was then carried out by applyingRandomized Posttest-Only Control Group Design. In this research, average Bifidobacterium spadhesion index of 1950 on entherocyte was obtained. In simple word, there are 19.5Bifidobacteria adhere to any single entherocyte cell. This adhesion index value is highercompare to Salmonella typhi adhesion of 1504. Conclusions that can be drawn from this researchare the finding of Bifidobacterium sp isolated from infants feces. This Bifidobacterium sp has anability to inhibit adhesion of Salmonella typhi on BALB/c mice enterocyte. Future work that canbe carried out are further researches concerning whether these bacteria have an ability to inhibitadherence of other pathogen bacteria. More over, searching of cell wall adhesin ofBifidobacterium sp that can be used as a replacement of life probiotic bacteria is also a greatinterest of research to be carried out
Diarrhea, up to the recent year remains a cause of high morbidity and mortalityworldwide, especially in developing countries including Indonesia. Research concerning ofmanagement, prevention, and medication of the disease have been continually improved. Theaim of this research is searching Bifidobacterium sp isolated from infants feces. ThisBifidobacterium was then applied as an anti-adhesion of Salmonella typhi in the hope to gain acure of diarrhea. This research employed two research designs, namely descriptive explorationand true experimental. Exploration was applied in order to obtain isolation and characterizationof Bifidobacterium isolated from infants feces. Adherence ability of this Bifidobacterium sptowards Salmonella typhi adhesion on mice entherocyte was then carried out by applyingRandomized Posttest-Only Control Group Design. In this research, average Bifidobacterium spadhesion index of 1950 on entherocyte was obtained. In simple word, there are 19.5Bifidobacteria adhere to any single entherocyte cell. This adhesion index value is highercompare to Salmonella typhi adhesion of 1504. Conclusions that can be drawn from this researchare the finding of Bifidobacterium sp isolated from infants feces. This Bifidobacterium sp has anability to inhibit adhesion of Salmonella typhi on BALB/c mice enterocyte. Future work that canbe carried out are further researches concerning whether these bacteria have an ability to inhibitadherence of other pathogen bacteria. More over, searching of cell wall adhesin ofBifidobacterium sp that can be used as a replacement of life probiotic bacteria is also a greatinterest of research to be carried out
Objective: Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of dental support tissue caused by certain groups of microorganisms, resulting in progressive destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone, with pocket formation, recession, or both. Snail slime contains beta-agglutinin (antibody) in plasma (serum), achacin protein, glycoconjugate and sulphate acting, which play a role in the wound healing process by assisting blood clotting process and fibroblast proliferation. This study aims to prove that the provision of snail slime can cure pocket in wistar rats with periodontitis.
Methods: This type of research is an experimental test with pre and post test control group design and involves three treatment groups, each group with five subjects. The first group of debridement, the second group of debridement and orally snail slime and the third group of debridement and topically snail slime, previously rats as subjects were conditioned to periodontitis by the installation of silk ligature in the cervical area of ​​the incisors and injection with actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans bacteria. The pocket depth is checked with a periodontal probe. Examination on day 11 occurs chronic periodontitis. The eighth day after treatment was examined on the periodontal pocket.
Results: The first group occurred a reduction in pocket depth from 3 mm to 1,00 mm, while in the second group periodontitis healing was characterized by the absence of a pocket, the third group still had pockets with a depth of 0.5 mm. Analysis of significance data using Kruskal-Wallis test, then Mann-Whitney test to know the differences between groups, The average pocket depth in group 1 was 0.00±1.00, while in group 2 was 0.00±0.00, and group 3 was 0.00±0.5 p-value = 0.001 this mean different healing significantly (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Provision of peroral snail slime more quickly cure pocket in wistar rats with periodontitis
Utilization of Rhizosphere Earthworm Extracts to Support the Immune System
Periodontitis is an inflammatory condition caused by periodontal bacteria that are recognized by Toll-like receptors on neutrophils, macrophages, and other immune cells. As a result of this interaction, immune cells produce inflammatory molecules like cytokines and chemokines. In addition to the pathogenic effects of periodontitis, dysregulation of neutrophil activity can occur. The neutrophil acts as a double-edged sword in periodontitis, mobilizing defence mediators and tissue repair mechanisms while also causing further tissue damage. The goal of this study was to determine how Lumbricus luberus worm extract (EEW) affected the number of neutrophil cells in rats with periodontitis. A post-test design was used. Five Wistar rats, each infected with P. gingivalis, were divided into groups: a control group (no earthworm extract), an oral EEW (200 mg/kg/body weight) group, and a topical EEW gel group (20%). The number of neutrophil cells was measured on days 3, 7, 14, and 21. The study was carried out at the Udayana University Analytical Laboratory and the Veterinary Medicine Laboratory. The differences between control, oral, and topical Lumbricus rubellus extract administration on days 3 and 7 were significant (p < 0.05). On days 14 and 21, there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the control vs. oral administration groups and between the control vs. earthworm extract gel groups. However, on days 14 and 21, there was no significant difference between the oral administration and L. rubellus gel extract groups (p > 0.05). The number of neutrophils was significantly lower following the oral administration of L. rubellus earthworm extracts.
Keywords: Wistar periodontitis rats, Lumbricus rubellus earthworm extract, neutrophi
Local Diversity and Biting Pattern of Anopheles Species in Southern Minahasa
Background. To optimize the preventive measures of malaria, it is important to synchronize the efforts with the behavior of local Anopheles species. However, the data of Anopheles species and their behavior in Indonesia is still lacking. Method. Explorative research was conducted from April to September 2016 in Southern Minahasa district. The Anopheles mosquito was baited by using animal and human (indoor or outdoor) from 18.00 to 06.00 hours. Then, the species were identified and Man Biting Rate (MBR) and Man/Animal Biting per Hour (MBPH) were calculated followed by statistical analysis by using SPSS 17. Result. The data showed that the dominant species in Southern Minahasa were An. barbirostris, An. kochi, and An. vagus. An. vagus was found to be zoophilic and An. barbirostris was showing strict anthropophilic characteristics. Meanwhile, An. kochi feeds on both human and animal. The MBR of An. kochi was found to be the highest (P<0.005), but its MBPH only significantly exceeded that of An. vagus. All species tend to be more active during the early evening. Conclusion. An. barbirostris, An. kochi, and An. vagus were the dominant Anopheles species in Southern Minahasa. Further research is needed to determine the Plasmodium infestation rate of these species