7 research outputs found

    Cultivar differences in flowering response of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) in spring and autumn

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    オクラの10系統と5品種を供試して,春季と秋季において花成反応の品種間差異を調査した。系統HE006, HE022, HE045, HE047, HE047-1と\u27Benny\u27, \u27Better Five\u27, \u27Clemson Spineless\u27, \u27Emerald\u27, \u27Green Rocket\u27の花芽は春季では2~6の低節位に,秋季には8~11節の低節位に形成された。秋季に比べて春季で品種間に差はあるが,出雷は0~11日早くおこった。季節に関わらず, HE015, HE050, HE050-1の花芽は播種後18~21日と早く形成されたが, HE025, HE035では32日~48日と遅く形成された。すべての系統と品種について,開花と結実時期は季節によって変動した。春季と秋季の環境条件に対する花成反応から,敏感な品種とそうでない品種に分けられた。敏感な品種にはHE006, HE022, HE045, HE047, HE047-1, \u27Benny\u27, \u27Better Five\u27, \u27Clemson Spineless\u27, \u27Emerald\u27と\u27Green Rocket\u27があった。敏感でない品種は2群に分けられ,花芽分化の早いのはHE015, HE050, HE050-1であり,遅いのはHE025, HE035であった。Differences in flowering response of ten accessions and five cultivars were investigated in spring and autumn. Flower buds of HE 006, HE 022, HE 045, HE 047, HE 047-1, \u27Benny\u27, \u27Better Five\u27, \u27Clemson Spineless\u27, \u27Emerald\u27 and \u27Green Rocket\u27 were initiated at the lower node from 2 to 6 in spring and from 8 to 11 in autumn and they appeared 0 to 11 days earlier in spring than in autumn, depending on the cultivars. Flower bud initiation of HE 015, HE 050 and HE 050-1 was early in 18 to 21 days after sowing (DAS) but the initiation of HE 025 and HE 035 was late in 32 to 48 DAS whether in spring or in autumn. The occurrence of anthesis and fruiting in all accessions and cultivars fluctuated in the different seasons. Based on these results, two groups of flowering response to environmental conditions in spring and autumn were identified as sensitive and non-sensitive cultivars. Sensitive cultivars comprised of HE 006, HE 022, HE 045, HE 047, HE 047-1, \u27Benny\u27, \u27Better Five\u27, \u27Clemson Spineless\u27, \u27Emerald\u27 and \u27Green Rocket\u27. Non-sensitive cultivars were divided into two subgroups as early and late flowering. Early flowering composed of HE 015, HE 050 and HE 050-1 and late flowering consisted of HE 025 and HE 035. (Accepted September 9, 2003

    Morphological properties of flower and fruit in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)

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    タイで栽培されるオクラの10系統と日本で栽培される20品種を供試して,花と果実の形態的特性を調査した。開花時には,どの系統・品種でもその外観はほぼ同じであった。果実は五角形あるいは丸形で,細長い形状をしていた。供試したすべての系統・品種は,Abelmoschus esculentusに属していた。10系統と20品種は,クラスター分析により3群に分類された。クラスター1には\u27Benny\u27, \u27Better Five\u27, \u27Blue Sky\u27, \u27Early Five\u27, \u27Emerald\u27, Green Etude\u27, Green Five\u27, Green Rocket\u27, Green Star\u27, Gulliver\u27, \u27Holiday\u27, \u27Miyako Gokaku\u27, \u27Natsu no Megumi\u27, \u27Peak Five\u27, \u27Pentagon\u27, \u27Star Debut\u27, \u27Star Light\u27, \u27Suisei Gokaku\u27, HE 015, HE 045, HE 047, HE 047-1とHE 050-1が含まれた。クラスター2には\u27Blue Sky Z\u27, \u27Clemson Spineless\u27, HE 006とHE 050が含まれた。クラスター3にはHE 022, HE 025とHE 035が含まれていた。Twenty okra cultivars from Japan and ten okra accessions from Thailand were cultivated to compare the morphological properties of flowers and fruits. Flower organs of all cultivars and accessions were quite similar in appearance at anthesis. The slender fruits with pentagon or round shaped were observed. All cultivars and accessions in this study belonged to Abelmoschus esculentus. Twenty cultivars and ten accessions were divided into 3 clusters. Cluster I consisted of \u27Benny\u27, \u27Better Five\u27, \u27Blue Sky\u27, \u27Early Five\u27, \u27Emerald\u27, \u27Green Etude\u27, \u27Green Five\u27, \u27Green Rocket\u27, \u27Green Star\u27, \u27Gulliver\u27, \u27Holiday\u27, \u27Miyako Gokaku\u27, \u27Natsu no Megumi\u27, Teak Five\u27, \u27Pentagon\u27, \u27Star Debut\u27, \u27Star Light\u27, \u27Suisei Gokaku\u27, HE 015, HE 045, HE 047, HE 047-1 and HE 050-1. Cluster II was composed of \u27Blue Sky Z\u27, \u27Clemson Spineless\u27, HE 006 and HE 050. Cluster III was comprised of HE 022, HE 025 and HE 035

    A study of the effects of temperature and photoperiod on vegetative growth and seed production of leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Seed Technology

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    Three leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivars. Thai, Grand Rapids and Slobolt were grown in a controlled environment at either 25/l5°C or 30/20°C day/night temperatures and at 10, 12 or 14 hours daylength. Leaf fresh weight, dry weight, leaf area and leaf number all increased with increasing temperature and photoperiod. Slobolt produced a higher vegetative yield than Thai and Grand Rapids. Long days and high temperatures hastened stem elongation. Flowering in Thai and Grand Rapids was mainly influenced by high temperature whereas Slobolt required both high temperatures and long days. Slobolt however, was considerably delayed in bolting and flowering compared with the other two cultivars. Lettuce plants showed two definite flowering peaks over a 50-day flowering period. Slobolt produced only one peak at 25/l5°C due to its slow bolting character. Seed development studies were carried out on plants grown in both the 25/15°C and 30/20°C temperature regimes and at 12 hours daylength. The higher temperature regime hastened seed maturity, germination and shattering. Lettuce seed reached physiological maturity 11 days after anthesis at 30/20°C and 13 days after anthesis at 25/15°C, when the seed head had just begun to turn brown-green. Germination capacity also reached its maximum at this stage. Shattering however, occurred about two days after seed maturity at 20% moisture content at 30/20°C and 4 - 5 days later at 25/15°C. The three lettuce cultivars used in this study produced seed successfully in all treatments. Optimum time of harvest was found to occur when the majority of seed heads had turned slightly brown in colour and was also reduced by higher temperatures and longer daylengths due to earlier bolting and flowering. Highest seed yield was obtained under long days (14 hours). Grand Rapids produced higher seed yields than Thai and Slobolt. High seed yield was related to increased branch and flower numbers, percentage of seed set or seed numbers per head and time of harvest. Good seed set was obtained only under longer daylengths at high temperature while at 25/15°C, daylength was relatively unimportant. Final seed germination was unaffected by temperature or daylength. Practical application of the results which are relevant to Thailand conditions are discussed

    Changes in antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation for bentgrass species in response to drought. J Am Soc Hortic Sci

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    ABSTRACT Two cucumber seed lots 'Bingo I' (high germination) and 'Bingo II' (low germination) were subjected to hydropriming and electric field treatments. Hydropriming, which was conducted by incubating seeds (moisture content adjusted to 25-30%) for 3 days under 25∞C and saturated humidity, accelerated the speed of germination in both seed lots, also increased the germination percentage of 'Bingo II'. Electric field treatment, which was carried out by exposing 'Bingo I' for 3 min to 5 kV/cm electric field, or exposing 'Bingo II' for 5 min to 3 kV/cm electric field, enhanced the germination percentage in 'Bingo II', but had no effect on 'Bingo I'. Hydropriming accelerated seedling growth in 'Bingo I'; electric field treatment, however, did not improve the seedling growth. Furthermore, the activities of superoxide dismuts, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase were increased remarkably in association with the reduction of malondialdehyde accumulation in these two seed lots after the two treatments

    Effects of Organic Manures on Production of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in reference to Chemical Fertilizer. Journal- Kasetsart University for Agriculture

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    ABSTRACT The effect of three types of organic manures, its combination within and with chemical fertilizer was studied under the nylon net house. A lettuce cultivar of 'Green Fancy' was grown during December, 2002, February and April 2003. The same amount of nitrogen from organic manures and chemical fertilizers was applied to the experimental plots for each crop. Cow dung (CD), chicken manure (CM) and duck manure (DM) were applied 4.5, 4.7 and 5.8 t/ha, respectively, contributing 81 kg nitrogen each. In the case of combination treatments each combination contributed 1:1 ratio of nitrogen. A treatment with recommended dose of chemical fertilizer (CF) providing 81 kg nitrogen was also included. The crop grown with 4.7 t/ha of CM alone and its combination with CF (2.35 ton CM plus 156 kg complete fertilizer i.e., 15-15-15 together with 82 kg/ha of ammonium sulfate) gave a significantly higher yield throughout the crop season. Combination treatments within organic manures did not establish any statistical significance. In spite of the differences in total yield, fiber content and dry matter percentage showed not significant results irrespective of treatments and crop seasons