23 research outputs found

    Noncommutative Residues and a Characterisation of the Noncommutative Integral

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    We continue the study of the relationship between Dixmier traces and noncommutative residues initiated by A. Connes. The utility of the residue approach to Dixmier traces is shown by a characterisation of the noncommutative integral in Connes' noncommutative geometry (for a wide class of Dixmier traces) as a generalised limit of vector states associated to the eigenvectors of a compact operator (or an unbounded operator with compact resolvent), i.e. as a generalised quantum limit. Using the characterisation, a criteria involving the eigenvectors of a compact operator and the projections of a von Neumann subalgebra of bounded operators is given so that the noncommutative integral associated to the compact operator is normal, i.e. satisfies a monotone convergence theorem, for the von Neumann subalgebra.Comment: 15 page

    Measurable operators and the asymptotics of heat kernels and zeta functions

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    In this note we answer some questions inspired by the introduction in Connes (1988, 1994) [6,7] of the notion of measurable operators using Dixmier traces. These questions concern the relationship of measurability to the asymptotics of ζ-functions and h

    Spectral flow and Dixmier traces

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    We obtain general theorems which enable the calculation of the Dixmier trace in terms of the asymptotics of the zeta function and of the heat operator in a general semi-finite von Neumann algebra. Our results have several applications. We deduce a formula for the Chern character of an odd ℒ(1,∞)-summable Breuer-Fredholm module in terms of a Hochschild 1-cycle. We explain how to derive a Wodzicki residue for pseudo-differential operators along the orbits of an ergodic Rn action on a compact space X. Finally, we give a short proof of an index theorem of Lesch for generalised Toeplitz operators

    Spectral flow is the integral of one forms on the Banach manifold of self adjoint Fredholm operators

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    One may trace the idea that spectral flow should be given as the integral of a one form back to the 1974 Vancouver ICM address of I.M. Singer. Our main theorem gives analytic formulae for the spectral flow along a norm differentiable path of self adjoin

    Operator Integrals, Spectral Shift, and Spectral Flow

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    We present a new and simple approach to the theory of multiple operator integrals that applies to unbounded operators affiliated with general von Neumann algebras. For semifinite von Neumann algebras we give applications to the Fréchet differentiation o

    Integration on locally compact noncommutative spaces

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    We present an ab initio approach to integration theory for nonunital spectral triples. This is done without reference to local units and in the full generality of semifinite noncommutative geometry. The main result is an equality between the Dixmier trace and generalised residue of the zeta function and heat kernel of suitable operators. We also examine definitions for integrable bounded elements of a spectral triple based on zeta function, heat kernel and Dixmier trace techniques. We show that zeta functions and heat kernels yield equivalent notions of integrability, which imply Dixmier traceability

    Index theory for locally compact noncommutative geometries

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    Spectral triples for nonunital algebras model locally compact spaces in noncommutative geometry. In the present text, we prove the local index formula for spectral triples over nonunital algebras, without the assumption of local units in our algebra. This formula has been successfully used to calculate index pairings in numerous noncommutative examples. The absence of any other effective method of investigating index problems in geometries that are genuinely noncommutative, particularly in the nonunital situation, was a primary motivation for this study and we illustrate this point with two examples in the text. In order to understand what is new in our approach in the commutative setting we prove an analogue of the Gromov-Lawson relative index formula (for Dirac type operators) for even dimensional manifolds with bounded geometry, without invoking compact supports. For odd dimensional manifolds our index formula appears to be completely new. As we prove our local index formula in the framework of semifinite noncommutative geometry we are also able to prove, for manifolds of bounded geometry, a version of Atiyah's L 2 -index Theorem for covering spaces. We also explain how to interpret the McKean-Singer formula in the nonunital case. To prove the local index formula, we develop an integration theory compatible with a refinement of the existing pseudodifferential calculus for spectral triples. We also clarify some aspects of index theory for nonunital algebras