10 research outputs found

    Soluble curcumin ameliorates motility, adhesiveness and abrogate parthanatos in cadmium-exposed retinal pigment epithelial cells

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    Cadmium (Cd) is a nonessential transition metal and one of the most toxic environmental pollutants. Industrial, agricultural and urban activities are the main sources of Cd environmental contamination. Multiple deleterious effects of Cd exposure were reported for different cell types and living organisms in a great number of research papers. Cd bioaccumulation hazard is mediated by the relatively long half-life of this metal in an organism. For example, in mammals its half-life lasts for about 10–30 years. Cd exposure affects many tissues. However, some of them, including the central nervous system and sensory organs, are most susceptible to its toxicity. The harmful effects of Cd could be linked to oxidative stress generation and consequently intracellular signalling disruption. Since Cd induces redox imbalance the antioxidants could be a prospective tool to ameliorate Cd cytotoxicity. In present work, we have studied the protective efficacy of soluble curcumin on Cd-caused retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells viability, reactive oxygen species production, adhesive and extracellular matrix proteins expression, cell migration and parthanatos level. Low dose (5 µM) of soluble curcumin ameliorated all aforementioned indices of Cd-induced cytotoxicity. Curcumin has restored the RPE cells motility as well as fibronectin and E-cadherin expression. Therefore, the modulation of RPE adhesiveness could be regarded as a cytoprotective effect of curcumin. Furthermore, Cd-caused poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) suppression and cleaved PARP-1 upregulation were ameliorated by curcumin exposure. Therefore, the protective effect of soluble curcumin could be related, at least partially, to the modulation of PARP activity and inhibition of parthanatos flux. The observed results have demonstrated that low doses of soluble curcumin are a promising tool to protect RPE cells against Cd-caused retinal injury

    Використання біомаркерів мозку донних риб для оцінки забруднення Керченської протоки Чорного моря

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    Комплексні іхтіотоксикологічні, біохімічні та імунохімічні дослідження, збирання матеріалу та спостереження проводили на мілководді бухти Керченська, в зоні надзвичайної екологічної ситуації після корабельної аварії 2007 року. За результатами досліджень у Керченській протоці та умовно чистій акваторії р. Ворскла отримано дані про порушення метаболізму специфічного білка цитоскелета нейроглії бичка-пісочника (Neogobius fluviatilis) внаслідок негативного впливу нафтопродуктів на донні біотопи Керченської протоки та гідробіонтів. Оцінено стан популяції бичка-пісочника за допомогою визначення рівня астрогліальної реактивності мозку. Результати зумовлюють необхідність екологічного моніторингу донних біотопів цього району Чорного моря

    Биомаркеры нарушений метаболизма двустворчатых моллюсков в условиях загрязнения среды обитания продуктами переработки нефти

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    Processed by-products of oil are the most common pollutants in all river and sea water. The increase in oxidative stress in bivalve molluscs was studied in both tissues of the hepatopancreas and the gill. The model for artificial treatment with processed by-products of oil was performed in a laboratory experiment with the river mollusc Dreissena polymorpha Pallas, 1771. The exposure of the molluscs over 28 days to mazut 50 mg/l induced significant increase of both final product of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and antioxidant enzime activity. A significant increase in LPO was observed in the hepatopancreas and gill of D. polymorpha treated with mazut compared to the control group. Antioxidant enzyme activity of cartalase, supeoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and glutathione-S-transferase showed a greater increase (by almost 1.5 times) in the hepatopancreas than in the gill of D. polymorpha. A similar LPO growth and modulation of antioxidant enzyme activity were determined in the hepatopancreas and gill of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1879 collected in an area polluted with resins, hydrocarbons and asphaltenes, Donuzlav lake in the Kerch gulf. Varied cellular reactivation of the antioxidant enzyme system in the hepatopancreas rather than the gill was observed in both kinds of mollusc Dreissena and Mytilus. The obtained results are evidence of the higher sensitivity of the hepatopancreas cells of bivalve molluscs to organic pollutants compared to the gill cells.Исследовали влияние продуктов переработки нефти на интенсивность окислительного стресса в гепатопанкреасе и жабрах речной дрейссены (DreissenapolymorphaPallas, 1771), обитающей в условиях моделирования хронического загрязнения мазутом, и черноморской мидии (MytilusgalloprovincialisLamarck, 1879), отобранной в бухте Керченской, обитающей в условиях повышенных концентраций углеводородов, смол и асфальтенов. Установлено достоверное повышение уровня конечных продуктов перекисного окисления липидов и рост активности ферментов антиоксидантной защиты в ответ на интоксикацию. Определены отличия показателей окислительного стресса в гепатопанкреасе и жабрах двустворчатых моллюсков. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о более высокой чувствительности клеток гепатопанкреаса к действию органических поллютантов, по сравнению с жабрами.

    Local industrial pollution induces astrocyte cytoskeleton rearrangement in the dice snake brain: GFAP as a biomarker

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    The present study was designed to evaluate the responsiveness of modulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) content and its fragmentation in the snake brain as a biomarker of local industrial pollution of aquatic ecosystems. Despite GFAP being a well known cytoskeleton marker of astrocytes’ reactivity in the brain of vertebrates, its expression in the snake brain remains insufficiently described. The GFAP expression and its fragmentation were detected using the immunoblot method in the snake brain. ROS level was determined with dichlorofluorescein diacetate fluorescence. The content of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) of filament (cytoskeleton) and soluble (cytosol) fractions in the brain of dice snake Natrix tessellata from three ecosystems with different rates of industrial pollution were studied (two polluted and one clean control site). Characteristic increase in GFAP fragmentation was noted for the snakes from both the researched polluted sites. Significant increase in the content of the GFAP cleaved polypeptide fragments induced by industrial pollution exposure was confirmed in the snakes’ brains. Meaningful GFAP fragmentation was determined in snake brain astrocytes as an increase in cleaved fragments of 47–35 kDa molecular weight for both soluble and cytoskeletal GFAP fractions. We found significant abnormality in the ratio of the GFAP soluble fraction to the cytoskeletal one in contaminant-exposed dice snakes. It should testify to significant metabolic disturbance in nerve cells of the dice snakes. Furthermore, growth of reactive oxygen species level as the main cause of oxidative stress was determined in brains of the snakes exposed to environmental toxicity. Thus, astrocyte cytoskeleton disorders are associated with pollutant-induced redox imbalance in the snake brain. Despite the limited data on glial cell biology in the reptilian brain, the observed results prove that snake astrocytes can respond to the environmental toxicity using typical astroglial response. The presented results evidence that monitoring of molecular characteristics of glial cytoskeleton in dice snakes could be used as reliable biomarker of neurotoxicity and adverse effects of industrial pollution. Further studies are required to elucidate the role of astrocyte cytoskeleton in the response against neurotoxic contaminants

    Molecular mechanisms of aluminium ions neurotoxicity in brain cells of fish from various pelagic areas

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    Neurotoxic effects of aluminum chloride in higher than usual environment concentration (10 mg/L) were studied in brains of fishes from various pelagic areas, especially in sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque, 1819), roach (Rutilus rutilus Linnaeus, 1758), crucian carp (Carasius carasius Linnaeus, 1758), goby (Neogobius fluviatilis Pallas, 1811). The intensity of oxidative stress and the content of both cytoskeleton protein GFAP and cytosol Ca-binding protein S100β were determined. The differences in oxidative stress data were observed in the liver and brain of fish during 45 days of treatment with aluminum chloride. The data indicated that in the modeling of aluminum intoxication in mature adult fishes the level of oxidative stress was noticeably higher in the brain than in the liver. This index was lower by1.5–2.0 times on average in the liver cells than in the brain. The obtained data evidently demonstrate high sensitivity to aluminum ions in neural tissue cells of fish from various pelagic areas. Chronic intoxication with aluminum ions induced intense astrogliosis in the fish brain. Astrogliosis was determined as result of overexpression of both cytoskeleton and cytosole markers of astrocytes – GFAP and protein S100β (on 75–112% and 67–105% accordingly). Moreover, it was shown that the neurotixic effect of aluminum ions is closely related to metabolism of astroglial intermediate filaments. The results of western blotting showed a considerable increase in the content of the lysis protein products of GFAP with a range of molecular weight from 40–49 kDa. A similar metabolic disturbance was determined for the upregulation protein S100β expression and particularly in the increase in the content of polypeptide fragments of this protein with molecular weight 24–37 kDa. Thus, the obtained results allow one to presume that aluminum ions activate in the fish brain intracellular proteases which have a capacity to destroy the proteins of intermediate filaments. The data presented display the pronounced neurotoxic effect of mobile forms of aluminum on both expression level and the metabolism of molecular markers of astrocytes GFAP and protein S100β. Aluminum ions induce integrated changes, the more important of which are a significant increase in final LPO products, an increase in antioxidant enzyme activity, a reactivation of glial cells in the brain. Integrated determination of the content and polypeptide fragments of specific astrocyte proteins in fishes brains coupled with oxidative stress data may be used as valid biomarkers of toxic pollutant effects in aquatic environments

    Biomarkers of metabolism disturbance in bivalve molluscs induced by environmental pollution with processed by-products of oil

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    Processed by-products of oil are the most common pollutants in all river and sea water. The increase in oxidative stress in bivalve molluscs was studied in both tissues of the hepatopancreas and the gill. The model for artificial treatment with processed by-products of oil was performed in a laboratory experiment with the river mollusc Dreissena polymorpha Pallas, 1771. The exposure of the molluscs over 28 days to mazut 50 mg/l induced significant increase of both final product of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and antioxidant enzime activity. A significant increase in LPO was observed in the hepatopancreas and gill of D. polymorpha treated with mazut compared to the control group. Antioxidant enzyme activity of cartalase, supeoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and glutathione-S-transferase showed a greater increase (by almost 1.5 times) in the hepatopancreas than in the gill of D. polymorpha. A similar LPO growth and modulation of antioxidant enzyme activity were determined in the hepatopancreas and gill of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1879 collected in an area polluted with resins, hydrocarbons and asphaltenes, Donuzlav lake in the Kerch gulf. Varied cellular reactivation of the antioxidant enzyme system in the hepatopancreas rather than the gill was observed in both kinds of mollusc Dreissena and Mytilus. The obtained results are evidence of the higher sensitivity of the hepatopancreas cells of bivalve molluscs to organic pollutants compared to the gill cells