44 research outputs found


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    Ba, Ka, and Akh Concepts in the Old Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

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    The study of religious concepts in a synthetic and unified framework is necessary to understand the ancient texts on the basis of Egyptian features. This is required since there are numerous religious concepts and their complex usages appearing in various religious texts and in non-religious texts as well. The study of religious concepts in ancient Egypt is one of the keys by which we can approach to the understanding of Egyptian texts and Egyptian mentality. Some characteristics of Egyptian religious anthrology are elucidated around Ka, Ba and Akh in this paper. In addition, “Pseudo-Dualism” and “Peculiar Usage with Following Genitive” are applied to the religious concepts. While the body and the spirit (soul) seem to be divided, the Egyptian regarded each of them as perfect being as a whole, which cannot be divided (Pseudo-Dualism). This leads to anthor idea that the subject can be indicated by the following genitive (Peculiar Usage with Following Genitive). Without understanding these peculiar usages, moderns would be puzzled about the seeming plurality of entities, which is one character in fact.This work was supported by JSPS, KAKENHI (21H04366)


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    We report on our assessment of the present quality of the stonework blocks in two historic structures in Bahrain: the ancient Barbar Temple and the early medieval Al-Khamis Mosque. The Barbar Temple, located in the village of Barbar, was built around 2000 BCE. Al-Khamis Mosque was built around the 8th century CE. We measured the quality and condition of the stonework blocks in both structures. Our results show that the quality in both structures is fairly good and demonstrate that our quality testing methods are effective for evaluating the quality of ancient and medieval stonework blocks


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    古代文化財の保存や修復,活用方法における学術研究では,考古学をはじめとする多分野の専門家による共同活動と情報共有必要となる.本稿では,3次元計測に基づいて現場を再現した仮想空間において,任意の場所に関連付けて情報を蓄積し共有することが可能なデータベースをウェブアプリケーションとして構築し,さらに,現場での利用を想定したAR(Augmented Reality)によるユーザインタフェースを提案する.第20回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会 日時:2015年9月9-11日 場所:芝浦工業大学豊洲キャンパ


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    As part of the conservation and restoration work of the Center for the Global Study of Cultural Heritage and Culture (CHC), this study explores the strengthening countermeasures and the quality estimation of rock at Mastaba Idout in Saqqara, Egypt. The Mastaba Idout was built around 2360BC. The bedrock of this unique underground burial chamber is known to be weak and, as such, an investigation of its condition and quality and an examination of various strengthening methods are reported herein. The results of quality testing for four kinds of strengthening agents for stone in Japan are also examined. The results of quality testing and repairs for the bedrock in Egypt and the results of the quality testing of strengthening agents for dirt in Japan are reported. Quality testing measures the frequency of the accelerating wave generated by striking a rock surface with an impact hammer. The repair methods involve strengthening by coating with a strengthening agent for stone and injecting non-shrink cement slurry into cracks. This research identified that the site\u27s bedrock was of very low quality and that the strengthening methods were effective. Quality testing of the strengthening agents for dirt found that agent OH100 had good water permeability, good moisture permeability, and minimal negative effects on the compressive strength of rocks

    Characterization of Organic Binding Media Used in Egyptian Painting Layers by GC/MS

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    Organic binding media used in Egyptian wall paintings was characterized using gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Samples of the wall paintings were obtained from the dubris in the mastaba of Idout, Saqqara in Egypt. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of discrimination between arabic gum and animal protein-based binders used in ancient Egypt. In this present study, three methods of sample preparation and injection in GC-MS (double-shot injection, reaction pyrolysis and liquid-injection) were tested for the most sensitive detection of the organic binding media. The GC-MS results showed that the double-shot injection and liquid-injection methods detected no natural products, but the reaction pyrolysis method could detect saturated fatty-acid esters and fatty-acid glyceride-like compounds. However, these organic compounds found at the Idout wall painting are almost consistent with the previously reported compounds that were detected from the wall painting samples obtained from the Funeral House in Tuna el-Gabal. In conclusion, the organic binding media could not be discriminated again.ガスクロマトグラフィー質量分析(GC-MS)の3種類の測定手法、ダブルショット法、反応熱分解法および液体注入法を用いて、エジプト壁画に使用されている接着剤などの有機化合物の分析を行った。試料はサッカラのイドゥートの埋葬室から得られた壁画の小片である。ダブルショット法、液体注入法を用いたGC-MS測定では、天然物由来の有機化合物を検出することができなかった。反応熱分解法を用いて壁画表面をGC-MSで分析した結果、飽和脂肪酸エステル類が強く、他にも脂肪酸グリセリド様と思われる化合物を検出した。その結果は、前回測定したツナ・エル・ガバル遺跡の壁画小片から検出した有機物とほぼ同じ化合物群であり、今回も壁画に使用されている接着材の成分を識別することはできなかった。3種類の分析方法の中で反応熱分解法が、有機化合物に対してもっとも感度が高かった

    Ba, Ka, and Akh Concepts in the Old Kingdom, Ancient Egypt

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