14 research outputs found


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    Digital watermarking is an important field of technological development that has now grown in the digital era. Digital era encourage the spread digital images on internet by the websites with a large scale. On the other hand, digital images are objects that are very easy to change or manipulate, and even copied irresponsibly. Meanwhile it is very difficult to prove the image has been changed by existing equipment at this time, and it is difficult to prove its ownership. This is an important issue, when the image is one of the evidences for legal cases, news reporting and medical filing, where the image must be ensured that the digital image is not subject to change or manipulation. In this paper, we present the application of digital watermarking to authentication and ownership validation of digital image so the image can be ascertained its validity. This research applies blind watermark scheme by using secret key that inserted at least-significant bits (LSB) of host image therefore the watermark is invisible watermark. The result of watermarked image has a small decrease in quality with the mean value of PSNR and MSE about 34.08 and 14.62

    Moving Object Detection under Complex Environment using Spatio-Temporal Evaluation Methods

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    Mendeteksi dan melacak objek merupakan proses utama dalam otomatisasi video analisis. Kebanyak penelitian terkait deteksi dan pelacakan objek didapat dari memisahkan foreground dan background dengan mengandalkan informasi dari temporal yang terbatas. Namun pada kenyataanya saat video diambil di luar lingkungan, gangguan dari lingkungan seperti bayangan daun dan pohon kecil yang tertiup angin, tidak dapat dihindari. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan background menjadi sangat dinamis dan mengacaukan pendeteksian objek. Dalam mengatasi permasalahan background yang dinamis, perlu adanya evaluasi terhadap pola gerak objek secara simultan. Penelitian terkait Moving Object Detection sampai saat ini terfokus pada perbaikan segmentasi foreground dan background. Sehingga sistem akan membutuhkan tambahan proses yang signikan dalam melakukan pelacakan objek. Pada penelitian ini, kami mencoba meningkatkan fungsi Moving Object Detection hingga pada pelacakan object dengan mengusulkan prosedur evaluasi dari spatio-temporal. Spatio-temporal akan dievaluasi dari dua arah: vertikal dan horisontal. Dengan memanfaatkan informasi dari arah vertikal dan horisontal, prosedur kami berhasil mereduksi proses evaluasi yang selama ini menggunakan keseluruhan pixel pada setiap frame. Selain itu, hasil dari percobaan menunjukkan bahwa prosedur kami mampu mendeteksi dan sekaligus mendapatkan lintasan dari object dengan recall : 0:65, precision: 0:75, f-measure:0:64 dan recognition rate berkisar 0:76. Moving Object Detection, Deteksi Objek, Pelacakan Objek, Background Dinamis, Spatio-Tempora

    Vehicle Tracking to Determine Position in The Parking Lot Utilizing CCTV Camara

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    Traveling to a place using a private vehicle is an activity that many people do when visiting an area. The visitors leave their cars in several parking lots within a certain period. The resulted, them having difficulty finding vehicles in the parking lot. This study aims to assist parking service users in finding cars parked at the parking location using CCTV cameras. Apart from being used as a security system, cameras have installed in the parking lot can also be used to track the visitor's cars to the point where they park. The proposed method consists of three large blocks: background subtraction, vehicle recognition, and vehicle tracking. Results this study obtained in the test include the accuracy for the vehicle tracking process of about 91.5%, with a true positive rate of approximately 81.12%, and vehicle recognition about 70%

    Kendali Otomatis dengan Memanfaatkan Kamera CCTV Menggunakan Metode Pengembangan Kalman Filter

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    Krisis energi telah menjadi isu penting dalam kurun waktu belakangan ini. Hal ini upaya yang mendorong penghematan energi menjadi masalah yang mendasar. Upaya penghematan energi dilakukan secara bersama oleh Pemerintah pusat, Pemerintah Daerah, Pengusaha dan Masyarakat. Disisi lain peningkatan fasilitas umum yang diberikan oleh pemerintah maupun perusahaan mendorong konsumsi daya listrik yang berlebihan, karena kurang optimalnya penggunaan peralatan listrik pada fasilitas umum tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknologi pengolahan citra digital dalam pendeteksian dan pelacakan posisi objek menggunakan metode modifikasi kalman filter, dan menerapkan sistem kendali otomatis embedded pada perangkat elektronik. Sistem kendali otomatis yang dibuat bekerja dengan memanfaatkan informasi yang didapat dari kamera CCTV. Informasi yang diolah berupa posisi objek dari peralatan elektronik, dimana perangkat elektronik hanya bekerja pada saat objek berada pada posisi yang ditentukan sebelumnya, sehingga hal ini dapat mengoptimalkan penggunaan daya dari peralatan elektronik tersebut. Nilai recall yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah sekitar 95.65%. Abstract  The energy crisis has been an important issue in recent times. This effort that encourages energy saving becomes a fundamental problem. Energy saving efforts shall be undertaken jointly by the central Government, Regional Government, Entrepreneurs and Communities. On the other hand, the increase of public facilities provided by the government and companies encourages excessive consumption of electric power, due to less optimal use of electrical equipment in public facilities. This research uses digital image processing technology in the detection and tracking of object position using modification method of filter kalman, and apply automatic embedded control system in electronic device. Automated control systems are made to work by utilizing information obtained from CCTV cameras. The information processed is the position of the object of electronic equipment, where the electronic device only works when the object is in a predetermined position, so that it can optimize the power usage of the electronic equipment. Recall value of this study about 95.65%

    Aplikasi Penghitung Kendaraan Pada Jalur Pantura Menggunakan Blob Deteksi Dan Kalman Filter

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    Jalur puntara jawa merupakan jalan raya wilayah utara jawa membentang dari merak sampai ke banyuwangi. Jalur pantura ini merupakan jalur padat yang dilalui oleh kendaraan baik roda 4 maupun lebih. Beban jalan pantura per tahun mencapai 1 juta ton. Selain itu juga dengan beban ini merupakan penyumbang penggunaan BBM (bahan bakar minyak) yang lebih sebesar 42 ribu kiloliter dan mengakibatkan pemberi emisi udara cukup banyak sebesar 350 ton per hari.  Dengan demikian semakin banyak kendaraan yang melintas jalur pantura, sehingga perlu diketahui tentang jumlah kendaraan yang melintas dijalur pantura secara otomatis oleh sistem. Data ini dapat dijadikan rujukan beban jalan pantura secara tepat. Pada penelitian ini, menggunakan beberapa algoritma dari blob detection dengan menggunakan library openCV dan kalman filter. Hasil dari deteksi dengan menggunakan bolb deteksi masih terdapat beberapa error yang cukup besar dan menggunakan kalman filter didapatkan 78.81 %

    Penerapan Sistem Absensi Sekolah Menggunakan Fingerprint Terintegrasi Dengan Smartphone Android

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    The need of student attendance information in schools is a major factor in success of the academic process. Often there are validation and identification errors in the student attendance process (human error or manipulation process) as well as the slowness of information obtained, since the attendance is recorded manually in each class. This has an impact on success of the academic process directly and the community at large. Because the importance of attendance information, various studies have offered the system in the process of student attendance, with various technologies. One popular technology and believed to be validating and identifying well is the fingerprint. Therefore, this paper proposes the introduction of attendance system in schools by utilizing fingerprint technology integrated with android smartphone so that information can be delivered quickly. This study use Fingerprint X-100C as a means of identification of student data at the time of absence then the attendance data will be sent to the system database by SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Web Service. The system will validate and transmit that information on the android Smartphone via the newly created XML Service. The success rate of this system in processing absence reach around 90,47% with delay time of sending information 0.0024 s This system has been tested and applied to SMK N 1 Indramayu.The need of student attendance information in schools is a major factor in success of the academic process. Often there are validation and identification errors in the student attendance process (human error or manipulation process) as well as the slowness of information obtained, since the attendance is recorded manually in each class. This has an impact on success of the academic process directly and the community at large. Because the importance of attendance information, various studies have offered the system in the process of student attendance, with various technologies. One popular technology and believed to be validating and identifying well is the fingerprint. Therefore, this paper proposes the introduction of attendance system in schools by utilizing fingerprint technology integrated with android smartphone so that information can be delivered quickly. This study use Fingerprint X-100C as a means of identification of student data at the time of absence then the attendance data will be sent to the system database by SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Web Service. The system will validate and transmit that information on the android Smartphone via the newly created XML Service. The success rate of this system in processing absence reach around 90,47% with delay time of sending information 0.0024 s This system has been tested and applied to SMK N 1 Indramayu

    Design and Build an Assessment Platform by Inserting Moodle-Based Cryptographic Methods

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    The use of digital platforms in the learning process is increasing, especially in the context of assessment activities. In this context, it is essential to realize that digital platforms can be subject to attack or fraud by irresponsible parties. It is due to the presence of sensitive data and/or restricted to a limited number of authorized persons. Therefore, the protection of data and its security in using digital platforms is very important. To enhance this layer of security in data protection, cryptographic methods play a crucial role in maintaining information security. By applying cryptographic methods to learning platforms for assessment purposes, we can increase the security and integrity of the data involved in the assessment process. This research aims to produce a plugin that can be used on a Moodle-based Learning Management System (LMS). This plugin will provide an additional activity in the form of an assessment activity with an essay exam type. When this plugin is used, all questions and answers will be encrypted into text that is difficult to understand by unauthorized parties when an attack attempt occurs. In this way, the learning platform for assessment purposes can safeguard and protect data from access by irresponsible parties