6 research outputs found
Evaluasi Dokumen Perencanaan Pembelajaran dalam Konteks Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
Evaluasi dokumen perencanaan pembelajaran adalah bagian dari jaringan evaluasi dokumen kurikulum secara keseluruhan. Perencanaan pembelajaran tersebut di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) diwujudkan dalam sebuah dokumen Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), maka untuk mengevaluasi dokumen RPP tersebut harus mencermati variabel yang ada dalam RPP. Berdasarkan dokumen Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi, dokumen RPP merupakan perwujudan dari rencana implementasi dari salah satu standar kompetensi atau kompetensi dasar yang harus dikuasai siswa. Dalam dokumen KBK berkenaan dengan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar, hanya tertuang rambu-rambu yang harus diterjemahkan secara operasional oleh masing-masing guru dalam mencapai tuntutan setiap kompetensi yang ada. Didalam dokumen tersebut diberikan contoh bagaimana pencapaian kompetensi, dan contoh kegiatan. Akan tetapi, bagaimana proses pembelajaran yang harus terjadi secara efektif dan efisien harus dirancang oleh guru yang bersangkutan. Untuk itu diperlukan langkah-langkah yang sistematis agar diperoleh kejelasan dan keajegan dalam implementasinya
Development of Multimedia Based on Autodesk Inventor Software on the Concept of Relative Velocity to Increase Students Generic Science Skill
This research aims to develop autodesk inventor-based multimedia that was designed to increase students generic science skill on the application of relative velocity at kinematics and dynamics courses. This study used the mini course method developed by Borg and Gall, including the stage of analysing and planning, developing early product, and validating from the expert and revision the early product. Based on the analysis conducted, it was revealed that there were five indicators that students had difficulties with, including illustrating kinematic diagram, illustrating velocity direction, calculating absolute velocity, illustrating velocity polygon, and calculating velocity based on velocity polygon. Those five indicators were related to six generic science aspects, including modelling, symbolic language, laws of causality, logical consistency, scale awareness, and observation. The developed multimedia consists of nine displays of slider-crank mechanism and eight displays of four-bar mechanisms, using .idw, .iam, and .mp4 formats and has been validated by material and media experts. Based on the judgment from the experts, the inventor-based multimedia was worthy to be applied in the course
Kompetensi: Wawasan Kependidikan, Akademik, Dan Pengembangan Profesi Guru Pada Evaluasi Implementasi KTSP di SMK
Pelaksanaan KTSP di sekolah masih mengalami hambatan pada unsur guru. Implementasi KTSP masih diwarnai minimnya sosialisasi dan kompetensi guru. Timbul pertanyaan bagaimana mungkin KTSP berhasil diterapkan di sekolah jika para guru masih belum memahami konsep, substansi, dan mekanisme pelaksanaan KTSP. Jika masalah ini dibiarkan maka akan sia-sia apa yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan penentu kebijakan pendidikan, sehingga dalam konteks ini perlu dipahami bahwa pentingnya kompetensi yang harus dimiliki guru. Permasalahan di atas, diteliti melalui evaluasi implementasi KTSP pada aspek kompetensi wawasan kependidikan, akademik, dan pengembangan profesi menggunakan model perbandingan antara standar evaluasi dengan hasil observasi (standard vs observ). Subjek penelitian adalah guru Mata Diklat Teknik Gambar Mesin di SMKN 2 Bandung. Instrument penelitian berupa: observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi yang perangkatnya di jadment oleh ahlinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi wawasan kependidikan dibandingkan dengan rambu-rambu tuntutan kurikulum yang terdapat pada dokumen KTSP di SMK, diperoleh ketercapaian lima pulih koma sembilan puluh tujuh persen, kompetensi akademik keilmuan dan keterampilan diperoleh ketercapaian lima puluh delapan koma tiga persen, sedangkan kompetensi pengembangan profesi diperoleh ketercapaian tigapuluh depalan koma nol tujuh persen
PPL KEPENDIDIKAN POLA "SANDWICH SYSTEM" : Studi Kasus Tentang Penyelenggaraan PPL Mahasiswa Program S1 IKIP Bandung
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Self-design Project Based Learning: Alternative Learning in Vocational Education
The purpose of this study was to obtain a self-design project learning-based practical learning model so that it becomes an alternative learning model to improve work skills. The research method used is design based research. Steps taken to obtain data include FGDs with industry practitioners, vocational school teachers from the mechanical engineering expertise program and professional certification bodies, further limited and extensive testing will be conducted on vocational students. The results of this study obtained the composition of integrative material which is a guide to improve student competence. The steps of this integrative material are able to make learning an industrial nuance. The concept of vocational education is expected to produce students who master competencies according to their fields and match the demands of industrial competence. So that the learning used must be effective and efficient to produce graduates who have the competencies required by industry. Learning using a self-designed project learning model requires students to function as industrial workers who work carefully and produce competencies that are in line with the industry
Development of android-based multimedia to improve student learning outcome in crystal structure subject of engineering materials course
The study aims to develop and evaluate the android-based multimedia for Crystal Structure subject in the Engineering Materials course. A Crystal Structure is one of the materials contained in the Engineering Materials course. The concept must be mastered well so that students can understand the subject matter being taught. Meanwhile, without being facilitated with adequate media, students experienced difficulties in the learning process. This is because the material of this Crystal Structure subject is abstract and complex. The multimedia development used the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) model which consists of five stages. The multimedia developed was validated by experts to assess its feasibility. Furthermore, it was implemented with experimental methods on the control group and the experimental group to find out the impact on improving student learning outcomes. The samples used in this study were 18 DPTM class A students as a control group and 18 DPTM class B students as an experimental group, with an age range of 17-20 years. The results confirm that the android-based multimedia that was developed received a very good response from users and experts. Android-based learning multimedia can facilitate students in understanding the Crystal Structure subject. This can be seen from the increase in learning outcomes in the experimental class using android-based learning multimedia with an N-gain value of 0.94 and categorized in the high category