281 research outputs found

    Integral mean estimates for the polar derivative of a polynomial

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    Let P(z) P(z) be a polynomial of degree n n having all zeros in ∣z∣≤k|z|\leq k where k≤1,k\leq 1, then it was proved by Dewan \textit{et al} that for every real or complex number α\alpha with ∣α∣≥k|\alpha|\geq k and each r≥0r\geq 0 n(∣α∣−k){∫02π∣P(eiθ)∣rdθ}1r≤{∫02π∣1+keiθ∣rdθ}1rMax∣z∣=1∣DαP(z)∣. n(|\alpha|-k)\left\{\int\limits_{0}^{2\pi}\left|P\left(e^{i\theta}\right)\right|^r d\theta\right\}^{\frac{1}{r}}\leq\left\{\int\limits_{0}^{2\pi}\left|1+ke^{i\theta}\right|^r d\theta\right\}^{\frac{1}{r}}\underset{|z|=1}{Max}|D_\alpha P(z)|. \indent In this paper, we shall present a refinement and generalization of above result and also extend it to the class of polynomials P(z)=anzn+∑ν=μnan−νzn−ν,P(z)=a_nz^n+\sum_{\nu=\mu}^{n}a_{n-\nu}z^{n-\nu}, 1≤μ≤n,1\leq\mu\leq n, having all its zeros in ∣z∣≤k|z|\leq k where k≤1k\leq 1 and thereby obtain certain generalizations of above and many other known results.Comment: 8 page

    Lp mean estimates for an operator preserving inequalities between polynomials

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    If P(z)P(z) be a polynomial of degree at most nn which does not vanish in ∣z∣<1|z| < 1, it was recently formulated by Shah and Liman \cite[\textit{Integral estimates for the family of BB-operators, Operators and Matrices,} \textbf{5}(2011), 79 - 87]{wl} that for every R≥1R\geq 1, p≥1p\geq 1, ∥B[P∘σ](z)∥p≤Rn∣Λn∣+∣λ0∣∥1+z∥p∥P(z)∥p,\left\|B[P\circ\sigma](z)\right\|_p \leq\frac{R^{n}|\Lambda_n|+|\lambda_{0}|}{\left\|1+z\right\|_p}\left\|P(z)\right\|_p, where BB is a Bn \mathcal{B}_{n}-operator with parameters λ0,λ1,λ2\lambda_{0}, \lambda_{1}, \lambda_{2} in the sense of Rahman \cite{qir}, σ(z)=Rz\sigma(z)=Rz and Λn=λ0+λ1n22+λ2n3(n−1)8\Lambda_n=\lambda_{0}+\lambda_{1}\frac{n^{2}}{2} +\lambda_{2}\frac{n^{3}(n-1)}{8}. Unfortunately the proof of this result is not correct. In this paper, we present a more general sharp LpL_p-inequalities for Bn\mathcal{B}_{n}-operators which not only provide a correct proof of the above inequality as a special case but also extend them for 0≤p<1 0 \leq p <1 as well.Comment: 16 Page

    Absolutely maximally entangled state equivalence and the construction of infinite quantum solutions to the problem of 36 officers of Euler

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    Ordering and classifying multipartite quantum states by their entanglement content remains an open problem. One class of highly entangled states, useful in quantum information protocols, the absolutely maximally entangled (AME) ones, are specially hard to compare as all their subsystems are maximally random. While, it is well-known that there is no AME state of four qubits, many analytical examples and numerically generated ensembles of four qutrit AME states are known. However, we prove the surprising result that there is truly only {\em one} AME state of four qutrits up to local unitary equivalence. In contrast, for larger local dimensions, the number of local unitary classes of AME states is shown to be infinite. Of special interest is the case of local dimension 6 where it was established recently that a four-party AME state does exist, providing a quantum solution to the classically impossible Euler problem of 36 officers. Based on this, an infinity of quantum solutions are constructed and we prove that these are not equivalent. The methods developed can be usefully generalized to multipartite states of any number of particles.Comment: Rewritten as a regular article and few changes in the title from first version. Close to the published versio
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