284 research outputs found

    Approximating ReLU on a Reduced Ring for Efficient MPC-based Private Inference

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    Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows users to offload machine learning inference on untrusted servers without having to share their privacy-sensitive data. Despite their strong security properties, MPC-based private inference has not been widely adopted in the real world due to their high communication overhead. When evaluating ReLU layers, MPC protocols incur a significant amount of communication between the parties, making the end-to-end execution time multiple orders slower than its non-private counterpart. This paper presents HummingBird, an MPC framework that reduces the ReLU communication overhead significantly by using only a subset of the bits to evaluate ReLU on a smaller ring. Based on theoretical analyses, HummingBird identifies bits in the secret share that are not crucial for accuracy and excludes them during ReLU evaluation to reduce communication. With its efficient search engine, HummingBird discards 87--91% of the bits during ReLU and still maintains high accuracy. On a real MPC setup involving multiple servers, HummingBird achieves on average 2.03--2.67x end-to-end speedup without introducing any errors, and up to 8.64x average speedup when some amount of accuracy degradation can be tolerated, due to its up to 8.76x communication reduction

    GuardNN: Secure DNN Accelerator for Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning

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    This paper proposes GuardNN, a secure deep neural network (DNN) accelerator, which provides strong hardware-based protection for user data and model parameters even in an untrusted environment. GuardNN shows that the architecture and protection can be customized for a specific application to provide strong confidentiality and integrity protection with negligible overhead. The design of the GuardNN instruction set reduces the TCB to just the accelerator and enables confidentiality protection without the overhead of integrity protection. GuardNN also introduces a new application-specific memory protection scheme to minimize the overhead of memory encryption and integrity verification. The scheme shows that most of the off-chip meta-data in today's state-of-the-art memory protection can be removed by exploiting the known memory access patterns of a DNN accelerator. GuardNN is implemented as an FPGA prototype, which demonstrates effective protection with less than 2% performance overhead for inference over a variety of modern DNN models

    MgX: Near-Zero Overhead Memory Protection with an Application to Secure DNN Acceleration

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    In this paper, we propose MgX, a near-zero overhead memory protection scheme for hardware accelerators. MgX minimizes the performance overhead of off-chip memory encryption and integrity verification by exploiting the application-specific aspect of accelerators. Accelerators tend to explicitly manage data movement between on-chip and off-chip memory, typically at an object granularity that is much larger than cache lines. Exploiting these accelerator-specific characteristics, MgX generates version numbers used in memory encryption and integrity verification only using on-chip state without storing them in memory, and also customizes the granularity of the memory protection to match the granularity used by the accelerator. To demonstrate the applicability of MgX, we present an in-depth study of MgX for deep neural network (DNN) and also describe implementations for H.264 video decoding and genome alignment. Experimental results show that applying MgX has less than 1% performance overhead for both DNN inference and training on state-of-the-art DNN architectures

    Memoization Attacks and Copy Protection in Partitioned Applications

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    Application source code protection is a major concern for software architects today. Secure platforms have been proposed that protect the secrecy of application algorithms and enforce copy protection assurances. Unfortunately, these capabilities incur a sizeable performance overhead. Partitioning an application into secure and insecure regions can help diminish these overheads but invalidates guarantees of code secrecy and copy protection.This work examines one of the problems of partitioning an application into public and private regions, the ability of an adversary to recreate those private regions. To our knowledge, it is the first to analyze this problem when considering application operation as a whole. Looking at the fundamentals of the issue, we analyze one of the simplest attacks possible, a ``Memoization Attack.'' We implement an efficient Memoization Attack and discuss necessary techniques that limit storage and computation consumption. Experimentation reveals that certain classes of real-world applications are vulnerable to Memoization Attacks. To protect against such an attack, we propose a set of indicator tests that enable an application designer to identify susceptible application code regions

    Efficient Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning with Lightweight Trusted Hardware

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    In this paper, we propose a new secure machine learning inference platform assisted by a small dedicated security processor, which will be easier to protect and deploy compared to today's TEEs integrated into high-performance processors. Our platform provides three main advantages over the state-of-the-art: (i) We achieve significant performance improvements compared to state-of-the-art distributed Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PPML) protocols, with only a small security processor that is comparable to a discrete security chip such as the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) or on-chip security subsystems in SoCs similar to the Apple enclave processor. In the semi-honest setting with WAN/GPU, our scheme is 4X-63X faster than Falcon (PoPETs'21) and AriaNN (PoPETs'22) and 3.8X-12X more communication efficient. We achieve even higher performance improvements in the malicious setting. (ii) Our platform guarantees security with abort against malicious adversaries under honest majority assumption. (iii) Our technique is not limited by the size of secure memory in a TEE and can support high-capacity modern neural networks like ResNet18 and Transformer. While previous work investigated the use of high-performance TEEs in PPML, this work represents the first to show that even tiny secure hardware with really limited performance can be leveraged to significantly speed-up distributed PPML protocols if the protocol can be carefully designed for lightweight trusted hardware.Comment: IEEE S&P'24 submitte

    Data Leakage via Access Patterns of Sparse Features in Deep Learning-based Recommendation Systems

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    Online personalized recommendation services are generally hosted in the cloud where users query the cloud-based model to receive recommended input such as merchandise of interest or news feed. State-of-the-art recommendation models rely on sparse and dense features to represent users' profile information and the items they interact with. Although sparse features account for 99% of the total model size, there was not enough attention paid to the potential information leakage through sparse features. These sparse features are employed to track users' behavior, e.g., their click history, object interactions, etc., potentially carrying each user's private information. Sparse features are represented as learned embedding vectors that are stored in large tables, and personalized recommendation is performed by using a specific user's sparse feature to index through the tables. Even with recently-proposed methods that hides the computation happening in the cloud, an attacker in the cloud may be able to still track the access patterns to the embedding tables. This paper explores the private information that may be learned by tracking a recommendation model's sparse feature access patterns. We first characterize the types of attacks that can be carried out on sparse features in recommendation models in an untrusted cloud, followed by a demonstration of how each of these attacks leads to extracting users' private information or tracking users by their behavior over time
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