21 research outputs found
The Implementation of Ultra Petita Decisionsin Civil Dispute
The implementation of ultra petita in the decision of civil disputes becomes a very interesting study to be discussed, many parties who agree to the application of ultra petita on the pretext as a path to substantive justice, but those who think the application of ultra petita is considered contrary to the principle of legal certainty. The research method used was normative juridical research that is research conducted by examining library materials which include primary legal materials sourced from various laws and regulations and secondary legal materials in the form of explanations used to analyze primary legal materials in the form of expert views, academics, searching documents, books and scientific papers. Then, the legal material was identified and analyzed to achieve the objectives of this research. The results showed that the application of the ultra petita ruling in civil disputes was not in accordance with the principle of rule of law which could result in the ruling being legally flawed or invalid. To minimize the application of decisions that contain ultra petita, in civil disputes can adopt the procedural law in force in the State Administrative Court related to the preparatory inspection stage, it was the existence of the judge's authority to advise the Plaintiff to improve if the lawsuit is unclear/complete by giving a grace period that is proper before examining the subject matter of the dispute begins
The Legal Risks for Investors Due to Market Manipulation in the Cryptocurrency Market
This study aims to explore the intricate legal landscape surrounding the cryptocurrency market in Indonesia, specifically addressing the prevalent challenges and risks of market manipulation. The writing method is anchored on a comprehensive examination of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal resources, including pivotal legislations such as the Capital Market Regulation (UUPM) and various other Indonesian laws. Furthermore, a library research technique has been employed, drawing from a broad spectrum of theoretical studies, past literature, and expert opinions to provide a holistic understanding of the subject. The novelty of this study emerges from its specialized focus on market manipulation within the rapidly evolving context of the Indonesian cryptocurrency realm. This focus differentiates it from more generic studies on cryptocurrency, offering tailored insights and recommendations for the Indonesian scenario. Based on the research undertaken, we conclude that Indonesia's strategic and proactive legal measures, coupled with the inherent advantages of regulated cryptocurrency platforms, play a pivotal role in countering market manipulation risks. For the practical application of these findings, it is imperative for Indonesian policymakers and regulatory entities to sustain an adaptive approach, ensuring continuous monitoring and timely updates to the legal frameworks. This adaptability guarantees their resonance with the ever-shifting paradigms of the cryptocurrency domain. Additionally, the research underscores the significance of robust investor education initiatives and advocates for a synergistic collaboration between regulatory bodies, cryptocurrency platforms, and the broader investor community. Such collaborative efforts are instrumental in nurturing a transparent, secure, and resilient cryptocurrency environment in Indonesia, setting a benchmark for similar emerging markets globally
Plantation Regulation In The Palm Industry Sector In The Omnibus Law Of Employment Creation (Cipta Kerja)
The ratification of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Employment Creation (Omnibus Law Employment Creation) massively amends, deletes, or sets new rules against several previous laws, such as Law Number 39 of 2014 concerning Plantations (Plantation Law) and other regulations. Some of the contradictions that have arisen between the Plantation Law and the Omnibus Law Employment Creation, of course, have an influence on the palm oil industry sector in Indonesia, causing legal uncertainty. The problem raised in this study is about how the plantation regulation in the palm oil industry sector is in the Omnibus Law Employment Creation. The research objective is to analyze the legal certainty of plantation regulations in the palm oil industry sector in the Omnibus Law Employment Creation. The research method used is juridical normative, that is, research is carried out through literature study with secondary data. The results show that the plantation regulations in the palm oil industry sector in the Omnibus Law Employment Creation contain legal uncertainty, where in the Omnibus Law Employment Creation there are several contradictions with the provisions of the previous Plantation Law, such as the culture of prioritizing foreign investors, and not in accordance with protection and management of environment. It is necessary to review laws and regulations, especially for the sustainability of the palm oil industry sector, by harmonizing all the rules contained in the Omnibus Law Employment Creation
The Responsibilities of Influencer Doctors Promoting Skincare Products on Social Media
 Influencer doctors are prohibited from promoting skincare products on social media as regulated in MKEK Decree 029/2021. This has pros and cons, where influencer doctors are considered to help people pay more attention to a skincare product before buying and it is feared that there will be excessive claims on a product because they have expertise in the field of beauty. This research aims to analyze the responsibilities of influencer doctors who promote skincare products on social media and legal protection for consumers who experience losses from the promotion of skincare products carried out by influencer doctors on social media through normative juridical research methods which are supported by primary, secondary, and tertiary data. The study shows that the responsibility of influencer doctors needs to be looked at further regarding the fulfillment of mistakes made, if they are not at fault, then full responsibility falls on the business actor. Meanwhile, if guilty, the influencer doctor can be subject to sanctions as regulated in the 2018 MKEK Guidelines and the Consumer Protection Law. The embodiment of consumer protection is to provide rights and obligations for consumers, business actors and advertising business actors. Consumers often think impulsively when buying skincare products because of other people's reviews. Therefore, to avoid losses, consumers need to be more careful when purchasing skin care products. If they experience losses, consumers can apply for compensation or peace efforts, in court and outside of court.Keywords: Responsibility, Consumer Protection, Influencer Doctors, Skincar
An Application of Open to Public Principles in Electronic Trial Through E-Litigation
One of the principles of a court hearing is that it is open to the public. It means that everyone has the right to attend and know it as a form of community control over the trial process, unless otherwise determined by law, the trial is conducted in private. However, with the implementation of the case investigation through electronic or commonly referred to as e-Litigation, the community feels that it limited their right to know the course of the trial process as a form of social control. The research method used was normative juridical research that was research conducted by examining library materials which include primary legal materials sourced from various laws and regulations and secondary legal materials in the form of explanations used to analyze primary legal materials in the form of expert views, academics, practitioners or judges through interviews, document searches, books and scientific papers. Then, the legal material was identified and analyzed to achieve the objectives of this research. The results of the research showed that the settlement of the case through an electronic trial had not yet fully fulfilled the principle of a trial open to the public because in the process of answering it was only known by the parties who had litigated. It is hoped that this research can provide input for judicial institutions to improve electronic trial devices so that they can be more beneficial to the community
Transfer of Rights of Customary Land to Private Parties: Reconstruction Thought of Right to Controlled by the State
Release of “Tanah Ulayat” or (“Customary Land”) by “Masyarakat Hukum Adat” or “the Customary Law Community” (CLC) to the Legal Entity as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian / Head of the National Land Agency No. 5 of 1999, with the intent and purpose of accommodating the procedures for releasing Customary Land, in reality has caused many legal problems in its implementation. Such legal problems has had an impact on the conflict between the CLC and large companies and even multinational companies. The research question arising of such Regulation, is there control mechanism over the unequal contract between the CLC and large companies of which results in adverse CLC. This study aims to analyze the legal issues arising from the implementation of such Regulation to the private party and provide a solution to create community welfare as mandated in Article 33 (3) of the 1945 Indonesia Constitution. It is expected that this research can provide input for the government on such Regulation to private parties, by doing reconstruction though of Right to Controlled by the State against Customary Land as a higher law. The research method used in this study is a normative juridical research, which is carried out by examining library materials. This research was referred to philosophical understanding of corrective justice from Aristoteles. Of which in analyzing the transfer of Customary Land to the private party, corrective justice is carried out by the judge in deciding cases of transactions that are voluntary or involuntary
Pacta Sunt Servanda merupakan salah satu asas yang berlaku dalam perjanjian sewa menyewa, yakni kesepakatan yang telah disepakati selanjutnya berlaku sebagai Undang-Undang yang mengatur. Namun pada kenyataanya, didapati beberapa fakta hukum bahwa pemilik usaha mengingkari isi perjanjian sewa menyewa ruang usaha, sehingga menimbulkan kerugian bagi pihak lainnya. Rumusan masalah yang diangkat oleh penulis adalah tentang bagaimana penerapan asas pacta sunt servanda dalam perjanjian sewa menyewa ruang usaha dan perlindungan hukum terhadap penyewa atas perbuatan wanprestasi yang dilakukan oleh pemilik ruang usaha dalam perjanjian sewa menyewa ruang usaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif yakni melalui studi kepustakaan, dengan menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang, pendekatan kasus dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa asas pacta sunt servanda belum dapat diterapkan sepenuhnya dalam perjanjian sewa menyewa ruang usaha, hal ini lebih disebabkan karena pemilik ruang usaha mempunyai kedudukan lebih kuat dibandingkan penyewa. Ketentuan hukum perdata hanya memberikan perlindungan hukum berupa hak untuk pihak yang dirugikan dapat menuntut ganti kerugian melalui pengadilan atas tidak dilaksanakannya perjanjian. Dalam perjanjian sewa menyewa ruang usaha perlu diatur mengenai sanksi yang tegas bagi pihak yang mengabaikan asas pacta sunt servanda, sehingga penyewa sebagai pihak yang lebih lemah kedudukannya dapat terlindungi haknya
Misuse of Consumer Personal Data Through Illegal Fintech Peer To Peer Lending
This research examines the misuse of consumer personal data through illegal Fintech Peer To Peer Lending. The aim of this research is to determine aspects related to Peer-to-peer lending Fintech Companies with a focus on the problem of misuse of consumer data. By providing an in-depth overview of forms of data misuse, as well as analyzing the legal responsibilities of illegal peer to peer lending fintech providers who are involved in misuse of consumer data. The research focus based on the background in this research is; 1) What are the forms of misuse of consumer data through illegal fintech peer to peer lending according to decision number; 438/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Jkt.Utr. 2) What is the legal responsibility of individuals managing illegal peer to peer lending fintech who misuse consumer personal data according to Decision Number; 438/Pid.Sus/2020/PN Jkt.Utr. This research uses a type of normative juridical research using qualitative methods and analytical descriptive approaches. So that the analysis can be carried out, the author first collects materials that are appropriate to the legal issue to be studied. The research results show that illegal fintech operators often misuse consumer data by involving third parties who do not have official certification, giving rise to intimidation, threats and defamation of consumers. In addition, the practice of requesting consumer consent to access personal data in violation of certain regulations was also exposed. The conclusion of this research confirms that this act can be subject to criminal sanctions as stated in the court decision. It is hoped that legal enforcement of this practice can be an effective step to protect consumer data and prevent abuse in the peer-to-peer lending fintech industry.
Keywords: Misuse of personal data; illegal fintech peer-to-peer lending; positive law in Indonesia
Penulisan mengenai perlindungan hukum terhadap merek terkenal di Indonesia bertujuan untuk mengetahui perlindungan hukum bagi merek terkenal berdasarkan hukum positif di Indonesia dengan unsur persamaan pada pokoknya. Merek terkenal memiliki sifat ekslusif, namun masih terdapat banyak pelanggaran yang menimpanya seperti peniruan, pemboncengan dan hal – hal yang membuat rugi pemilik merek terkenal. Hal ini perlu dilakukan analisis agar terciptanya persaingan usaha yang sehat dalam dunia industri. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif. Dalam penelitian ini memiliki kebaharuan yaitu pembahasan lebih mengkhususkan tentang regulasi merek terkenal di Indonesia atas dasar persamaan pada pokoknya dan tanggung jawab lembaga negara yaitu DJKI terhadap merek yang di batalkan oleh pengadilan karena memiliki persamaan pada pokoknya dengan merek terkenal. Hasil penelitian yaitu untuk perlindungan hukum terhadap merek terkenal saat ini di atur sebatas kriteria merek terkenal, larangan melakukan tindakan yang mengandung unsur persamaan pada pokoknya dengan merek terkenal dan upaya represif berupa hak melapor kepada pengadilan yang di miliki oleh merek terkenal, hal ini tertuang di dalam UU No. 20 tahun 2016 tentang merek dan Indikasi geografis, Permenkumham No. 67 tahun 2016 tentang pendaftaran merek serta Yurispudensi Mahkamahh Agung No. 022/HKI/2012. Bentuk tanggung jawab dari DJKI adalah dengan menjalankan putusan pengadilan, melakukan penyuluhan hukum dan dapat di pidana sesuai ketentuan KUHP
 At the present time many cases of violations (non-performance) prudential principles that occur in national banks, one of which brings the impact of loss to third-party insurance as the owner of the object that was never guarantee or give permission to others to pledge land own to a bank. Precautionary principle should be applied by the banks especially in terms of loan disbursements through accurate and in-depth analysis, the proper distribution, control and monitoring of good, valid agreement and meet the requirements of law, binding strong collateral and loan documentation and complete a regular basis. Â