45 research outputs found

    This Sporting Life: Sports and Body Culture in Modern Japan

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    Yale CEAS Occasional Publication Series - Volume 1 Sports in Japan have long been embedded in community life, the educational system, the mass media, the corporate structures, and the nationalist sentiments of modern Japan. For over a century, they have been a crucial intersection of school pedagogy, corporate aims, media constructions, gender relations, and patriotic feelings. The chapters in this book highlight a wide range of sports, and together, they offer a significant window on to the ways that the sporting life animates the institutions of modern Japan.https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/ceas_publication_series/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Sports Challenges for Rebuilding Osaka as a "Brand Creation City"

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    第227回産業セミナー2021.3 文言の追記を行っています

    Whether it is possible to activate the city by citizen marathon? : From the joint survey of Osaka marathon

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    A Study on Function Change of Play in Elementary Physical Education

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    本研究では、小学校体育授業で、R・カイヨワの遊びの理論から、競争(アゴン)、運(アレア)、模擬(ミミクリー)、眩暈(イリンクス)の4つの遊びの要素が、単元の中でそれぞれどのように機能的に変化していくのか、また相互作用していくのかを授業実践から分析していく試みである。研究方法は、授業終了後に児童が記入している「振り返りシート」に記述された文章を中心に内容分析を行った。分析の結果、アゴン・アレア・ミミクリー・イリンクスのそれぞれの遊びの要素の機能が、学習が進むことによって、それぞれに質的変化が起きることが明らかになった。アゴンの要素は、他者との競争から自己との競争へ、さらに、集団での協同へと質的変化が起きたといえる。アレアの要素は、勝敗という未確定な状況における情緒的な楽しみから、具体的な目標に挑戦することでアゴンの要素が混在する質的変化が起きたといえる。ミミクリーの要素は、他者の動きをマネするという直接的な機能から、類似する動きをイメージしてマネする間接的な機能に質的変化が起きたといえる。イリンクスの機能は、身体への集中度、あるいは身体を解放する機能が、走り方という身体技術の追求によって心地よさと惑乱から得られる感性的な楽しみを消失させてしまうという質的変化が起きたといえる。また、それぞれ独立して機能しているようにみえる4つの遊びの要素は、小学校体育の学習のめあてと相互作用により、それぞれの機能の質的変化を促進していると推察できる。This study draws from Caillois’ theory of play forms – competition (Agon), chance (Alea), mimesis (Mimicry), and vertigo (Ilinx) – and examines how the functions of these play forms change and interact in class practice. The analysis mainly focused on students’ post-lesson reflection sheets.The analysis provided clear evidence that the function of each play form (Agon, Alea, Mimicry, and Ilinx) underwent qualitative changes during the learning progress. Specifically, Agon was found to change from competition with others to competition with oneself and further to group cooperation. The change in Alea manifested itself in the emotional pleasures derived from anticipating the uncertain outcome in meeting the challenging goals brought by Agon. The change in Mimicry was observed in its role shift from a direct role in managing the movement of others to an indirect role in imitating and managing similar movements. The change in Ilinx was found in the degree of concentration on the body or the function of releasing the body disappears by pursuit of the physical technique called running method has occurred. In addition, it can be inferred that the four play forms which seem to function independently can interact and promote the qualitative change in each other in elementary physical education

    Nutrition as Scientific Knowledge in Physical Education and Sports: Historical Documents of Meiji Period

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    体育・スポーツ現場において、科学知に基づいた栄養教育がアスリートに実施されるべきであり、その栄養教育の担い手として競技指導者の役割が重要であると認識されている。しかしながら、科学知を軽視した栄養教育が体育・スポーツ現場の指導者によって行われているという現象も見うけられる。その背景には、そもそも体育・スポーツの指導現場において「栄養」が科学知として位置づけられているのかという問題が横たわる。本研究の目的は、明治時代の体育・スポーツにおいて、「栄養」が科学知としてどのように成立し、展開してきたかを明らかにすることであった。研究の結果から、体育・スポーツにおける「栄養」の位置づけにより、「黎明期(明治元年~明治10年代)」、「導入期(明治20~40年代)」の2期に分類することができた。黎明期に「栄養」を科学知として扱った記述はほぼ皆無であったが、体育において「栄養」が位置づけられ始めてきたと推察される記述がみられた。導入期では、個々人の発育のために摂取すべき栄養素の種類や量、そして摂取する食品に含まれる栄養素量についてのデータが資料に記載されており、当時の「栄養」に関する最先端の科学知が盛り込まれた内容となっていたことから、「栄養」が科学知として成立したことが明らかとなった。さらに、この時期には「栄養」について記載された体育書が体育教員らよって数多く出版された。そして、これらがたくさんの体育専門家の目にふれ、体育の現場に科学知としての「栄養」が導入されていったのではないかと推察される。It is recognized that the role of a coach is important for nutrition education in physical education and sports. However, some coaches of physical education and sports have been known to impart nutrition education that is lacking in scientific knowledge. In this context, it is not clear whether "nutrition" was originally positioned as scientific knowledge in physical education and sports. The aim of this study is to clarify how "Nutrition" was established and developed based on scientific knowledge in the Meiji Period and used in physical education and sports. "Nutrition" in physical education and sports can be classified into two stages: the "Dawn period (Meiji 1st ~ Meiji 10s)" and the "Introduction period (Meiji 20-40s). "There is almost no description dealing with "Nutrition" as scientific knowledge in the dawn period, but "Nutrition" is clearly described as playing a role in physical education. In the introduction period, it became clear that "Nutrition" was established as scientific knowledge because the latest scientific knowledge such as the type and amount of nutrients to be ingested for growth and data on the amount of nutrients contained in foods were posted in the documents of the time. Furthermore, during the introduction period, many physical education books on "Nutrition" were published by sports teachers and others. Therefore, it can be inferred that many physical education experts had noticed these facts, and "Nutrition" as scientific knowledge gradually spread to the field of physical education

    TGF-β-dependent reprogramming of amino acid metabolism induces epithelial–mesenchymal transition in non-small cell lung cancers

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    Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT)—a fundamental process in embryogenesis and wound healing—promotes tumor metastasis and resistance to chemotherapy. While studies have identified signaling components and transcriptional factors responsible in the TGF-β-dependent EMT, whether and how intracellular metabolism is integrated with EMT remains to be fully elucidated. Here, we showed that TGF-β induces reprogramming of intracellular amino acid metabolism, which is necessary to promote EMT in non-small cell lung cancer cells. Combined metabolome and transcriptome analysis identified prolyl 4-hydroxylase α3 (P4HA3), an enzyme implicated in cancer metabolism, to be upregulated during TGF-β stimulation. Further, knockdown of P4HA3 diminished TGF-β-dependent changes in amino acids, EMT, and tumor metastasis. Conversely, manipulation of extracellular amino acids induced EMT-like responses without TGF-β stimulation. These results suggest a previously unappreciated requirement for the reprogramming of amino acid metabolism via P4HA3 for TGF-β-dependent EMT and implicate a P4HA3 inhibitor as a potential therapeutic agent for cancer

    Molecular Identification of t(w5): Vps52 Promotes Pluripotential Cell Differentiation Through Cell-Cell Interactions

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    After implantation, pluripotent epiblasts are converted to embryonic ectoderm through cell-cell interactions that significantly change the transcriptional and epigenetic networks. An entree to understanding this vital developmental transition is the t(w5) mutation of the mouse t complex. This mutation produces highly specific defects in the embryonic ectoderm before gastrulation, leading to death of the embryonic ectoderm. Using a positional cloning approach, we have now identified the mutated gene, completing a decades-long search. The gene, vacuolar protein sorting 52 (Vps52), is a mouse homolog of yeast VPS52 that is involved in the retrograde trafficking of endosomes. Our data suggest that Vps52 acts in extraembryonic tissues to support the growth and differentiation of embryonic ectoderm via cell-cell interactions. It is also required in the formation of embryonic structures at a later stage of development, revealing hitherto unknown functions of Vps52 in the development of a multicellular organism.NSFCellular and Molecular Biolog

    Outline of Osaka Brand Survey : General remarks・Food・Health

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    第227回産業セミナー2021.3 文言の追記を行っています

    Developing the Kandai style Experiential Learning Program (K-ELP) : From Practical Knowledge to Inquiring a way of living

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    In this article, the development of the Kandai style ExperientialLearning Program(K-ELP) is described with its background issues, thehistory of its development, and the program constitution. For the pastten years, various criticism towards Japanese higher education,especially its separation from the social needs of educating wellfunctioningstudents in the society, has been increasing. Respondingto this crticism, active learning and cooperative learning have beenbrought into Japanese higher education, but it often remains as merechange of class management without deeper pedagogical transformation.With this analysis, we developed a systematic learning program basedon Dewey’s experiential learning philosophy, which we named Kandaistyle Experiential Learning Program (K-ELP). K-ELP is constituted offour parts, ① Experiential Learning Program, ② Expert Level-upProgram, ③Experimental Life-world Projects, and ④Experiencing LifeProcess. Students go through these four parts step-by-step, startingwith their first year program and contiuning onto various projectsduring seminar activities.本稿は、平成25年-平成27年度関西大学教育研究高度化促進費において課題「プロジェクトアドベンチャーを基盤にした体験教育型研修プログラム開発」として助成を受けた成果を公表するものである。このPDFデータは、著者版であるため、出版社版とはページ数が異なっています

    Exploring Novel Biomarkers for an Acute Coronary Syndrome Diagnosis Utilizing Plasma Metabolomics

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    Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a life-threatening condition that requires a prompt diagnosis and therapeutic intervention. Although serum troponin I and creatinine kinase-MB (CK-MB) are established biomarkers for ACS, reaching diagnostic values for ACS may take several hours. In this study, we attempted to explore novel biomarkers for ACS with higher sensitivity than that of troponin I and CK-MB. The metabolomic profiles of 18 patients with ACS upon hospital arrival and those of the age-matched control (HC) group of 24 healthy volunteers were analyzed using liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Volcano plots showed 24 metabolites whose concentrations differed significantly between the ACS and HC groups. Using these data, we developed a multiple logistic regression model for the ACS diagnosis, in which lysine, isocitrate, and tryptophan were selected as minimum-independent metabolites. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve value for discriminating ACS from HC was 1.00 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.00–1.00). In contrast, those for troponin I and CK-MB were 0.917 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.812–1.00) and 0.988 (95% CI: 0.966–1.00), respectively. This study showed the potential for combining three plasma metabolites to discriminate ACS from HC with a higher sensitivity than troponin I and CK-MB