9 research outputs found

    Rough Cut Capacity Planning dengan Menggunakan Matriks Skill dalam Pemenuhan Order di PT X Manufaktur Furnitur

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on a variety of sectors, including the furniture manufacturing industry. The industry is undergoing drastic demand changes, complicating adjustment efforts during the pandemic. Additional human resources (HRM) is becoming a more complex challenge due to strict health protocols and the necessary vaccination efforts. In this context, increased availability of capacity has become critical, but an appropriate approach has not been revealed in the literature. As for the in-depth literature study, it covers various methods of increasing production capacity, such as adding human resources, machines, shift work systems, overtime, and subcontractors. The research focuses on a new way to multi-skill by using the skill matrix as an innovative method to increase the availability of capacity at PT X, a furniture manufacturing company. Using Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP), the study describes current production capacity, analyzes the impact of post-COVID demand shifts, and evaluates the effectiveness of multi-skill application with a skill matrix in improving production flexibility and responsiveness. The research findings provide valuable insights for furniture companies and related sectors in dealing with post-COVID dynamics, as well as providing the basis for developing more adaptive and sustainable capacity planning strategies.Pandemi COVID-19 telah memberikan dampak yang signifikan pada berbagai sektor, termasuk industri manufaktur furniture. Industri ini mengalami perubahan permintaan yang drastis, menyulitkan upaya penyesuaian selama pandemi. Penambahan sumber daya manusia (SDM) menjadi tantangan yang lebih kompleks karena adanya protokol kesehatan yang ketat dan upaya vaksinasi yang diperlukan. Dalam konteks ini, peningkatan ketersediaan kapasitas menjadi kritis, tetapi pendekatan yang tepat belum terungkap dalam literatur. Adapun kajian literatur mendalam mencakup berbagai metode peningkatan kapasitas produksi, seperti penambahan sumber daya manusia, mesin, sistem kerja shift, overtime, dan subkontraktor. Penelitian ini fokus pada cara baru bagaimana multi skill dengan menggunakan matriks keterampilan sebagai metode inovatif untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan kapasitas di PT X, sebuah perusahaan manufaktur furniture. Dengan menggunakan Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP), penelitian ini menggambarkan kapasitas produksi saat ini, menganalisis dampak pergeseran permintaan pasca-COVID, dan mengevaluasi efektivitas penerapan multi skill dengan matriks keterampilan dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas dan responsivitas produksi. Temuan penelitian memberikan wawasan yang berharga bagi perusahaan furnitur dan sektor terkait dalam menghadapi dinamika pasca-COVID, serta memberikan dasar untuk pengembangan strategi perencanaan kapasitas yang lebih adaptif dan berkelanjutan

    Application of Genetic Algorithms to Solve MTSP Problems with Priority (Case Study at the Jakarta Street Lighting Service)

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    Transportation is one thing that is very important and is the highest cost in the supply chain. One way to reduce these costs is to optimize vehicle routes. The Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (MTSP) and Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) are models that have been extensively researched to optimize vehicle routes. In its development based on actual events in the real world, some priorities must be visited first in optimizing vehicle routes. Several studies on MTSP and CVRP models have been conducted with exact solutions and algorithms. In a real case in the Jakarta City Street Lighting Section, the problem of determining the route in three shifts is a crucial problem that must be resolved to increase worker productivity to improve services. Services in MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) installation and maintenance activities for general street lights and priority is given to light points that require replacement. Because, in this case, the delivery capacity is not taken into account, the priority of the lights visited is random, and the number of street light points is enormous, in this study, we use the MTSP method with priority and solve by a genetic algorithm assisted by the nearest neighbor algorithm. From the resolution of this problem, it was found that the travel time reduction was 32 % for shift 1, 24 % for shift 2, and 23 % for shift 3. Of course, this time reduction will impact worker productivity so that MCB installation can be done faster for all lights and replace a dead lamp

    Perancangan Alat Bantu Pemegang Glidecam Untuk Meminimasi Beban Pada Lengan Pengguna

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    One of the tools used by cameramen to help stabilize while recording is Glidecam. Glidecam works based on the use of additional weights to compensate the load from the camera. However, there are still weaknesses in the use of Glidecam, including the fatigue and aches felt by the cameraman after Glidecam's use. In addition, it may cause disruption to joint, ligament, muscle, nerve and tendon function, and spine, for continuous Glidecam use. One alternative tool to overcome this problem is the use of Arm Brace. Arm Brace in the form of a passive exoskeleton that will compensate for part of the load from Glidecam. The product design process includes creating mission statements, identifying customer needs, determining product specifications, developing concepts, selecting concepts, making prototypes and evaluating prototypes. In this study two prototypes were made and evaluation with statistical tests showed that there was a significant increase in the endurance time of using Glidecam on the use of the two prototypes compared to that without the tools. The selection of the final prototype is done with a qualitative evaluation from the user. Qualitative evaluation is carried out with six assessment criteria: ease of use and installation, product mobility, product mass, product robustness, product support and product mechanism.Keywords: Glidecam, Arm Brace, Eksoskeleton

    Penerapan Metoda Six Sigma DMAIC untuk Mengurangi Cacat Pakaian 514 (Studi Kasus di CV Jaya Reksa Manggala)

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    CV Jaya Reksa Manggala (JRM) is one of clothing company. With increasing competition in this clothing company, the companies are required to keep improving the quality of clothing products. One of the important things in quality is reduction of product defects. One of the proven methods of  quality improvement is the Six Sigma DMAIC method, which is a continous improvement method that aims to achieve the best quality. One of the products of CV JRM which is still have a lot of defects is 514 products. From the initial data obtained, DPMO value for process I and II for 514 products is 10,768.52 and 27,341.42 with sigma level 3.79 and 3.43. The steps undertaken in this Six Sigma DMAIC method include define, measure, analyze, implementation and control. Several proposed improvements were then made to reduce the problem of these defects and from the data at the control stage, the DPMO values of processes I and II became 2,941.76 and 1,812.69 with sigma levels of 4.25 and 4.41. From this result it can be said that with Six Sigma DMAIC method, there is improvement of quality for product 514 at CV JRM


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    The purpose of this study is to measure and analyze satisfaction of the Hotel X’s guests by its service quality. To achieve this, a modified LODGSERV scale is used as research instrument with total of 24 attributes used in questionnaire. In order to collect data, the questionnaire is distributed to guests who have stayed in Hotel X. The collected data is analyze using Improvement Gap Analysis to identify the highest priority level of the attributes that matter most to the hotel’s guest satisfaction. Based on the IGA matrix, there are 7 attributes that have the highest priority level for improvement. Furthermore, these attributes are identified by using fishbone diagram to obtain the root problem of each attribute. According to the root problems obtained, there are 15 suggestions for improvement are given to Hotel X

    A non-hydrostatic two-layer staggered scheme for transient waves due to anti-symmetric seabed thrust

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    The development of transient waves generated by bottom motion is studied numerically in this work. A non-hydrostatic numerical scheme, based on solving the two dimensional Euler equations using two-layer approximation for the vertical direction, is implemented. The dispersion relation of this scheme is shown to agree with the analytical dispersion relation over a wide range of kd0, where k denotes the wave number and d0 the characteristic water depth. To ensure that a good balance between non-linearity and dispersion is accommodated by the scheme, the propagation of a solitary wave (undisturbed in shape) was simulated. Our next focus was on the simulation of transient waves generated by bottom motion. After conducting a benchmark test against Hammack's experimental results for downward bottom motion, an anti-symmetric bottom thrust was considered. The resulting transient waves developed different behavior depending on the water depth. Finally, to mimic the December 2004 tsunami, a seabed motion was generated over Aceh bathymetry. This simulation showed that a package of wave trains developed and propa- gated towards the Aceh coast, and exhibited inter alia the feature of shoreline withdrawal often observed

    A Non-Hydrostatic Model for Simulating Weakly Dispersive Landslide-Generated Waves

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    The aim of this study is to develop an efficient numerical scheme that is capable of simulating landslide-generated waves. The numerical scheme is based on the one-layer non-hydrostatic (NH-1L) model, a phase-solving model that can account for weakly dispersive waves. In this paper, the model is extended to include a time-varying solid bed. This NH-1L scheme is very efficient because, at each time step, only a tridiagonal Poisson pressure matrix needs to be solved. In this study, the capability of the NH-1L scheme to simulate landslide-generated waves is demonstrated by executing two types of landslide motion: constant speed and with acceleration and deceleration. Validation was performed using analytical solutions of the linear weakly dispersive (LWD) model, as well as experimental data. The NH-1L model was capable of describing the generation and propagation of water waves by a submarine landslide from relatively intermediate water to shallow water depths

    Perancangan Eksperimen Proses Ekstrusi Dengan Bahan Plastik Bekas Pakai

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    Today, plastic waste is a serious problem and needs to be resolved immediately. Indonesia is the second largest contributor of plastic waste to the sea after China. This condition needs to be resolved  immediately by looking for alternative solutions for plastic waste in all areas of life, including plastic waste in educational institutions. Observations at the Parahyangan Catholic University (Unpar) show that 41% of the total inorganic waste come from plastic packaging bottles. One alternative solution to the plastic waste problem is  to recycle plastic waste and process it into other products that can be used. One alternative that is being explored for the process of recycling plastic waste in the Unpar environment is to use an extrusion machine in the Production Process Laboratory of the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) Unpar. However, this machine has never been used for recycling plastic waste to be made into other products and the process parameters that can produce a good product are not yet known. Therefore, in this study, experimental design was carried out to determine process parameters to produce a good product with the existing extrusion machine. The plastic waste used in this test is plastic waste from Polypropylene (PP) plastic and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) plastic. The research consist of  determining factors, factor levels, and randomization of treatment using completely randomized design method. The response of this experimental test is the result of product quality assessment involving 3 experts. The results show that the extrusion process on PET plastic waste materials with existing machines has not produced good recycled products. Other processes and machine improvements are still needed to produce a good product. As for PP plastic waste material, the recycling results obtained are quite good. The ANOVA test results show that the barrel temperature will affect the value of the quality of the product produced from PP plastic waste.  Pada masa ini, limbah plastik merupakan suatu masalah besar dan perlu segera diatasi. Indonesia menempati posisi kedua terbesar sebagai penyumbang limbah plastik ke laut setelah Cina. Kondisi ini perlu segera diatasi dengan mencari alternatif-alternatif penyelesaian untuk limbah plastik di semua bidang kehidupan, tidak terkecuali dengan limbah plastik yang ada di institusi pendidikan.   Pengamatan di lingkungan Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (Unpar) menunjukkan bahwa 41% total limbah anorganik adalah limbah dari botol kemasan plastik. Salah satu alternatif yang telah dilakukan sebagai upaya penyelesaian dalam masalah limbah plastik ini adalah melakukan daur ulang limbah plastik dan mengolahnya untuk menjadi produk lain yang dapat digunakan. Salah satu alternatif yang sedang dijajaki untuk proses daur ulang limbah plastik di lingkungan Unpar adalah menggunakan mesin ekstrusi yang ada di Laboratorium Proses Produksi Fakultas Teknologi Industri (FTI) Unpar. Namun mesin tersebut belum pernah digunakan untuk daur ulang limbah plastik untuk dijadikan produk lain dan belum diketahui parameter proses yang dapat menghasilkan produk yang baik. Atas dasar hal tersebut, maka pada penelitian ini, dilakukan perancangan eksperimen penentuan parameter proses untuk menghasilkan produk yang baik dengan  mesin ekstrusi yang ada.  Limbah plastik yang dipakai pada pengujian ini adalah limbah plastik berbahan Polypropylene (PP) dan Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). Penelitian meliputi penentuan faktor, level faktor, dan pengacakan treatment menggunakan metoda completely randomized design. Respon dari pengujian eksperimen ini adalah hasil penilaian kualitas produk dengan melibatkan 3 orang ahli.  Hasil menunjukkan bahwa proses ekstrusi pada bahan limbah plastik PET dengan mesin yang ada, belum menghasilkan produk daur ulang yang baik. Masih dibutuhkan proses lain dan penyempurnaan mesin untuk menghasilkan produk yang baik. Sedangkan untuk bahan limbah plastik PP, hasil daur ulang yang didapat sudah cukup baik. Hasil uji ANOVA menunjukkan bahwa temperatur barrel akan mempengaruhi nilai kualitas produk yang dihasilkan dari limbah plastik PP


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    Dunia pendidikan di Indonesia saat ini telah memasuki Kurikulum Merdeka, begitu juga dengan Sekolah Menengah Atas.  Kurikulum Merdeka dinilai lebih sederhana dan fleksibel sehingga membuat siswa lebih aktif. Jenis-jenis aktivitas yang ada di dalam kurikulum ini lebih relevan dan banyak memberikan ruang untuk tugas berbasis proyek. Namun munculnya Kurikulum Merdeka ini menimbulkan permasalahan yaitu belum siapnya sekolah mengimplementasikan Kurikulum Merdeka khususnya dari segi mata pelajaran dan sumber daya. Begitu juga terjadi pada SMA IGNATIUS SLAMET RIYADI, Resinda Karawang. Sekolah sangat membutuhkan kerja sama dengan Universitas dari segi keilmuan dan juga sumber daya. Dengan perencanaan Kurikulum Merdeka yang baik dengan didukung mata pelajaran berbasis proyek yang menarik minat siswa tentunya dapat meningkatkan kompetensi siswa SMA IGNATIUS SLAMET RIYADI dan menarik perhatian orang tua siswa SMP untuk menyekolahkan anaknya di SMA IGNATIUS SLAMET RIYADI, Karawang. Oleh karena itu, Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Katolik Parahyangan menjalin kerja sama untuk menghasilkan mata pelajaran berbasis proyek, khususnya yang berhubungan dengan keilmuan Teknik Industri. Dengan demikian, selain membantu sekolah, Program Studi Teknik Industri UNPAR juga dapat meningkatkan eksistensi dan menarik minat siswa SMA terhadap keilmuan Teknik Industri sehingga pada saatnya tiba para siswa berminat melanjutkan studi di Program Studi Teknik Industri UNPAR. Pengabdian ini dilakukan dalam 4 bagian, yaitu identifikasi kebutuhan, pembangkitan ide, pembuatan purwarupa, dan evaluasi produk. Diperoleh sebanyak 6 produk, yaitu Self Cleaning Bookshelf: rak buku yang mudah dibersihkan, Cable Roller: alat bantu untuk membawa kabel dari peralatan elektronik agar tersimpan rapi saat dibawa dalam tas, Pemotong Otomatis untuk buah dan sayuran yang mudah dibersihkan, Headphone Holder: penyangga Headphone, Jas Hujan: modular dan praktis, dan Pemotong: Alat pemotong yang aman digunakan anak-anak