51 research outputs found
Peningkatan Ambang Persepsi Dan Ambang Identifikasi Pengecapan Akibat Minuman Dingin Rasa Manis
Suhu minuman dapat mempengaruhi fungsi pengecapan, yaitu berkurangnya ketajaman mendeteksi rasa manis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur ambang rasa manis pada suhu 4oC dan memperoleh data mengenai gambaran ambang pengecapan rasa manis pada suhu 4oC. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Sampel sejumlah 50 naracoba yang berusia antara 18-25 tahun dengan jenis kelamin pria dan wanita. Bahan yang digunakan adalah larutan sukrosa dengan konsentrasi 0,0006 M sampai 0,06 M. Hasil penelitian secara statistik menunjukkan perbedaan rata – rata ambang persepsi rasa manis pada suhu kamar (± 27oC) dan suhu 4oC adalah 0,01096 dan 0,02144 dengan simpangan baku 0,00737 dan 0,00881. Nilai rata – rata ambang identifikasi rasa manis pada suhu kamar (± 27oC) dan suhu 4oC adalah 0,02176 dan 0,03216 dengan simpangan baku 0,01 dan 0,00903. Simpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat penurunan sensasi pengecapan dengan terjadinya peningkatan ambang rasa manis pada suhu dingin
The role of RFX transcription factors in neurons and in the human brain
RFX transcription factors (TFs) are conserved in animals, fungi and some amoebae, but not in algae, plants and protozoan species. The conservation is based on the protein sequence of the DNA binding domain (DBD). The RFX DBD recognizes and binds to a DNA sequence motif called the X-box. In addition to the DBD, most RFX TFs have a Dimerization domain (DIM). The DIM enables RFX TFs to form homo- or heterodimers in detecting the X-box motif, rendering the X-box often described as an imperfect palindromic sequence of two 6-bp half-sites with variable spacers.
So far, RFX TFs are known to regulate gene transcription in cell cycle, DNA repair, immune response, collagen transcription, insulin production, spermatogenesis and hearing. In animals, the most common feature of RFX TFs is their regulation of ciliogenesis and the maintenance of specialized functions of ciliated cells. Cilia are hair-like cell protrusions. They are present in all animals but absent in many species of fungi, amoebae and flowering plants. Based on the inner structure, cilia can be divided into two types, the primary cilia (one cilium per cell) and the motile cilia (either as mono-cilia or multiple-cilia per cell). The primary cilia are less understood despite being present on nearly every cell in the human body.
Humans have eight RFX genes (RFX1-8) which are expressed in diverse tissues and cell types. This thesis serves to expand knowledge of the RFX TF family in humans and their role in primary cilia and neurons, with interest in human brain development and function. We used databases (Paper I), human cell lines (Papers I and II) and the worm C. elegans (Paper III) as our materials for experimentation.
In Paper I, we performed an extensive survey of RFX1-8 expression by transcription start site (TSS) counts from the FANTOM5 database. RFX1-4 and RFX7 are prominently expressed in different brain tissues and spinal cord, making them the reference RFX TFs for neurons and the human brain. Furthermore, we predicted the regulation preference of RFX TFs based on co-clustering expression analysis with known RFX target genes. We also analyzed the positioning of the X-box motifs in the human genome and uncovered potential upstream regulators of RFX genes.
In Paper II, we explored the role of RFX TFs in the context of developmental dyslexia, a developmental disorder of the human brain. The dyslexia candidate genes DYX1C1, DCDC2 and KIAA0319 have functional X-box motifs in their promoter regions, as shown by luciferase reporter assay of wild-type versus mutated X-boxes. By siRNA knockdowns of RFX1-3, we showed a complex regulatory mechanism among RFX1-3 in regulating DYX1C1 and DCDC2. Additionally, both DYX1C1 and DCDC2 localize to the primary cilia.
In Paper III, we performed microarray analysis of target genes of DAF-19, the sole RFX TF of C. elegans, at three developmental stages (3-fold embryo, L1-larvae and adult). At all stages, DAF-19-regulated target genes were significantly enriched in neurons. Using transcriptional GFP reporter constructs, we observed that DAF-19-dependent target genes (both activated and repressed) affected only neurons, both ciliated and non-ciliated.
Altogether, we provided insight into the role of RFX TFs for primary cilia and neurons. We speculate that RFX TFs and primary cilia continue to play a defined role for mature neuron function in the human brain
Utilization of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Therapy in the Oral Cavity
Terapi dengan memanfaatkan sel punca belakangan ini dianggap menjadi terobosan ilmiah untuk dunia kedokteran dan kedokteran gigi, serta dianggap sebagai senjata penting dalam memerangi berbagai macam penyakit. Sel punca mesenkimal merupakan sel yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memperbaharui dirinya sendiri, bersifat multipoten, mampu berdiferensiasi dan berproliferasi, serta bersifat immunosupresif, sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan dalam memperbaiki dan meregenerasi berbagai jaringan melalui terapi regenerative.Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran singkat mengenai berbagai sumber sel punca dan temuan terbaru serta implikasinya untuk meningkatkan kesehatan rongga mulut melalui regenerasi berbagai jaringan di rongga mulut. Pemanfaatan sel punca mesenkimal di bidang kedokteran gigi dianggap bahwa era baru kedokteran gigi sedang dimulai dan diharapkan dapat merubah paradigma dalam melakukan perawatan terhadap penyakit di rongga mulut. Sel punca mesenkimal dapat diisolasi dari berbagai jaringan yang dapat digunakan dalam terapi regenerative melalui teknologi rekayasa jaringan untuk memperbaiki dan meregenerasi jaringan di rongga mulut. Pada pemanfaatan teknologi ini, diperlukan sel punca, regulator, dan matriks sebagai kerangka yang dapat memfasilitasi sel untuk melekat, berdiferensiasi, berproliferasi, membentukan matriks, dan meningkatkan interaksi spesifik antar sel.Simpulan, sel punca mesenkimal dapat dimanfaatkan dalam terapi regenerative di rongga mulut untuk memperbaki dan meregenerasi jaringan yang rusak melalui teknologi rekayasa jaringan
Pemanfaatan komponen biologi aktif tanaman sirih hijau (Piper betle L.) sebagai antibakteri dalam pencegahan karies gigi
Karies gigi merupakan penyakit jaringan keras yang paling sering terjadi di rongga mulut dan menjadi masalah kesehatan, terutama pada anak-anak berumur antara 5-12 tahun, baik di negara maju maupun negara berkembang. Proses pembentukan karies gigi disebabkan oleh Streptococcus mutans yang berkoloni membentuk biofilm pada permukaan gigi dan melakukan metabolisme sukrosa. Hal ini dapat menurunkan pH di rongga mulut karena bersifat asam sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya demineralisasi pada permukaan email gigi dan selanjutnya membentuk kavitas. Pengendalian biofilm umumnya menggunakan bahan dasar Chlorhexidine gluconate namun sayangnya memiliki berbagai efek samping maka perlu dikembangkan suatu upaya pencegahan sehingga mendapat alternatif bahan alami potensial dalam jangka panjang, ideal, dan aman dengan efek samping yang minimal serta dapat menggantikan bahan kimia. Tujuan naratif review ini adalah memaparkan sirih hijau sebagai salah satu bahan alam pengganti bahan kimia pengendali biofilm. Komponen biologi aktif daun sirih hijau seperti minyak atsiri golongan fenol, flavonoid, dan tanin memiliki sifat antibakteri yang bermanfaat untuk mencegah bau mulut, memelihara kesehatan gigi, memperkuat gusi, dan memperbaiki sistem pencernaan. Daun sirih hijau (Piper betle L.) dapat bermanfaat sebagai agen pencegahan karies karena kemampuannya dalam menghambat pembentukan biofilm pada permukaan gigi. Kesimpulan: daun sirih hijau aman dengan efek samping minimal sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif antibakteri dalam pencegahan pembentukan biofilm dan karies gigi
Cytotoxicity test of apple cider vinegar as a root canal irrigant against fibroblast cells
Background: Apple cider vinegar potentially can be used as an alternative to irrigation solutions because of its antibacterial compounds that can inhibit Enterococcus faecalis, a pioneer bacteria that cause root canal treatment failure. One of the ideal irrigation solution requirements is that it isn’t toxic to oral cavity tissues, so it’s necessary to run a cytotoxicity test on apple vinegar solution. Cytotoxicity test is the initial part of the evaluation of a dental material before it can be used by humans. Cytotoxicity test was performed on fibroblast cells because the irrigation solution can contact with fibroblast, which are the main cells in the periodontal ligament around the apical. The purpose of this study was to analyze the in vitro cytotoxicity effect of ACV on fibroblast cells.Method: Apple vinegar with concentrations of 0.31%, 0.63%, 1.25%, 2.5%, and 5% was tested using the MTS assay method.Result: The results showed that there was a cytotoxicity effect of apple vinegar solution as a root canal irrigation agent against fibroblasts cell. Apple cider vinegar with concentrations of 1.25%, 2.5%, and 5% are potentially toxic because the percentage of cell viability is less than 70%.Conclusion: There is a cytotoxicity effect of apple cider vinegar solution as a root canal irrigant on fibroblast cell
Cytotoxicity test of apple cider vinegar as a root canal irrigant against fibroblast cells
Background: Apple cider vinegar potentially can be used as an alternative to irrigation solutions because of its antibacterial compounds that can inhibit Enterococcus faecalis, a pioneer bacteria that cause root canal treatment failure. One of the ideal irrigation solution requirements is that it isn’t toxic to oral cavity tissues, so it’s necessary to run a cytotoxicity test on apple vinegar solution. Cytotoxicity test is the initial part of the evaluation of a dental material before it can be used by humans. Cytotoxicity test was performed on fibroblast cells because the irrigation solution can contact with fibroblast, which are the main cells in the periodontal ligament around the apical. The purpose of this study was to analyze the in vitro cytotoxicity effect of ACV on fibroblast cells.Method: Apple vinegar with concentrations of 0.31%, 0.63%, 1.25%, 2.5%, and 5% was tested using the MTS assay method.Result: The results showed that there was a cytotoxicity effect of apple vinegar solution as a root canal irrigation agent against fibroblasts cell. Apple cider vinegar with concentrations of 1.25%, 2.5%, and 5% are potentially toxic because the percentage of cell viability is less than 70%.Conclusion: There is a cytotoxicity effect of apple cider vinegar solution as a root canal irrigant on fibroblast cell
Relationship of Occlusal Schemes with the Occurrence of Temporomandibular Disorders
Masticatory system is a complex functional unit of the body responsible for mastication, speech, and deglutition process. Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is used to describe all functional disturbances of the masticatory system. The etiology of TMD is multifactorial, such as occlusal disharmony and emotional stress. The relationship between occlusion and TMD has been highly debated in dentistry, one of the occlusal factors is the occlusal scheme. Occlusal schemes are defined as bilateral canine guidance, unilateral canine guidance, group function and balanced occlusion. However, studies about the relationship of occlusal schemes and the occurrence of the TMD are still limited and remained controversial. Objective: To investigate the relationship of occlusal schemes witht he occurrence of TMD. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Faculty of Dentistry, Uniiversitas Indonesia. A total of 127 students were included in this study. Subjects were examined based on Clinical Helkimo Index and divided into TMD and non-TMD groups. Subjects were categorized as non-TMD groups if the value of the clinical Helkimo index was 0 and as TMD group when the value ranged between 1-25. Results: Balanced occlusion schemes has a greater risk of TMD occurrence with odds ratio value 5.6 and 95% confidence interval 1.188 to 26.331 (p=0.021). Conclusion: Balanced occlusion has a significant relationship with the occurrence of TMD
Ciliary dyslexia candidate genes DYX1C1 and DCDC2 are regulated by Regulatory Factor X (RFX) transcription factors through X-box promoter motifs
DYX1C1, DCDC2, and KIAA0319 are three of the most replicated dyslexia candidate genes (DCGs). Recently, these DCGs were implicated in functions at the cilium. Here, we investigate the regulation of these DCGs by Regulatory Factor X transcription factors (RFX TFs), a gene family known for transcriptionally regulating ciliary genes. We identify conserved X-box motifs in the promoter regions of DYX1C1, DCDC2, and KIAA0319 and demonstrate their functionality, as well as the ability to recruit RFX TFs using reporter gene and electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Furthermore, we uncover a complex regulation pattern between RFX1, RFX2, and RFX3 and their significant effect on modifying the endogenous expression of DYX1C1 and DCDC2 in a human retinal pigmented epithelial cell line immortalized with hTERT (hTERT-RPE1). In addition, induction of ciliogenesis increases the expression of RFX TFs and DCGs. At the protein level, we show that endogenous DYX1C1 localizes to the base of the cilium, whereas DCDC2 localizes along the entire axoneme of the cilium, thereby validating earlier localization studies using overexpression models. Our results corroborate the emerging role of DCGs in ciliary function and characterize functional noncoding elements, X-box promoter motifs, in DCG promoter regions, which thus can be targeted for mutation screening in dyslexia and ciliopathies associated with these genes.Peer reviewe
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