412 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of past atmospheric CH4 concentration from the firn air data at Dome Fuji (scientific note)

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    Air samples were collected from different depths of the firn layer at Dome Fuji in December 1998 and analyzed for CH4 concentrations. The age distribution of CH4 in the firn was calculated by using a one-dimensional numerical model, and then the inverse method was applied to reconstruct variations of atmospheric CH4 in the past. The age distribution function was calculated by including processes of molecular diffusion, downward air advection and bubble trapping in the snow-ice transition zone. Once the age distribution function is calculated, the vertical distribution of CH4 in the firn layer can be reconstructed by a linear combination of the age distribution functions weighted by the atmospheric CH4 concentrations in the past. Therefore, the most plausible past atmospheric record of CH4 can be derived iteratively so that its observed profile in the firn layer was reproduced well. In order to check the calculation scheme, the estimated variation of atmospheric CH4 was compared with direct measurements in the Antarctic region. They were in good agreement with each other, even for rapid slowing down of the secular increase observed in the 1990\u27s

    Reconstruction of the atmospheric CO2 concentration history from an Antarctic deep ice core, Dome Fuji using a wet extraction technique: analysis procedures,dating of air in ice and concentration variations (scientific paper)

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    In order to deduce the atmospheric CO2 concentration variations over the past 320 kyr, air samples were extracted from the Dome Fuji deep ice core using a wet extraction method, and their CO2 concentration values were determined with a reproducibility of 1.0 ppmv. By measuring the CO2 concentrations of firn air samples collected at Dome Fuji, it was found that the effective bubble close-off depth can be defined by the mid-point of the close-off zone. For dating the air in the ice core, the age difference between ice and air (Δage) was estimated by using a densification model to be between 1000 and 5000 years, showing small and large values during the interglacial and glacial periods, respectively, due primarily to variations of precipitation. The CO2 concentration variations with a mean time resolution of about 1.1 kyr over the last three glacial-interglacial cycles showed a good correlation with those of δ18O, which suggests that the Southern Ocean played an important role in the variation of the atmospheric CO2 concentration during the last three glacial-interglacial cycles

    In-situ measurement of the atmospheric CO concentration at Syowa Station, Antarctica

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    A high-precision measurement system for the atmospheric CO concentration was developed. With some modifications to a gas chromatograph CO analyzer, instrumental reproducibility of 0.5 ppbv was achieved. This could be sufficient for detection of short-term, seasonal and long-term variations of the atmospheric CO concentration in the Antarctic region. A standard gas system to maintain a consistent calibration scale for the CO measurements was also prepared. The measurement system was installed at Syowa Station in March 2000 and has been maintained up to the present. The first-year\u27s observation showed a clear seasonal cycle of CO concentration

    Generalised analytical method unravels framework-dependent kinetics of adsorption-induced structural transition in flexible metal–organic frameworks

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    ゲート型吸着剤はガス分子をどう取り込む? --サブ秒でのX線回折測定が動的過程を紐解く--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-11-08.Flexible metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) exhibiting adsorption-induced structural transition can revolutionise adsorption separation processes, including CO₂ separation, which has become increasingly important in recent years. However, the kinetics of this structural transition remains poorly understood despite being crucial to process design. Here, the CO₂-induced gate opening of ELM-11 ([Cu(BF₄)₂(4, 4’-bipyridine)₂]n) is investigated by time-resolved in situ X-ray powder diffraction, and a theoretical kinetic model of this process is developed to gain atomistic insight into the transition dynamics. The thus-developed model consists of the differential pressure from the gate opening (indicating the ease of structural transition) and reaction model terms (indicating the transition propagation within the crystal). The reaction model of ELM-11 is an autocatalytic reaction with two pathways for CO₂ penetration of the framework. Moreover, gas adsorption analyses of two other flexible MOFs with different flexibilities indicate that the kinetics of the adsorption-induced structural transition is highly dependent on framework structure