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    Sposobnost probiotičkog proizvoda s niskim troškovima procijenjena je pri uzgoju vrste Penaeus monodon u vanjskom sustavu uzgoja tijekom 90 dana. Probiotski proizvod niske cijene formuliran je miješanjem bujonske kulture Bacillus cereus zajedno s komercijalnom praškastom kredom u omjeru 1: 1. Pripremljeni probiotički produkt uz dodatak praha inkorporiran je zajedno s hranom za rakove u obroke različite koncentracije (1 do 5%). Održivost B. cereusa u eksperimentalnoj prehrani testirana je jednom u 30 dana do 90 dana tijekom trajanja eksperimenta. Nakon 90 dana od početka hranidbenog istraživanja, određene su performanse rasta rakova. Utvrđena je maksimalna proizvodnja od 11,98 ± 0,367 g, SGR od 5,030 ± 0,171% i FCE od 86,63 ± 1,300% u P. monodon koji su hranjeni s D4 (4% dodatak probiotika). Imunološki parametri određeni na kraju eksperimenta pokazali su varijaciju među ishranama. Ukupni broj hemocita (273,66 ± 3,09 x 105 stanica / ml), aktivnost fenoloksidaze (0,132 ± 0,007 OD) i aktivnost respiratornog sustava (0,291 ± 0,020 OD) je bila visoka kod P. monodon koji su hranjeni s D4. Slični efekti zabilježeni su za koncentraciju proteina u plazmi (68,00 ± 1,41 mg / ml), aktivnost lizozima (0,483 ± 0,014 U / ml) i baktericidnu aktivnost (81,0 ± 1,33%) kod rakova hranjenih s D4. Zaključci ovog istraživanja su da je probiotički produkt u koncentraciji od 4% učinkovit za povećanje rasta i imunološke učinke kod rakova P. monodon.The capability of a low-cost probiotic product was evaluated in Penaeus monodon reared under an outdoor culture system for a period of 90 days. The low-cost probiotic product was formulated by mixing the broth culture of Bacillus cereus along with commercial chalk powder in 1:1 ratio. The prepared probiotic product as a powdered supplement was incorporated along with the shrimp diet at various concentrations (1 to 5%). The viability of B. cereus in the experimental diet was tested once in 30 days up to 90 days during the experimentation. After 90 days of feeding experiments, the growth performance of shrimp was determined with a maximum production of 11.98 ± 0.367 g, SGR of 5.030 ± 0.171% and FCE of 86.63 ± 1.300% in P. monodon fed D4 diet (4% probiotic supplement). The immunological parameters determined at the end of the culture experiment showed variation among diets. The total haemocyte count (273.66 ± 3.09 x 105 cells/ml), phenoloxidase activity (0.132 ± 0.007 OD) and respiratory burst activity (0.291 ± 0.020 O.D) were high in P. monodon fed D4 diet. Similar effects were observed for plasma protein concentration (68.00 ± 1.41 mg/ ml), lysozyme activity (0.483 ± 0.014 U/ml) and bactericidal activity (81.0 ± 1.33%) in shrimp fed D4 diet. The results of the present investigation conclude that the probiotic product at a concentration of 4% was effective in elevating the growth and immune performances in shrimp P. monodon

    Immunomodulatory and Growth-Promoting Potential of Lowcost Probiotic Product in Penaeus Monodon Culture System

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    The capability of a low-cost probiotic product was evaluated in Penaeus monodon reared under an outdoor culture system for a period of 90 days. The low-cost probiotic product was formulated by mixing the broth culture of Bacillus cereus along with commercial chalk powder in 1:1 ratio. The prepared probiotic product as a powdered supplement was incorporated along with the shrimp diet at various concentrations (1 to 5%). The viability of B. cereus in the experimental diet was tested once in 30 days up to 90 days during the experimentation. After 90 days of feeding experiments, the growth performance of shrimp was determined with a maximum production of 11.98 ± 0.367 g, SGR of 5.030 ± 0.171% and FCE of 86.63 ± 1.300% in P. monodon fed D4 diet (4% probiotic supplement). The immunological parameters determined at the end of the culture experiment showed variation among diets. The total haemocyte count (273.66 ± 3.09 x 105 cells/ml), phenoloxidase activity (0.132 ± 0.007 OD) and respiratory burst activity (0.291 ± 0.020 O.D) were high in P. monodon fed D4 diet. Similar effects were observed for plasma protein concentration (68.00 ± 1.41 mg/ ml), lysozyme activity (0.483 ± 0.014 U/ml) and bactericidal activity (81.0 ± 1.33%) in shrimp fed D4 diet. The results of the present investigation conclude that the probiotic product at a concentration of 4% was effective in elevating the growth and immune performances in shrimp P. monodon