1,256 research outputs found

    Confinement and Topological Charge in the Abelian Gauge of QCD

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    We study the relation between instantons and monopoles in the abelian gauge. First, we investigate the monopole in the multi-instanton solution in the continuum Yang-Mills theory using the Polyakov gauge. At a large instanton density, the monopole trajectory becomes highly complicated, which can be regarded as a signal of monopole condensation. Second, we study instantons and monopoles in the SU(2) lattice gauge theory both in the maximally abelian (MA) gauge and in the Polyakov gauge. Using the 163×416^3 \times 4 lattice, we find monopole dominance for instantons in the confinement phase even at finite temperatures. A linear-type correlation is found between the total monopole-loop length and the integral of the absolute value of the topological density (the total number of instantons and anti-instantons) in the MA gauge. We conjecture that instantons enhance the monopole-loop length and promote monopole condensation.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX, Talk presented at LATTICE96(topology

    Confinement Properties in the Multi-Instanton System

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    We investigate the confinement properties in the multi-instanton system, where the size distribution is assumed to be ρ−5 \rho^{-5} for the large instanton size ρ \rho . We find that the instanton vacuum gives the area law behavior of the Wilson loop, which indicates existence of the linear confining potential. In the multi-instanton system, the string tension increases monotonously with the instanton density, and takes the standard value σ≃1GeV/fm \sigma \simeq 1 GeV/fm for the density (N/V)1/4=200MeV (N/V)^{{1/4}} = 200 MeV . Thus, instantons directly relate to color confinement properties.Comment: Talk presented by M. Fukushima at ``Lattice '97'', the International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 22 - 26 July 1997, in Edinburgh, Scotland, 3 pages, Plain Late

    Instanton and Monopole in External Chromomagnetic Fields

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    We study properties of instanton and monopole in an external chromomagnetic field. Generally, the 't Hooft ansatz is no longer a solution of the Yang-Mills field equation in the presence of external fields. Therefore, we investigate a stabilized instanton solution with minimal total Yang-Mills action in a nontrivial topological sector. With this aim, we consider numerical minimization of the action with respect to the global color orientation, the anisotropic scale transformation and the local gauge-like transformation starting from a simple superposed gauge field of the 't Hooft ansatz and the external color field. Here, the external color field is, for simplicity, chosen to be a constant Abelian magnetic field along a certain direction. Then, the 4-dimensional rotational symmetry O(4) of the instanton solution is reduced to two 2-dimensional rotational symmetries O(2)×O(2)O(2)\times O(2) due to the effect of a homogeneous external field. In the space \mib{R}^{3} at fixed tt, we find a quadrupole deformation of this instanton solution. In the presence of a magnetic field H⃗\vec{H}, a prolate deformation occurs along the direction of H⃗\vec{H}. Contrastingly, in the presence of an electric field E⃗\vec{E} an oblate deformation occurs along the direction of E⃗\vec{E}. We further discuss the local correlation between the instanton and the monopole in the external field in the maximally Abelian gauge. The external field affects the appearance of the monopole trajectory around the instanton. In fact, a monopole and anti-monopole pair appears around the instanton center, and this monopole loop seems to partially screen the external field.Comment: 15 pages,8 figure

    Dirac-mode expansion for confinement and chiral symmetry breaking

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    We develop a manifestly gauge-covariant expansion and projection using the eigen-mode of the QCD Dirac operator. Applying this method to the Wilson loop and the Polyakov loop, we perform a direct analysis of the correlation between confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in SU(3) lattice QCD calculation on 6^4 at beta=5.6 at the quenched level. Notably, the Wilson loop is found to obey the area law, and the slope parameter corresponding to the string tension or the confinement force is almost unchanged, even after removing the low-lying Dirac modes, which are responsible to chiral symmetry breaking. We find also that the Polyakov loop remains to be almost zero even without the low-lying Dirac modes, which indicates the Z_3-unbroken confinement phase. These results indicate that one-to-one correspondence does not hold between confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Talk given at Conference: Lattice 201

    The System of Multi Color-flux-tubes in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory

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    We study the system of multi color-flux-tubes in terms of the dual Ginzburg -Landau theory. We consider two ideal cases, where the directions of all the color-flux-tubes are the same in one case and alternative in the other case for neighboring flux-tubes. We formulate the system of multi color-flux -tubes by regarding it as the system of two color-flux-tubes penetrating through a two dimensional sphere surface. We find the multi flux-tube configuration becomes uniform above some critical flux-tube number density ρc=1.3∌1.7fm−2\rho_c = 1.3 \sim 1.7 {\rm fm}^{-2}. On the other hand, the inhomogeneity on the color electric distribution appears when the flux-tube density is smaller than ρc\rho_c. We discuss the relation between the inhomogeneity in the color-electric distribution and the flux-tube number density in the multi-flux-tube system created during the QGP formation process in the ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collision.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex, ( 7 figures - available on request from [email protected]

    Clustering of Monopoles in the Instanton Vacuum

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    We generate a random instanton vacuum with various densities and size distributions. We perform numerically the maximally abelian gauge fixing of these configurations in order to find monopole trajectories induced by instantons. We find that instanton-induced monopole loops form enormous clusters occupying the whole physical volume, provided instantons are sufficiently dense. It indicates that confinement might be caused by instantons.Comment: 7 pages, Plain Latex, (3 figures - available on request from [email protected]

    Evidence of Strong Correlation between Instanton and QCD-monopole on SU(2) Lattice

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    The correlation between instantons and QCD-monopoles is studied both in the lattice gauge theory and in the continuum theory. An analytical study in the Polyakov-like gauge, where A4(x)A_4(x) is diagonalized, shows that the QCD-monopole trajectory penetrates the center of each instanton, and becomes complicated in the multi-instanton system. Using the SU(2) lattice with 16416^4, the instanton number is measured in the singular (monopole-dominating) and regular (photon-dominating) parts, respectively. The monopole dominance for the topological charge is found both in the maximally abelian gauge and in the Polyakov gauge.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 3 figures. Talk presented by H. Suganuma at International Symposium on 'Lattice Field Theory', July 11 - 15, 1995, Melbourne, Australi
