6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of simultaneous surgical operations in obesity patients

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    Aim is to study the quality of life in patients with obesity who underwent hernia repair, in comparison with patients who underwent a weight-correcting intervention. Materials and methods. On the basis of the University Clinic was performed a prospective study of 107 patients with incisional hernia, who underwent a prosthetic hernioplasty and whose BMI exceeded 35 kg/m2. All operated patients were divided into compared groups. The first group consisted of 36 (33.6%) patients who, in addition to hernia correction, underwent one of bariatric procedure. The second group consisted of 71 (66.4%) patients who underwent only prosthetic hernioplasty. In this groups was assessed the quality of life by SF-36 questionnaire before and 1 year after the operation. Results and discussion. It was found a correlation between the weight-correction surgery with the physical component of health, indicating a decrease in the role of physical problems in limiting the patient's life. Significant differences were revealed on the scales of physical functioning, health assessment, and the physical component of quality of life. Conclusion. Performing a simultaneous bariatric surgery with hernia repair improves the quality of life in these patients

    Ghrelin concentration before and after bariatric surgery

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    Introduction. Aim of the work is to study the concentration of ghrelin before and after bariatric gastric surgery in patients with morbid obesity. Materials and methods. A study of ghrelin levels was carried out in 25 patients with morbid obesity who underwent restrictive bariatric surgery (13 gastroplications and 12 “sleeve resections” of the stomach). Results and discussion. The initial level of ghrelin in the blood in patients with morbid obesity was lower compared to the levels determined with normal body weight. We did not observe the expected decrease in ghrelin levels during resection of the fundic ghrelin-producing part of the stomach. Conclusion. A clinical study shows that changes in gastric volume after restrictive bariatric interventions (sleeve resection or gastropplication) are accompanied by a slight increase in blood ghrelin levels; this increase is greater the higher the percentage of body weight loss after surgery. Deeper study of this area will help identify new strategies for treating morbid obesity in the future

    Regional geological factors and diabetes

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    Chemical composition of soils is influenced by both natural phenomena, such as destruction of rocks and man-made factors associated with disposal of oil waste and ore processing plants. The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the data about the impact of area of residence on development of diabetes, as well as the prevalence of the disease. A great variety of geological structures (platform foredeep, folded region) and rocks (sedimentary, volcanic, igneous, metamorphic rocks of different composition, structure and age) on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan determines the regional characteristics of microelement profile of the biosphere, the region can be used as a unique scientific testing ground to study the medical and biological role of geological factors. The main aim of the research is to study the effect of geological factors and features of microelement composition of terrain on development of diabetes. The methods used in the study. The authors have used the results of soil testing for the content of 45 chemical elements in different geological areas, estimated the prevalence of diabetes in the Republic of Bashkortostan according to the data of the diabetes register for 2010-2014 depending on geological conditions of the area; plot the prevalence map using the program ArcGIS 10.2, the method of classification is «natural breaks». The results. The paper demonstrates the consistency of the regional geological conditions with the features of the elemental composition of terrain and the prevalence of diabetes. The areas of carbonate rocks and the increased concentration of tectonic dislocations are associated with increase in the iron and beryllium content in the soil and decrease of the disease prevalence. The territory with the rocks of continental origin is characterized by the decrease in iron and beryllium level in the soil and relative increase in the prevalence of diabetes

    Evaluation of simultaneous surgical operations in obesity patients

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    Aim is to study the quality of life in patients with obesity who underwent hernia repair, in comparison with patients who underwent a weight-correcting intervention. Materials and methods. On the basis of the University Clinic was performed a prospective study of 107 patients with incisional hernia, who underwent a prosthetic hernioplasty and whose BMI exceeded 35 kg/m2. All operated patients were divided into compared groups. The first group consisted of 36 (33.6%) patients who, in addition to hernia correction, underwent one of bariatric procedure. The second group consisted of 71 (66.4%) patients who underwent only prosthetic hernioplasty. In this groups was assessed the quality of life by SF-36 questionnaire before and 1 year after the operation. Results and discussion. It was found a correlation between the weight-correction surgery with the physical component of health, indicating a decrease in the role of physical problems in limiting the patient's life. Significant differences were revealed on the scales of physical functioning, health assessment, and the physical component of quality of life. Conclusion. Performing a simultaneous bariatric surgery with hernia repair improves the quality of life in these patients

    Ghrelin concentration before and after bariatric surgery

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    Introduction. Aim of the work is to study the concentration of ghrelin before and after bariatric gastric surgery in patients with morbid obesity. Materials and methods. A study of ghrelin levels was carried out in 25 patients with morbid obesity who underwent restrictive bariatric surgery (13 gastroplications and 12 “sleeve resections” of the stomach). Results and discussion. The initial level of ghrelin in the blood in patients with morbid obesity was lower compared to the levels determined with normal body weight. We did not observe the expected decrease in ghrelin levels during resection of the fundic ghrelin-producing part of the stomach. Conclusion. A clinical study shows that changes in gastric volume after restrictive bariatric interventions (sleeve resection or gastropplication) are accompanied by a slight increase in blood ghrelin levels; this increase is greater the higher the percentage of body weight loss after surgery. Deeper study of this area will help identify new strategies for treating morbid obesity in the future

    Regional geological factors and diabetes

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    На геохимический состав почв оказывают существенное влияние как природные явления, такие как естественное разрушение горных пород, так и техногенные факторы, связанные с утилизацией отходов нефте- и горнодобывающих, а также горнообогатительных предприятий. Актуальность работы обусловлена широкой распространенностью сахарного диабета и его медико-социальной значимостью. Большое разнообразие геологических структур (платформа, предгорный прогиб, складчатая область) и горных пород (осадочные, вулканогенные, магматические, метаморфические породы различного состава, строения и возраста) в пределах Республики Башкортостан, обусловливающее региональные особенности микроэлементного профиля биосферы, позволяет использовать данный регион как уникальный научный полигон для изучения медико-биологической роли геологических факторов. Цель работы: изучить влияние геологических факторов и особенностей микроэлементного состава местности на развитие сахарного диабета. Методы исследования. Использованы результаты опробования почв на содержание 45 химических элементов в различных геологических зонах, оценена распространенность сахарного диабета в Республике Башкортостан по данным регистра диабета за 2010-2014 гг. в зависимости от геологических условий местности; проведено картирование распространенности заболевания с использованием программы ArcGIS 10.2, метод классификации - «natural breaks». Результаты. Показана согласованность региональных геологических условий с особенностями элементного состава местности и распространенностью сахарного диабета. Зоны развития карбонатных пород и повышенной концентрации тектонических дислокаций ассоциируются с увеличением содержания железа и бериллия в почве и снижением распространенности заболевания. Территория, сложенная породами континентального происхождения, характеризуется снижением уровня железа и бериллия в почве и относительным повышением распространенности сахарного диабета.Chemical composition of soils is influenced by both natural phenomena, such as destruction of rocks and man-made factors associated with disposal of oil waste and ore processing plants. The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the data about the impact of area of residence on development of diabetes, as well as the prevalence of the disease. A great variety of geological structures (platform foredeep, folded region) and rocks (sedimentary, volcanic, igneous, metamorphic rocks of different composition, structure and age) on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan determines the regional characteristics of microelement profile of the biosphere, the region can be used as a unique scientific testing ground to study the medical and biological role of geological factors. The main aim of the research is to study the effect of geological factors and features of microelement composition of terrain on development of diabetes. The methods used in the study. The authors have used the results of soil testing for the content of 45 chemical elements in different geological areas, estimated the prevalence of diabetes in the Republic of Bashkortostan according to the data of the diabetes register for 2010-2014 depending on geological conditions of the area; plot the prevalence map using the program ArcGIS 10.2, the method of classification is «natural breaks». The results. The paper demonstrates the consistency of the regional geological conditions with the features of the elemental composition of terrain and the prevalence of diabetes. The areas of carbonate rocks and the increased concentration of tectonic dislocations are associated with increase in the iron and beryllium content in the soil and decrease of the disease prevalence. The territory with the rocks of continental origin is characterized by the decrease in iron and beryllium level in the soil and relative increase in the prevalence of diabetes