14 research outputs found

    Estructura y composición florística arbórea en dos tipos de bosque en la Zona de Amortiguamiento, Reserva Nacional de Tambopata

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    Resumén Se presenta un análisis y comparación de la diversidad, estructura y composición florística de dos tipos de bosque (de tierra firme e inundable) en dos concesiones de conservación en la Zona de Amortiguamiento de la Reserva Nacional Tambopata (Madre de Dios, Perú). Se instalaron 2 parcelas de 10 m x 500 m (0,5 ha) por tipo de bosque, donde se inventarió todos los individuos con un diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP) ≥ 10 cm. Se realizó la caracterización estructural de ambos tipos de bosque, se calculó la diversidad en ellos y se estudió la similitud entre ellos. Los resultados sugieren diferencias entre los dos tipos de bosque en términos de abundancia, dominancia, estructura y composición florística de acuerdo con otros estudios en la Amazonia. La diversidad de especies fue alta en el bosque de tierra firme (α-Fischer 84,4–57,4 y H' 4,0–4,5) y baja en el bosque inundable (α-Fischer 39.9 – 42.4, H' 3.3 – 3.4). Arecaceae fue la familia más importante en los bosques inundables, mientras que Moraceae fue la familia más importante en los bosques de tierra firme. Ficus gomelleira, Pterocarpus amazonum, Hevea guianensis, y Socratea exorrhiza fueron las especies más importantes en los bosques de tierra firme, mientras que Iriartea deltoidea, Otoba parvifolia y Pseudolmedia laevis, fueron las más importantes en los bosques inundables. La composición florística fue diferente entre los dos tipos de bosque, con 19,3 % de similitud en promedio (distancia de Bray-Curtis). Nuestros resultados coinciden con los obtenidos en otras investigaciones para la Amazonía Peruana. AbstractThe aim of this study was to compare and analyze the diversity, structure and floristic composition of two forest types at buffer zone of the Tambopata National Reserve (Madre de Dios). Two plots per forest types of 10 m x 500 m (0.5 ha) were used, where all individuals with a diameter at the breast height DBH ≥ 10 cm were inventoried. The total height (HT) and DBH of all tree individuals were measured. In the structural analysis, DBH size classes, density, dominance, and the importance index were calculated. We calculated the Shannon-Weaver index, α-Fischer index, and Bray-Curtis distance to evaluate the species diversity and similarity between the two forest types. The results suggest differences between forest types in terms of abundance, dominance, structure and floristic composition in agreement with other studies in the Amazonia. The species diversity is higher the terra firme forest (α-Fischer 84.4–57.4 y H' 4.0–4.5) than in the flooded forest (α-Fischer 39.9 – 42.4 y H' 3.3 – 3.4). The Arecaceae was the most important family in the flooded forest while the Moraceae was the most important family in terra firme forest. Ficus gomelleira, Pterocarpus amazonum, Hevea guianensis, and Socratea exorrhiza were the most important species in terra firme&nbsp

    Inventario Florístico y Estado de Conservación en un Bosque de Tierra Firme en la Concesión de Conservación “Gallocunca” del Sector Baltimore, Tambopata, Madre de Dios

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    Se realizó el inventario florístico en la Concesión para Conservación “Gallocunca”, localizada en el Sector Baltimore del Margen Izquierda del Rio Tambopata. Se establecieron 12 parcelas de 100 x 50 m, donde se registró los individuos con DAP > 10 cm y para la parcelas de 20 x 20 m se registró las especies arbóreas y Lianas con DAP > 2.5 cm. Las familias con mayor número de especies registradas fueron Fabaceae (59), Lauraceae (29) y Moraceae (29).Se encontraron 12 especies se encuentran con alguna categoría de protección. Los resultados sugieren que los bosques de tierra firme en la concesión son los más continuos y que están en mejor estado de Conservación que sus similares de Cicra e Inkaterra; por lo que es necesario planificar las futuras estrategia y política de conservación para la protección su flora silvestre, y sus ecosistemas

    Influencia de la conservación de bosques en la diversidad y composición florística arbórea en el sureste de la Amazonía peruana

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue de evaluar la influencia de la conservación de bosques en la diversidad y composición florística en Madre de Dios (Perú). Analizamos 53 transectos Gentry en bosques protegidos y no protegidos. Todos los individuos con un DAP ≥ 2,5 cm fueron registrados y se calculó los atributos florísticos de riqueza de especies, géneros, familias y diversidad. El ANOVA fue utilizado para la comparación de atributos florísticos y se utilizaron técnicas multivariadas para evaluar y representar la similitud florística. Un total de 915 especies fueron registradas, representadas en 11404 individuos, 329 géneros y 90 familias. La riqueza de especies encontradas en el presente estudio es inferior a otros estudios en la Amazonía Peruana. En los bosques protegidos la abundancia fue significativamente superior a los bosques no protegidos. En los bosques de terraza alta se encontraron una mayor riqueza y diversidad de especies que en los de terraza inundable. Interesantemente, no encontramos diferencias significativas en la riqueza y diversidad de especies entre los bosques de terraza alta protegidos y no protegidos (ANOVA, P<0,05), pero si encontramos diferencias significativas en la composición florística entre estos dos tipos de bosques (PERMANOVA, P<0,001). Estimamos que en Madre de Dios existen 1430±130 especies de árboles >2,5cm DAP

    Effects of temperature and hydrocolloids on the rheological characteristics of coating batters

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    WOS: 000406023300025The rheological properties and water retention capacities of wheat-rice and wheat-corn flour based coating batters with specific hydrocolloids methylcellulose (MC) or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) at different temperatures (5, 15, 25 degrees C) were determined. All batter formulations showed pseudo-plastic flow behaviour. Consistency index values of wheat-rice and wheat-corn flours were between 10.33 and 81.58 Pa s(n); 9.59-80.49 Pa s(n) (with MC) and 5.20-20.26 Pa s(n); 4.74-19.77 Pa s(n) (with HPMC) respectively. Wheat-rice flour combination at 5 degrees C and 1.5% MC concentration had the highest water retention capacity (79.36%). The maximum activation energies of MC and HPMC were 47.65 and 23.66 kJ-mole(-1). Activation energies of batters indicated that MC-samples exhibited the highest temperature dependency.Ege University, Scientific Research Projects UnitEge University [12-MUH-015]Authors are thankful to Ege University, Scientific Research Projects Unit for financial support (Project Number: 12-MUH-015)

    Resilience of Aboveground Biomass of Secondary Forests Following the Abandonment of Gold Mining Activity in the Southeastern Peruvian Amazon

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    Amazon rainforests are critical for providing a wide range of ecosystem services. In the Southeastern Peruvian Amazon; however, goldmining activities are causing severe soil degradation and forest loss. We analyzed aboveground biomass (AGB), forest structure, and species diversity recovery during secondary succession in 179 forest plots. Our study provides the first field-based quantification of AGB recovery following the abandonment by two types of goldmining (heavy machinery and suction pumping) in Madre de Dios (Peru). We found that successional secondary forests in areas subjected to suction pumping were more resilient than those in areas subjected to heavy machinery. After 20 years, mean AGB in suction pumping mining areas had reached 56% of reference forest AGB, while in areas of heavy machinery mining it was only 18%. Mining type, stand age, and distance from the forest edge had a significant effect on AGB. The influence of the distance from the forest edge on AGB varies according to mining type because the effects of species diversity on AGB are mediated by the distance from the forest edge. Our results clearly showed the dynamics of AGB recovery across a secondary succession after goldmining, and the contrasting responses of AGB between the two mining types. Our study disentangles the importance of key factors in forest recovery after mining and improves understanding of the resilience of biomass accumulation in these highly degraded ecosystems

    Influence of Distance from Forest Edges on Spontaneous Vegetation Succession Following Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Southeast Peruvian Amazon

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    Few studies describe the factors that influence the natural regeneration in abandoned gold mining areas in the Amazon. Here we focus on the influence of the distance to the forest edge and abandonment time in a spontaneous succession of degraded areas by gold mining in the southeastern Peruvian Amazon. We assessed woody species composition (DBH ≥ 1 cm) and forest stand structure across a chronosequence (2–23 years). A total of 79 species belonging to 30 families were identified. The natural regeneration was dominated by Fabaceae, Malvaceae, and Urticaceae. Together, they represented 60% of the importance index. Cecropia membranacea and Ochroma pyramidale were the dominant pioneer species at the initial successional stage. The basal area and species diversity were directly related to time after abandonment and inversely related to the distance to forest edges. The distance-based redundancy analysis showed that more of the variation in species composition was explained by distance to the forest edge than the abandonment time. Our study revealed that regeneration was relatively slow and provided evidence that the distance to the forest edge is important for natural regeneration in areas degraded by gold mining

    Trade-offs among forest value components in community forests of southwestern Amazonia

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    Contemporary conservation interventions must balance potential trade-offs between multiple ecosystem services. In tropical forests, much attention has focused on the extent to which carbon-based conservation provided by REDD+ policies can also mitigate biodiversity conservation. In the nearly one-third of tropical forests that are community owned or managed, conservation strategies must also balance the multiple uses of forest products that support local livelihoods. Although much discussion has focused on policy options, little empirical evidence exists to evaluate the potential for trade-offs among different tropical forest value components. We assessed multiple components of forest value, including tree diversity, carbon stocks, and both timber and nontimber forest product resources, in forest communities across the trinational frontier of Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia. We installed 69 0.5-ha vegetation plots in local communities, and we characterized 15 components of forest value for each plot. Principal components analyses revealed two major axes of forest value, the first of which defined a trade-off between diversity of woody plant communities (taxonomic and functional) versus aboveground biomass and standing timber volume. The second axis described abundance of commercial species, with strong positive loadings for density of timber and nontimber forest products, including Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) and copaiba oil (Copaifera spp.). The observed trade-off between different components of forest value suggests a potential for management conflicts prioritizing biodiversity conservation versus carbon stocks in the region. We discuss the potential for integrative indices of forest value for tropical forest conservation