17 research outputs found

    Formative Process of Regional Concentration in a JapaneseWhaling Fishing Ground in the Edo Period : Analysis of the Particularity of the SaikaiWhaling Industry Area

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    The whaling industry in early modern Japan was the greatest fishery in Edo period. At the time, whaling was mainly conducted in four districts (i.e. Kishu, Tosa, Tyosyu, and Saikai). whaling industry was carried on by large−scaled industrial management object which was called “whaling organization (kujira−gumi)”. I have for my object to make the regional concentration process of the whaling fishing ground in Goto Han clear about a whaling industry in Goto Han who didn’t also aim so much in the Saikai area this time. That was separated 3 periods in an extended period from Enpo and a Genroku period to Bunsei and a Tenpo period here in particular, and a change and the development process of the “whaling organization (kujira−gumi)” in Goto Han were considered, also considering a relation with a financial problem of Goto Han. When saying a whaling industry in Saikai area in the Edo Period up to now, I was very strong in an image of an achievement of Fukazawagumi of Omura han and a big “whaling organization (kujira−gumi)” of 3, Nakao, Doi and Mastomi. On the other hand, activity of the Eguchi family of Arikawa village was learned about in Goto Han, too. But development of the “whaling organization (kujira−gumi)” of the former and the latter has been talked on separately without associating. But, the Saikai area “whaling organization (kujira−gumi)”which can have talked on individual “whaling organization (kujira−gumi)” management and its development process independently respectively up to now was intermingled in a whaling fishing ground of Goto Han actually by this analysis. Moreover it was revealed that habitat segregation was done by a fishing ground as for the latter period in the Edo Period. And when it was considered from a geographical side, regional centralization in a whaling fishing ground in Nishiumi area was seen, and moreover it was revealed that a differentiation phenomenon in a winter fishing ground and a fishing ground in spring has formed. It’s understood to be different from a whaling industry area of 3, other Kishu, Tosa and Nagasu from the thing.In other words, it was being enabled that management activity in fishing ground area of sea of a whaling industry in this Saikai area is formed beyond the Han. Development of a whaling industry management was seen aggressively in the the inter−han whaling industry which is the characteristic of the Saikai whaling industry area here. That led to successive development by the “whaling organization (kujira−gumi)” from formation in the first term in the Edo Period in this whaling industry area to the latter period. Above, the geographical angle as well as the historical science−like angle of the ancient document emphasis were taken in by the main subject. And I made it clear about formative process in a whaling industry area in Japan in the Edo Period when I had almost no studies up to now by that. Moreover the local industry as a large− scale whaling industry and concerning in Han fief were made clear

    長州捕鯨業と九州鯨組との関係についての一考察 -寛政二・三年大村藩深澤与六郎組入漁から探る-

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    第IV部 研究論文研究ノー

    Expansion Process of the Masutomi Matazaemon Whaling Group in the Saikai Whaling Industry Area

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    本稿では、近世中後期の西海捕鯨業地域における平戸藩生月島の益冨組の経営展開について分析することが目的である。具体的な分析内容と結論の概略は以下の通りである。 筆者は、益冨組が本格的に文政・天保期(1818 ~ 1843)以降、平戸藩領域よりも春鯨を多く捕獲することが可能であった大村・五島両藩の捕鯨漁場へ幕末期まで藩際経営を展開した点について明らかにした。その後、筆者は、神奈川大学日本常民文化研究所に所蔵されている『漁業制度資料 筆写稿本』所収の益冨治保家文書に含まれる重要な資料を翻刻する機会を得ることができた。そのなかで、益冨組が他領国における藩際捕鯨業へ転じる以前の宝暦・安永期(1751 ~ 1780)に平戸藩領域の有数な捕鯨漁場を掌握する過程を解明した。 今回も筆写稿本所収の益冨家文書を翻刻および活用し、益冨組が平戸藩領域を越えて他領国の捕鯨漁場において藩際経営の展開を開始した時期はいつ頃であり、生月島より南に位置する大村・五島両藩の捕鯨漁場以外に出漁した領国はなかったか、という点について解明することを目的とする。第1 に、天明8(1788)年の的山大島の冬浦と翌寛政元(1789)年の平戸島津吉の春浦における益冨組の運上銀史料を翻刻し、天明・寛政期(1781 ~ 1800)の平戸藩領域における益冨組の経営展開について分析した。第2 に、文化期(1804 ~ 1817)前半の益冨組による対馬藩の廻浦への出漁に関する史料を翻刻し、対馬藩における益冨組の藩際経営について分析を行い、次のことを明らかにすることができた。 益冨組は、天明期までに平戸藩領域の有数な冬・春両浦の捕鯨漁場を、平戸藩壱岐の土肥組とともに多額の運上を支払うかわりに獲得した。しかし、それらの捕鯨漁場の地域性から春浦では冬浦に比べて不漁となることが多々あった。そのために益冨組は、寛政期後半から文化期にかけて捕鯨漁場を大村・五島両藩の春浦のみならず、対馬藩の春浦へも拡大した。これは、益冨組が近世後期の西海捕鯨業地域における最大の巨大鯨組に成長し、独自の西海捕鯨業地域を形成することに繋がることであった


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