6 research outputs found


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    媽祖信仰超過一千年,歷史上最早提及媽祖的著作是北宋徐兢的《宣和奉使高麗圖經》。其云:「以一葉之舟,泛重溟之險,惟持宗社之福,當時波神效順以濟。」因當時媽祖信仰才剛剛形成和傳播,徐兢不知其名,故稱媽祖為「波神」。最早以廟記形式記載媽祖的地方史志則是南宋丁伯桂的《順濟聖妃廟記》。媽祖的背景眾說紛紜,其形象又隨時間而演變,有神話化的傾向。自宋至清,統治者由於不同理由,多次褒封媽祖。從媽祖各次的受封中,可窺見統治者的意識形態。而這又影響著媽祖神功、神稱的發展。媽祖神功、神稱與朝廷褒封遂形成密切的關係。 本文先闡述媽祖的背景,再透過了解媽祖形象、事蹟的演變,分析媽祖神話化的原因。本文又以上述部分為基础,詳細闡述儒釋道集於媽祖的原因。另外,本文針對朝廷對媽祖形象發展的影響,探討媽祖神功、神稱與朝廷褒封的關係


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    A study of Xu Hao's Shuowen jiezi zhu jian = 徐灝《說文解字注箋》研究

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    Shuowen Jiezi Zhu Jian說文解字注箋was written by Xu Hao徐灝(1810-1879), a Chinese scholar in Qing Dynasty, to supplement and revise on the Shuowen Jiezi Zhu說文解字注compiled by Duan Yucai段玉裁. Although Duan’s bookwas authoritative in the interpretation of Xu Shen’s 許慎Shuowen Jiezi說文解字, the annotation is too voluminous that there are sometimes inevitable omissions, lack of textual evidence and excess of subjectivity. After thorough examination, Xu Hao revised and supplemented Duan’s book, and established his own school of thought. Xu Hao’s Shuowen Jiezi Zhu Jian received little attention in the Qing Dynasty. It was not until the recent years that his work began to gain respect and value among different schools studying Shuowen Jiezi. This work aims to investigate the concept of Chinese character classification described in Xu Hao’s Shuowen Jiezi Zhu Jian, and the use of unearthed ancient text material. It is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is an introduction containing six sections presenting the research scope, motivation, purpose, methods, and value of this paper, as well as the contributions of previous studies. Chapter two contains two sections introducing the biography of Xu Hao; a section on his birth, family history, education profile, political career, friends, and writing attitude, and another on his motivation for writing Shuowen Jiezi Zhu Jian, as well as the study of different book editions. In Chapter three, the concept of Chinese character classification implied in Xu Hao’s Shuowen Jiezi Zhu Jianis reviewed. This chapter summarizes and analyzes Xu’s views about pictograms, simple ideograms, compound ideographs, rebus characters, phonosemantic compound characters, and derivative cognates. Additionally, the views of Xu Hao and Duan Yucai regarding Chinese character classification are compared, and Xu’s theory of language and characters is discussed. Chapter four describes how unearthed ancient text material is presented in Xu Hao’s Shuowen Jiezi Zhu Jianby determiningthe frequency of ancient characters and then categorizing them. Subsequently, how Xu used the ancient characters to examine the form, pronunciation, and meaning of the characters is analyzed using the approval, disapproval, and complementary sections in Duan’s Shuowen Jiezi Zhu.published_or_final_versionChineseMasterMaster of Philosoph

    Premorbid, clinical and cognitive correlates of primary negative symptoms in first-episode psychosis

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.Negative symptoms are a core psychopathological dimension of psychotic disorders. Previous research on primary negative symptoms (PNS) mostly focused on chronic samples. Data regarding premorbid, clinical and cognitive correlates of PNS in the early illness course are limited and inconsistent. In this study, we assessed 355 Hong Kong Chinese adult patients presenting with first-episode psychosis (FEP) to early intervention service with an aim to examine the prevalence of PNS and its relationships with premorbid adjustment, clinical and cognitive profiles. PNS was defined as the presence of clinically significant negative symptoms excluding depression, positive symptoms and extrapyramidal signs. Results showed that 14.6% of patients exhibited PNS at service entry. PNS group had poorer premorbid social functioning, lower level of insight, and worse performance in Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting and digit symbol tests than non-PNS group. Logistic regression analysis showed that premorbid social functioning and digit symbol test score were independently associated with PNS. Our findings thus indicate that PNS are frequently observed in FEP patients. Deficits in proceeding speed, alongside impaired premorbid social functioning, might be specifically related to PNS in the early illness stage.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex